
shì jiè hǎi ɡuān zǔ zhī
  • World Customs Organization
  1. 新加坡卫生科学局和CODFIN(假药法医调查网络)的实验室提供了法医鉴识的帮助,而世界海关组织提供了支持。

    The laboratories of Singapore 's Health Sciences Authority and CODFIN ( Counterfeit Drug Forensic Investigation Network ) helped with forensics , and the World Customs Organization provided support .

  2. 世界海关组织,是世界范围内唯一的专门研究海关技术和事务的政府间国际组织。

    World Customs Organization ( WCO ) is the only inter-governmental international organization dealing with customs technology and research in the international sphere .

  3. 第四章介绍了世界海关组织制定的《协调制度》,以及该协调制度在WTO法律框架下的适用和地位,并着重分析了相关的三个WTO争端案件。

    Chapter 4 introduces the WCO-made Harmonization System , the application and status of the System in the WTO as well as three relevant WTO disputes .

  4. 最后为本篇论文的结语,对于世界海关组织和WTO的关系作了总结,并对成因作了分析。

    The last part is a concluding summary of the paper , summarizing the relationship between the WCO and the WTO as well as exploring the contributing factors .

  5. 世界海关组织(worldcustomsorganization)委托进行的一项研究发现,由于美国的一项反恐法案要求所有集装箱在装载前都要接受扫描,这将使世界贸易增长进一步放缓。

    World trade growth is set to slow further because of a US anti-terrorism law requiring all shipping containers to be scanned before embarkation , according to research commissioned by the World Customs Organisation .

  6. 第五章主要关注时下WTO的热点议题&贸易便利化,分析了世界海关组织为此所有主要努力和所扮演的重要角色。

    Chapter 5 focuses on the hot topic in the WTO , i.e. trade facilitation , and analyses the major contribution and efforts that the WCO has made in promoting the negotiation thereof .

  7. 基于PICARD项目的学术机构与世界海关组织的合作机制研究

    The Research on the Cooperative Mechanism between the Academic Institute and WCO-Set PICARD Program as Example

  8. 世界海关组织在WTO中所发挥的巨大作用和重要角色,不容置疑地告诉我们,国际海关合作法是国际经济法的一个重要组成部分,也是一个需要我们花时间深入研宄的领域。

    The afore-mentioned function , which the WCO has performed in the WTO , has unequivocally reminded us that international customs cooperation law is an important part of international economic law and is worth much more effort for an in-depth research .

  9. 世界海关组织周年大会

    Annual General Meeting of the World Customs Organizatio

  10. 截至二零零一年十二月,世界海关组织共有159个成员。

    As at December , the WCO comprised a world-wide membership of 159 Customs administrations .

  11. 香港海关积极参与世界海关组织的工作,同时也是该组织的政策委员会委员。

    The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department takes part actively in WCO business . It also participates in the organisation 's Policy Commission .

  12. 此外,多个国际机构,包括亚洲开发银行、国际刑警、联合国和世界海关组织,均派代表出席。

    Also attending were representatives from international institutions including the Asian Development bank , interpol , the United Nations and the world customs organization .

  13. 为此,世界海关组织推出了《全球贸易安全与便利标准框架》,将两者之间的关系界定为伙伴关系。

    Thereof , the World Customs Organization promulgated Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade so as to define the Customs-business partnership .

  14. 世界海关组织每年都会为国际海关节订立特别的主题,以促进海关合作。

    Each year , the Wor1d Customs Organisation dedicates International Customs Day to a special theme to promote international Customs co-operation to tackle an issue of common concern .

  15. 世界海关组织的宗旨是协调和统一世界各地的海关程序,从而提高各地海关的工作成效并促进贸易。

    The World Customs Organisation ( WCO ) aims at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations and facilitating trade by achieving harmony and uniformity in customs procedures world-wide .

  16. 第二章具体介绍了世界海关组织对海关暂准进口制度的简化与协调,着重探讨了世界海关组织的相关公约对暂准进口制度的规制。

    The second chapter introduces the coordination and simplification of temporary importation procedure by World Customs Organization , focusing on the regulation of temporary importation formalities by the conventions of World Customs Organization .

  17. 从1984年起,中国多次派代表团出席联合国、国际刑警组织、世界海关组织和世界卫生组织召开的禁毒国际会议。

    Beginning in1984 , China has sent delegations many times to attend international drug control meetings held by the United nations , the International Criminal Police organization , the World Customs Organization and the world health organization .

  18. 六月间,世界海关组织在布鲁塞尔举行的会员大会上,采纳了海关诚信行动计划,并通过经修订的《京都公约》文本。该文本为下世纪的海关程序订定蓝图。

    At its Council sessions held in Brussels in june , the WCO adopted an integrity action plan and approved the revised text of the Kyoto Convention which will serve as the blueprint for customs procedures in the next century .