
  • 网络Mobile World Congress;MWC;Barcelona Mobile World Congress
  1. 今年的世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)预计将有10万人参加。

    About 100000 people will attend Mobile World Congress this year .

  2. 中兴开发的智能手表已在国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)以及世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)等商贸展会上亮过相了。

    The ZTE smartwatch has already been shown off at trade shows such as CES and Mobile World Congress .

  3. 周一,科技和电信业盛事世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)将在巴塞罗那开幕。围绕5G展开的行动将在为期四天的大会上亮相。

    The efforts around 5G will be on display at Mobile World Congress , a four-day tech and telecom event in Barcelona that begins on Monday .

  4. 在昨日举行的巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上,他提出新服务将与以下产品有相似之处:谷歌曾经研发了自己的Nexus品牌智能手机,但由其他手机制造商进行生产。

    Speaking at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona yesterday , he pointed to parallels with how Google had developed its own smartphones under the Nexus brand , which were manufactured by other handset makers .

  5. 中国华为(Huawei)在世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)第一展厅占据的巨大展台,昭示了它作为一家全球电信设备提供商的抱负。

    The scale of Huawei 's ambitions as a provider of global telecoms equipment was made apparent by the size of the vast building it occupied in the first hall met by visitors entering Mobile World Congress .

  6. YogaTablet10HD+是联想集团在巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布的一款平板电脑,据联想集团说,这款产品内置的应用程序能够帮助用户分享、保护和管理自己的数据。

    The Yoga Tablet 10 HD + , which the Chinese personal-computer maker just unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , comes with apps that Lenovo says help users share , protect and manage their data .

  7. 在上月的年度巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上,欧洲移动运营商的高管们称,他们担心监管限制和经济增长疲软会抑制欧洲4G网络的建设。

    At last month 's annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , executives from European mobile operators expressed worries that the combination of regulatory constraints and sluggish economic growth would curtail construction of 4G networks in the continent .

  8. 华为已试水可穿戴设备领域,华为Watch2搭载安卓(Android)操作系统,可以连网,还能当做健身监测器,该设备于本周在巴塞罗马世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布。

    Huawei has experimented with wearables . Its Huawei Watch 2 , which uses the Android operating system , has online connectivity and acts as a fitness monitor , was launched at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week .

  9. 沃达丰首席执行官维托里奥柯拉奥(VittorioColao)上周在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上表示,BT等规模较大的老牌运营商正谋求通过它们在固话领域的垄断获益。

    Vittorio Colao , chief executive of Vodafone , said at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last week that larger incumbents such as BT were seeking to benefit from their fixed-line monopolies .

  10. 华为在西班牙举行的世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布了智能手环TalkBandB1。与大多数腕式智能设备一样,TalkBand具有时钟和健康追踪功能。

    Huawei 's TalkBand B1 , unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Spain , is similar to most other smart bands worn around the wrist , keeping time and offering health-tracking features .

  11. 作为华为的三位轮值首席执行官(CEO)之一,徐直军(EricXu)在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发表了讲话。他表示,华为去年在美国市场因缺乏新产品而处境艰难。

    Talking at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , Eric Xu , one of the three rotating chief executives of the Chinese telecoms equipment maker , said the company had suffered last year in the US due to a lack of new products .

  12. HTC还在此次世界移动通信大会上发布了其他智能设备,这将帮助它跟上三星等竞争对手的步伐,这些竞争对手正在推出它们最新的智能手机和可穿戴技术。

    HTC used the Mobile World Congress to announce other smart devices to help it keep track with rivals such as Samsung that are launching their latest smartphones and wearable technology .

  13. GalaxyS8预计将于2017年2月26日在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会开幕的前一天正式推出。

    Galaxy S8 is expected to be launched on Feb. 26 , 2017 , one day ahead of the opening of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , Spain .

  14. 近几年,三星一直在世界移动通信大会(MWC)的间隙发布新款GalaxyS。MWC通常在2月末与3月初期间举行。

    Samsung has in recent years announced new Galaxy S smartphones on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress trade show , which usually takes place between late February and early March .

  15. 上周日在记者云集的巴赛罗纳2015年世界移动通信大会上,三星发布了Galaxy系列手机的最新力作:galaxys6和S6Edge。

    On Sunday , in a room filled with technology journalists in Barcelona , Samsung used the 2015 installment of Mobile World Congress to announce the latest models of its Galaxy line of smartphones : the S6 and S6 Edge .

  16. 诺基亚传奇3310手机将在芬兰巨头诺基亚大举卷土重来之际重出江湖。据报道这款经典手机将在本月的世界移动通信大会上重新发布,届时诺基亚手机制造商HMD公司还将推出一系列诺基亚新款设备。

    Nokia is going to bring back the historic 3310 in the biggest tech comeback of all time . A homage to the Finnish giant 's classic feature phone will reportedly be released later this month when HMD unveils its new range of Nokia branded devices at Mobile World Congress .

  17. 华为在为巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会准备的一段视频中推出了这款新设备。

    Huawei unveiled the new device in a video prepared for the now-cancelled Mobile World Congress in Barcelona .

  18. 出席世界移动通信大会的网络设备制造商们将努力兑现“打造完全数字化、时时互联的社会”的承诺。

    Network equipment makers at Mobile World Congress will try to deliver on the promise of a fully digital and constantly connected society .

  19. 在巴塞罗那的世界移动通信大会开幕前,华为就已经在中国社交媒体网站?其首款可穿戴设备造势。不过,作为一个消费者品牌,华为还没有什么知名度。

    Ahead of the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona , Huawei , still little-known as a consumer brand , was teasing its first wearable device on Chinese social media sites .

  20. 华为消息人士对媒体表示,华为或将于今年2月在西班牙巴塞罗那召开的世界移动通信大会上发布关于推出笔记本电脑的通告。

    Huawei sources said on condition of anonymity that the company may release at least one tablet device at the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , Spain , next month .

  21. 按市场份额计算,华为目前是全球第四大智能手机厂商。该公司在世界移动通信大会上向外界展示了这款智能手表。除了苹果的新品发布会,巴塞罗那举办的世界移动通信大会可谓是移动科技领域最受关注的盛事。

    Huawei , the world 's fourth-largest smartphone maker by market share , unveiled the watch at Barcelona 's Mobile World Congress , the biggest hyped event for mobile tech outside Cupertino .

  22. 通过在世界移动通信大会上与华为员工交谈,很容易就能理解为何华为能赢得消费者的青睐因为总有一小队面带笑容的员工快步迎上前来为参观者提供服务。

    Talking to Huawei employees at Mobile World Congress , it is easy to see why its customers are pleased given the small army of smiling employees quick to step up and offer help .