
shì jiè jīnɡ jì lùn tán
  • World Economic Forum
  1. 从最近世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)上的反应看,人们对此并不认可。

    The reaction at the world economic forum last week was unappreciative .

  2. 每一年,世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)都会发布一份全球竞争力指数(GlobalCompetitivenessIndex)。

    Each year , the World Economic Forum publishes its Global Competitiveness Index .

  3. 然而,世界经济论坛今年的一份报告指出,服装租赁业产生的碳排放量占到了全球排放量的5%。

    A report by the World Economic Forum8 this year suggested that the industry generates 5 % of global emissions9 .

  4. 达沃斯世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)上的讨论主要有两大主题。

    Much of the discussion at the world economic forum in Davos has two themes .

  5. 1991年2月,我应邀参加达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)。

    In February 1991 , I was invited to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos .

  6. 在对144个国家的整体竞争力进行排名时,世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)将新加坡排在第二位,仅次于瑞士。

    The World Economic Forum ranked Singapore second , after Switzerland , out of 144 countries for overall competitiveness .

  7. 英语流利的他还经常参加全球政策辩论论坛,如世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)。

    He also speaks fluent English and often frequented global policy debate forums such as the World Economic Forum .

  8. 根据对达沃斯世界经济论坛(theWorldEconomicForum)的感悟,桑卡尔在本期客座文章中分享了她的观点。

    Following an epiphany at the world economic forum in Davos , Sankar shares her view in this guest post .

  9. 企业和政治领导人必须继续推动各种动议,比如“世界经济论坛农业新视野”(worldeconomicforumnewvisionforagriculture)。

    Business and political leaders must continue to drive initiatives , such as the world economic forum new vision for agriculture .

  10. 最近,我在达沃斯世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)间隙主持了一个商界领袖小组讨论。

    Last week , I chaired a panel of business leaders on the sidelines of the world economic forum in Davos .

  11. 关于欧元危机,要听大实话还得看看世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)的印度年会!

    Leave it to the World Economic Forum 's annual India conference to reveal some home truths about * the euro crisis .

  12. 这促成了最初名为“欧洲管理论坛”(europeanmanagementforum)向世界经济论坛的逐步转化。

    That contributed to the gradual transformation of what was initially called the European Management Forum into the world economic forum .

  13. 不到两周前召开的世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)大连“夏季达沃斯”年会,就明确地展现出这一点。

    That became obvious at the " Summer Davos " of the world economic forum , in Dalian , less than two weeks ago .

  14. 在今年的达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上,对反弹的担忧很明显,高管们对于如何采用人工智能并作出解释十分焦虑。

    Fears of a backlash were apparent at this year 's World Economic Forum in Davos as executives agonised over how to present AI .

  15. 他们密切关注世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)及其它机构发布的不同竞争力指数,了解成本和生产率的国际基准。

    They closely scan the various competitiveness indices published by the world economic forum and others that give international benchmarks for costs and productivity .

  16. 不幸的是,今天,世界经济论坛反而成为一个“Facebook镇”。

    Today , unfortunately , the WEF is a " Facebook town " instead .

  17. 在各位参会者启程参加达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)之际,他们可能在想历史正在以一种奇特的方式重演。

    As delegates head off to the World Economic Forum in Davos , they might reflect that history is repeating itself in a curious way .

  18. 下周,在“世界经济论坛”(worldeconomicforum)闭幕之后,我将在专栏里探讨最理想的国内和国际反应。

    What those responses should ideally be at both national and global levels will be the subject of my post-World Economic Forum column next week .

  19. 今年3月,维斯兰荣获世界经济论坛2013年度全球青年领袖(YoungGlobalLeader)称号。

    Earlier this March , the world economic forum selected her to be a member of the young global leader class of 2013 .

  20. 回答这个问题并不容易,因为始于1971年的世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)年会是一项难以置信的活动。

    That is a hard question to answer because the annual World Economic Forum , which has been going since 1971 , is an improbable event .

  21. 在企业首席执行官和政策制定者齐聚达沃斯出席世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)之际,上述预测助长了黯淡、低迷的气氛。

    Theseforecasts helped frame a sombre and gloomy mood as company chief executives and policymakers started the annual meeting of the world economic forum in Davos .

  22. 就在上周于马尼拉举办的世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上,阿基诺三世将菲律宾称为一个政治经济改革的样板。

    Just last week , at the World Economic Forum in Manila , Mr. Aquino pitched the Philippines as a model of political and economic reform .

  23. 上周,笔者撰文提出,在世界经济论坛(theWorldEconomicForum)年会的讨论中,应该包容发散性思维,以及有别于多数派的不同声音。

    Last week , I wrote about the need to include divergent and contrarian views in the conversations taking place at the world economic forum annual meeting .

  24. 上周,许多重要的和自视重要的人物前往瑞士达沃斯,参加世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)年会。

    Lots of important and self-important people will journey to Davos in Switzerland this week to take part in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum .

  25. 本周,世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)在缅甸这个曾经被孤立的国家召开会议期间,鱼板面一定会出现在菜单上。

    Myanmar 's national dish , it 's sure to be on the menu at this week 's World Economic Forum event in the former pariah state .

  26. 瑞士的出口商(以及考虑前往该国的人们,比如很快将奔赴达沃斯出席世界经济论坛[WorldEconomicForum]的全球精英)会面临严重的价签休克。

    Exporters in Switzerland ( and people thinking of traveling there , such as the global elite soon heading to Davos for the World Economic Forum ) are in for serious sticker shock .

  27. 对于汇聚全球政商两界精英的达沃斯年会世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)来说,这既是最好的时候,也是最糟的时候。

    For the world economic forum , the annual meet-and-greet in Davos for the international business and political elite , these are the best and the worst of times .

  28. 许多父母现在更加开心,可以睡更多的觉,一位行业高管不久前在世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)的辩论会上轻声笑道。

    Many parents are happier now , they are getting more sleep , one industry leader observed with a chuckle , at a recent debate at the World Economic Forum .

  29. 这个关于全球不平等日益深化的警告发出时,全球商界精英正准备于本周在瑞士达沃斯参加世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)。

    The warning about deepening global inequality comes just as the world 's business elite prepare to meet this week at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos , Switzerland .

  30. 世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)愿意将其达沃斯年会视为政界、商界和监管机构人士讨论全球所面临问题的一个论坛。

    The world economic forum likes to see its annual meetings in Davos as a forum for politicians , business people and regulators to discuss the problems facing the world .