- 名G7;Group of Seven: or the seven big industrialized states,

Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .
Mr Darling 's remarks on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund annual meetings reflected statements from other G7 countries in recent days .
The G-7 organization groups together the world 's seven leading industrialized nations
The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today .
Much hangs on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil .
The Group of Seven forum is unsuitable : it excludes China but includes some countries that are no longer systemically important .
The group of seven could replicate the Plaza Agreement , presumably with respect to the renminbi and other undervalued Asian currencies as well as the yen .
Finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of Seven included no direct reference to the Japanese currency in their statement after a meeting at the weekend in Germany .
China is not susceptible to G7 or IMF pressure and has made clear that the renminbi will rise when it is ready .
In 2007 , according to the IMF , UK net debt – at 38 per cent of GDP – was the second-lowest in the Group of Seven leading economies .
Mr Putin said 50 years ago , 60 per cent of world gross domestic product came from the group of seven industrial nations . Today , 60 per cent of world GDP came from outside the G7 .
The group of Seven finance ministers last month called on oil exporters to expand production .
In contrast to the debt-ridden G7 economies , they have quickly resumed their growth trajectory .
In the previous decade , the old group of seven failed to prevent various financial crises .
Each of the four Brics raised more money through IPOs than four G7 members – Canada , France , Italy and Japan .
Among members of the Group of Seven leading high-income countries , this means the bubble-infected US and UK .
China yesterday declined an invitation to take part in the G7 meeting to be held in Washington this weekend .
Moreover , the Group of Seven advanced economies , including Japan , has urged greater flexibility of exchange rates .
We would love to see the G-7 leaders make a strong commitment to this , said Sophia Pickles , a senior campaigner at Global Witness , an advocacy group .
It will identify risks in advance , co-operate with the Financial Stability Forum to design policy and regulatory responses and strengthen links between ministers , in the group of seven and beyond , to ensure effective follow-up .
Canada supplanted Japan as the top performer among the group of seven leading economic powers , although outright winner was again Finland .
All G7 nations will see the number of high net worth individuals double over the next decade , according to the report .
Three weeks ago , the group of seven leading industrial countries demanded that oil-exporting nations be ready to pump more of the stuff .
Of course , simply trying to stabilise exchange rates without overall monetary expansion as the G7 seems to have proposed is far less helpful .
The FSF will deliver a report to the Group of Seven meeting in mid-April , signed off by central bankers and finance ministry officials .
One week after the Group of Seven called for accelerated appreciation of the renminbi , the Chinese currency punched through 7.50 to the dollar .
The Group of Seven finance ministers ' initiative to encourage development of local capital markets in Asian and other emerging markets should be applauded .
Japan is the only one of the large industrialised Group of seven economies regularly to have used currency intervention over the past 20 years .
Other G7 countries didn 't fare so well either -- take Japan ( 7 % ) and the United Kingdom ( 19 % ) .
According to the IMF , general government net debt of the Group of Seven high-income countries will jump from 52 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 90 per cent in 2015 .