
Nán Fānɡ Gònɡ Tónɡ Shì Chǎnɡ
  • Mercosur;South Common Market
  1. 然而,巴西官员强调称,它们仍坚定致力于南方共同市场,推行各自的贸易议程只会在该集团内部出现。

    Still , Brazilian officials stress they remain firmly committed to Mercosur , and pursuing separate trade agendas will only take place within the group .

  2. 而巴西倾向于扩展南方共同市场(Mercosur)关税同盟,因为它在该同盟中占主导地位。

    Brazil favours instead an expansion from the Mercosur customs union , which it dominates .

  3. 2004年1月,印度和南方共同市场签署了优惠贸易协定(PTR),从而为发展南南合作又提供了一个范例。

    In January 2004 , India and the South Common Market signed the PTR , which appeared to be another model for the cooperation of the developing countries .

  4. 理论上CELAC将试图协调贸易块,诸如南方共同市场、安第斯共同体(虽然UNASUR也应该这样做)。

    On paper CELAC will try to co-ordinate among trade blocks , such as Mercosur and the Andean Community ( but UNASUR is also supposed to do that ) .

  5. 印度与南方共同市场的区域合作

    Discussion of the Regional Cooperation between India and the South Common Market

  6. 他表示:客观条件为推进南方共同市场-欧盟贸易协定创造了强大的激励。

    There are objective conditions that create strong incentives for an advance on the EU-Mercosur front , he said .

  7. 南美国家联盟取代了2004年建立的南美国家共同体,而且还要把两个已存在的自由贸易区&南方共同市场和安第斯共同体合二为一。

    Unasur ( or Unasul in Portuguese ) replaces a South American Community declared in2004 and supposed to unite two existing free-trade areas , Mercosur and the Andean Community .

  8. 他说,中国重视加强同包括乌拉圭在内的南方共同市场国家和其他拉美国家的友好合作关系。

    He said , China puts great importance on strengthening friendly co-operative relations with countries of the southern common market , including Uruguay , and other Latin American countries .

  9. 她是安第斯议会的议长,拥有来自安第斯、南方共同市场(南锥体)的象征性支持,但是她必须获得来自各国政府的更多支持。

    President of the Andean Parliament , she has symbolic backing from the Andean , Mercosur ( Southern Cone ) and Central American parliaments , but must mobilise more support from national governments .