
  • 网络Spyker Cars NV;Spyker Cars;Spyker
  1. 瑞典的另一个全球汽车品牌萨博,在被美国通用汽车卖给荷兰世爵汽车一年后,正面临着新的流动性危机。

    Saab , Sweden 's other global car brand , is facing a renewed liquidity crisis a year after being sold by General Motors of the US to Spyker Cars of the Netherlands .

  2. 瑞典的萨博汽车(SaabAutomobile)将迎来通用汽车(GM)的“死缓”判决,因为这家美国汽车制造商已接近完成向荷兰世爵汽车(SpykerCars)出售其萨博业务的交易。

    Saab Automobile is set to win a stay of execution from General Motors as the US carmaker closes in on a deal to sell its Swedish unit to Spyker Cars of the Netherlands .

  3. 2010年,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)把萨博出售给荷兰世爵汽车(Spyker)。两年后,萨博于去年12月宣布破产,人们纷纷猜测谁会出手收购。

    The news comes follows speculation about buyers after the carmaker declared bankruptcy in December , two years after General Motorssold it to Dutch group Spyker in 2010 .

  4. 世爵汽车由安东诺夫掌控的convers银行集团持有部分股权。

    The Dutch carmaker is partly owned by the convers banking group , which is controlled by Mr Antonov .

  5. 在通用旗下经历多年的不当管理和投资不足之后,萨博仍在努力解决此前遗留下来的一系列问题,而微小的世爵汽车已被验证无法带给萨博新生。

    His tiny Spyker business has proved incapable on its own of breathing new life into Saab which is still trying to throw off years of mismanagement and underinvestment by GM.

  6. 世爵汽车已将周一晚间设为对其出价作出答复的最后期限。该公司表示,最新出价已清除了导致其早先竞标流产的所有障碍。

    Spyker has set a deadline of Monday evening for a response to its offer which , it said , removed all the obstacles that caused its earlier bid to collapse .

  7. 在距离自己设定的年底前找到买家的最后期限只有三周之际,通用汽车与世爵汽车的谈判破裂了。为此,通用汽车上周五表示,它已放弃出售这一拥有60年历史的品牌。

    GM said on Friday that it had abandoned efforts to sell the 60-year-old brand after talks with Spyker broke down three weeks before its self-imposed year-end deadline to find a buyer .

  8. 世爵汽车表示对救援方案最终获得通过仍抱有希望,但与此同时也在与潜在的中国合作伙伴及其他投资者举行会谈,寻求追加资金。

    Spyker said it remained hopeful the rescue plan would eventually go through but , in the meantime , it was holding talks with potential Chinese partners and other investors over additional funding .

  9. 对于庞大注资萨博,我之前在博客已经说过,也在此最后一次强调我的观点:不管是庞大还是华泰,抑或是其他中国汽车公司,都不应该投资萨博或者世爵汽车。

    I have said before and will repeat it here for what I hope will be the very last time : Pangda , Hawtai or any other automotive company in China should not invest in SAAB , or in Spyker .