
shì jiè wèi shēnɡ zǔ zhī
  • World Health Organization
  1. 国际T台模特的体重指数(BMI)平均低于16——按照世界卫生组织的标准足以表明饥饿。

    The average international runway model has a body mass index ( BMI ) under 16 -- low enough to indicate starvation by the World Health Organization 's standard .

  2. 根据世界卫生组织的数据,80%的心脏病和中风死亡都是由高血压、吸烟、胆固醇升高以及水果和蔬菜摄入量低造成的。

    According to the World Health Organization , 80 percent of deaths from heart disease and stroke are caused by high blood pressure , tobacco use , elevated cholesterol and low consumption of fruits and vegetables .

  3. 他向世界卫生组织提供资金以帮助消灭天花。

    He gave money to the World Health Organisation to help defeat smallpox

  4. 这些方案是在与世界卫生组织磋商之后起草的。

    The plans were drawn up in consultation with the World Health Organisation

  5. 世界卫生组织关于臭氧层的安全标准约为100。

    The W.H.O. safety standard for ozone levels is somewhere about a hundred

  6. 世界卫生组织的建议不具备法律效应。

    The WHO recommendation has no legal status

  7. 根据世界卫生组织的数据,每年近220万的人死于与腹泻相关的疾病。

    Nearly 2.2 million people die a year because of diarrhea-related diseases , according to WHO statistics .

  8. 世界卫生组织的水健康专家詹姆斯·巴特拉姆说:“过于严苛的标准通常会失效。”

    " Overly strict standards often fail , " James Bartram , a WHO water-health expert , said .

  9. 百事可乐公司的食品和饮料计划是基于世界卫生组织的指导方针而制订的。上周,该组织支持对气泡饮料征税,以减少糖消费。

    PepsiCo 's plan for its foods and drinks is based on guidelines from the World Health Organisation , which last week backed using taxes on sparkling drinks to reduce sugar consumption .

  10. 世界卫生组织官员估计暂停会持续一至两周,因为试验数据安全监测委员会要参考从SOLIDARITY临床试验和其他进行中的研究中所收集的信息,从而确定继续使用羟氯喹是否安全。

    WHO officials estimated the pause would last a week or two as the trial 's data safety monitoring board considers information already collected from the Solidarity trial and other ongoing studies to determine whether it 's safe to continue with hydroxychloroquine .

  11. 由世界卫生组织委托进行的评估进一步证实了纤维的价值。

    This review commissioned by the World Health Organisation reinforces the value of fibre .

  12. 他威胁说,如果不进行具体改革,将在一个月内切断美国对世界卫生组织的资金支持。

    He has threatened to cut off U.S. funding to the WHO within a month absent unspecified reforms .

  13. 世界卫生组织在四月份将德尔塔毒株定性为“待观察变种”,5月11日又将该毒株定性为“须关切变种”。

    The World Health Organization designated Delta as a variant of interest in April and a variant of concern on 11 May .

  14. 中国是世界卫生组织西太平洋地区三十多年来首个获得消除疟疾认证的国家。

    China is the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to be awarded a malaria-free certification in more than 3 decades .

  15. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士4月16日警告称,“病例和死亡数量正在以令人担忧的速度持续增加”。

    WHO chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Friday that " cases and deaths are continuing to increase at worrying rates " .

  16. 世界卫生组织称,长时间工作带来的职业健康风险每年导致数十万人丧生。

    Working long hours poses an occupational health risk that kills hundreds of thousands of people each year , the World Health Organization says .

  17. 但是世界卫生组织建议人们戴口罩时遮住鼻子、嘴和下巴,以最大限度地保护自己免受病毒的侵害。

    But the World Health Organization recommends that people wear masks covering their nose , mouth and chin to best protect from the virus .

  18. 中国-世界卫生组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究专家组中方组长梁万年:今年初,世界卫生组织—中国联合专家组到武汉做病毒溯源研究。

    Earlier this year , Chinese and international experts visited Wuhan to study the origin of the virus , which was organized by the World Health Organization .

  19. 周一,世界卫生组织官员宣布,审查安全数据期间,在对新冠病毒疗法的全球研究中暂停使用羟氯喹。

    The World Health Organization is pausing the use of hydroxychloroquine in its global study of COVID-19 treatments amid a review of safety data , officials announced Monday .

  20. 就在此前一天,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞警告称,全世界正接近迄今为止的“最高感染率”。

    The milestone comes the day after the head of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) warned the world was " approaching the highest rate of infection " so far .

  21. 世界卫生组织建议的每周运动量是150分钟的中等强度运动,或75分钟以上的剧烈运动。

    The weekly amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) is 150 minutes of moderately intensive activity , or more than 75 minutes of vigorously intensive physical activity .

  22. 公开信中表示,为了预防下一场疫情的到来,那些进行危险的病毒乃至生化武器研究的实验室,应该被世界卫生组织重点关注。公开信特别指出了美国军方的德特里克堡生物实验室。

    They said in the letter that to prevent the next pandemic , the WHO should pay special attention to labs that are conducting studies on dangerous viruses or even on biochemical weapons .

  23. 公开信表示:2021年6月,一批中国网民曾经联署了一封公开信,要求世界卫生组织调查美国德特里克堡生物实验室。

    A group of Chinese netizens drafted a joint open letter to ask the WHO to investigate the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases ( USAMRIID ) at Fort Detrick in June .

  24. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization,简称WHO)成立与1948年,是联合国的一个专门机构,目前大约有200个会员国。

    The World Health Organization ( WHO ) was founded in1948 as a special agency of the United Nations .

  25. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)一直在密切监测这种新型病毒。这种病毒可以造成严重的呼吸系统疾病,有时甚至会造成肾衰竭乃至死亡。

    The World Health Organization has been closely monitoring the new strain that causes serious respiratory illness and sometimes kidney failure and death .

  26. 非典型肺炎是一种急性、高度接触性的呼吸系统疾病,世界卫生组织(WHO)于2003年3月15日将其正式定名为严重急性呼吸综合征(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)。

    This emerging disease is a severe infectious respiratory disease , designated as severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) by WHO .

  27. 根据世界卫生组织,到2050年,现有的ARTs可以在非洲消灭艾滋病&如果伴随着定期测试和快速治疗的话。

    According to the WHO , existing ARTs could eliminate HIV in Africa by2050 & if accompanied by regular testing and quick treatments .

  28. 世界卫生组织也已将HBV划为自然存在的人类最重要的致癌因素之一。

    HBV has also been classified as one of the most important human carcinogens by World Health Organization ( WHO ) .

  29. 世界卫生组织(WTO)指责烟草公司的市场运作,说它们特意将亚洲青年人作为作为销售对象。

    The World Health Organisation ( WHO ) has attacked tobacco companies over their marketing practices , saying they are particularly targeting young people in Asia .

  30. 世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍(MargaretChan)解释了这种忽视的原因。

    Margaret Chan , WHO 's director-general , has explained the reason for this neglect .