
  • 网络The Global Compact;un global compact
  1. 这张照片是我参加联合国全球契约(UnitedNationsGlobalCompact)活动期间,在北京的华能洁净煤发电站门前拍摄的。

    It was taken in front of a Huaneng clean coal power plant in Beijing as part of a United Nations Global Compact tour .

  2. 因此,当商学院开始表现出加入联合国全球契约行动(UnitedNationsGlobalCompact,2000年发起的一项自愿参与的企业公民计划)的热情时,就需要采取一种不同的方式。

    So an alternative approach was needed when schools began to show eagerness to participate in the United Nations Global Compact , a voluntary corporate citizenship programme launched in 2000 .

  3. 他们要求上市公司签署《联合国全球契约》(unglobalcompact),承诺将企业责任10项原则纳入公司的业务战略和运作之中,并每年进行报告。

    They are being asked to sign the United Nations Global Compact , committing them to incorporating 10 principles of corporate responsibility into business strategy and operations , and report yearly .

  4. 在座的一些企业已经参与到联合国全球契约组织,及“气候和水倡议-关注气候”、“CEO关于水的使命”等活动中,我为此备感鼓舞。

    I am encouraged that some of you are engaged in the United Nations Global Compact and its " Climate and Water initiative-Caring for Climate " and CEO Water Mandate .

  5. 联合国全球契约组织副主任加文帕沃尔(gavinpower)表示,投资者已开始利用这些报告来了解企业如何应对全球化带来的风险和机遇。

    Gavin power , deputy director of the UN Global Compact , said investors were beginning to use the reports to understand how companies are dealing with the risks and opportunities thrown up by globalisation .

  6. 全球契约行动执行主任格奥尔格•克尔(GeorgKell)表示:它发出了一个信号,表明企业责任已成为重要课题,理应得到特别关注。

    It 's setting a signal that corporate responsibility has become important and deserves special attention , says Georg Kell , executive director of Global Compact .

  7. 在国际上,联合国于2000年正式启动了全球契约计划。

    In the intonation , the United Nations officially launched the " Global Compact " project in 2000 .

  8. 但与已加入全球契约行动的企业一样,商学院或许面临着这样的问题:它们的加入意味着什么?

    Yet , like companies that have signed up to the global compact , schools may face questions about what their participation means .

  9. 今年7月在日内瓦举行的全球契约行动商业领袖峰会,将制定负责任的企业教育的原则,从而为该课题设定议程。

    The principles for responsible business education – to be launched at the Global Compact leaders ' summit in Geneva in July – will set out the agenda .

  10. 所有IHP+全球契约签署国承诺,在发展中国家伙伴的领导下,共同努力来改善卫生保健和健康结果。

    All signatories to the IHP + Global Compact are committed to work together under the leadership of developing country partners to improve health care and health outcomes .

  11. 即便如此,担任全球契约行动办公室高级顾问的卡布雷拉仍表示,商学院在加快推行企业责任议程方面步伐缓慢。

    Even so , business schools have been slow to pick up on the corporate responsibility agenda , says Mr Cabrera , a senior adviser to the Global Compact office .

  12. 国会应该通过法案,要求在美国注册或运营的跨国公司建立由专业人士组成的部门,维护在更开明的行为规范中阐明的《全球契约》准则与核心责任。

    Congress should mandate that multinationals incorporated or operating in the US should create professionally staffed divisions to uphold Global Compact principles and core duties set forth in more enlightened codes of conduct .

  13. 批评人士表示,全球契约行动不过是一项没有约束力的公共关系行动,因为加入是自愿的,承诺不会得到监督,不履行也不会得到制裁。

    Critics say the global compact is little more than a public relations exercise that lacks teeth because signing up to it is voluntary , commitments are not monitored and lack of compliance is not sanctioned .