
  1. 开展土地资源调查评价费用标准研究,制定全国统一定额模式、计价方法及相关的参数十分必要。

    It is held critical to establish a unified national norm model , pricing technique and parameters for charges of land resources investigation and evaluation .

  2. 《全国统一建筑工程基础定额》应用的探讨

    The Discussion on National Construction Basic Quota

  3. 依据全国统一安装工程预算定额和锅炉水质标准,分析了供暖系统和其他热用户施工中的机油、铅油等油污杂质的影响及危害,提出了控制锅炉给水含油量的意义和对策。

    According to the Unified National Budget Quanta of Installation Engineering and the standards of boiler water quality , analyses the damage of machine oil and lead oil left in construction to the heating system and other heat users . Gives methods of controlling the oil quantity in boiler water .