
  • 网络Ssangyong;SsangYong Motor;SsangYong Motor Company
  1. 阿南德在收购企业时从不手软,他收购的企业包括双龙汽车(SsangyongMotor),以及陷入丑闻的萨蒂扬软件技术有限公司(SatyamComputerServices)等等。阿南德还一直在留心收购一个高端汽车品牌的机会。

    He bought Ssangyong Motor and the scandal-hit Satyam Computer Services among others - and is constantly on the watch for the chance to buy a high-end automotive brand .

  2. 韩国双龙汽车在展会上也是生意兴隆。

    Cars from Korean-funded Ssangyong Motor also witnessed brisk sales at the fair .

  3. 我们为您提供韩国现代汽车、起亚汽车、GM大宇汽车和双龙汽车原装和品牌汽车零部件。

    We are providing you with all kinds of auto parts as genuine or maker brand products for Korean cars of Hyundai motors , Kia motors , GM Daewoo and Ssangyong motors .

  4. 当时李裕一花了10天时间苦苦思索,是否要承担起这家SUV生产商的共同管理人角色;此前双龙汽车因为所产车型越来越落伍,陷入了销量不断下滑的困境。

    Mr Lee spent 10 days agonising over whether to take on the role of joint administrator at the SUV maker , which had suffered falling sales of its increasingly outdated models .

  5. 中国汽车企业在海外出击的先例也没什么亮点:上海汽车2004年收购的韩国双龙汽车(Ssangyong)目前正在进行破产清算。

    There is little positive precedent for Chinese automotive escapades overseas : South Korea 's Ssanyong , bought by Shanghai Automotive in2004 , is now in receivership .

  6. 李裕一称:在我来到这里之前,我对双龙汽车并不感兴趣。

    Before I came here , I was not interested in Ssangyong , says Mr Lee .

  7. 上汽2004年收购了双龙汽车51%的股份,这是中国汽车制造企业的首笔海外收购。

    SAIC purchased a 51 per cent stake in Ssangyong in 2004 , the first overseas takeover by a Chinese carmaker .

  8. 韩国双龙汽车在展会上也是生意兴隆。我们的生意兴隆,一切顺利。

    Cars from Korean-funded Ssangyong Motor also witnessed brisk sales at the fair . We did excellent business ; everything went on wheels .

  9. 这使得双龙汽车拥有充足的资源,以开发一系列新款大型乘用车,这类车型帮助该公司重振了在韩国国内受到重创的声誉。

    This has given Ssangyong the resources to develop a new fleet of large passenger vehicles that has helped restore its battered reputation at home .

  10. 2013年第三季度,双龙汽车在韩国售出了15358辆汽车,较两年前增长了55%。

    Ssangyong sold 15,358 vehicles in South Korea in the third quarter of this year , a 55 per cent rise from two years earlier .

  11. 2013年第二季度,双龙汽车在近六年来首次实现了季度净盈利;该公司预计,2013年将自2007年以来首次实现年度净利润。

    In the second quarter , Ssangyong recorded its first quarterly net profit for six years , and it expects to finish this year in the black for the first time since 2007 .

  12. 虽然双龙汽车重新雇佣了450名前员工,批评家们仍指责该公司行动速度过慢,韩国国内媒体也大量报道了过去四年该公司被解雇工人中所发生的大量自杀事件。

    While it has taken 450 of the former employees back on , critics accuse Ssangyong of moving too slowly , and domestic media gave heavy publicity to a spate of suicides among the redundant workers over the past four years .

  13. 李裕一首次证实,届时双龙汽车将采用一个新的品牌名称:双龙品牌将在未来两年内被弃用,这是该公司为摆脱附着在该品牌上的糟糕声誉所采取的一项举措。

    It will do so under a new name , Mr Lee confirms for the first time : the Ssangyong brand will be abandoned within the next two years in an effort to exit from the bad reputation that clings to it .