
jī ɡòu zhònɡ cái
  • institutional arbitration
  1. 通过研究,我们知道中国的海事仲裁采取机构仲裁的形式,仲裁机构对仲裁员的资格有着十分严格的要求;

    By researching , we know that Chinese maritime arbitration takes the form of institutional arbitration and arbitrator 's qualification is strictly required .

  2. 国际商事仲裁以仲裁过程中是否存在常设的仲裁协助实体为标准,可以分为临时仲裁和机构仲裁两种。

    International commercial arbitration could be divided into ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration take the standard of whether there is standing arbitration assistance entity in the process of arbitration .

  3. 方法之四是申请仲裁机构仲裁。

    The final method is arbitration .

  4. 如果双方有争议有友好协商不能解决时,可以提交仲裁机构仲裁。

    B.If the dispute or friendly negotiation cannot be resolved , they can be refered to arbitration agency .

  5. 以组织产生和存在状态为标准,可以将仲裁分为两种形式:临时仲裁和机构仲裁。

    To organize production and existence as the standard , can be divided into two forms : the temporary arbitration and arbitration .

  6. 作者在此部分中,通过对临时仲裁与机构仲裁的比较,揭示临时仲裁自主、经济、高效等独特优势。

    The author in this part , through to the temporary arbitration and arbitration comparison , reveal temporary arbitration autonomy , economic , efficient and other unique advantages .

  7. 如果出现争议,而且又无法通过友好谈判来达成一致意见,那我们就只能将争议案交由国际仲裁机构仲裁解决。

    In case of any dispute , and no settlement can be reached through friendly negotiations , then we can submit the case to an international arbitration organization for arbitration .

  8. 在对基础理论做了介绍后,接下来则主要是陈述了当前中国和东盟主要国家有关仲裁、调解的立法现状,以及东盟主要仲裁机构仲裁规则中的调解问题。

    After introducing basic theory , the third part mainly present the legislative status quo about the combined system in China and major states of ASEAN , and the mediation problems in arbitration rules of ASEAN major arbitration institutions .

  9. 本文对海事仲裁程序中的若干方面,包括仲裁庭的组成、仲裁员的资格、临时仲裁与机构仲裁、简易程序等作出了比较分析。

    This thesis analyzes some aspects with respect to the procedures of maritime arbitration including the constitution of arbitration court , the qualification of arbitrators , ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration , the simplicity procedure , and so on .

  10. 俄罗斯向全球体育纠纷的最终仲裁机构体育仲裁法庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)上诉,但后者称国际田联的处罚在法律上合理。

    The Court of Arbitration for Sport , the final arbiter on global sports disputes , to which Russia had appealed , said that the organization 's penalty was legally sound .

  11. 美国建议改进争端解决制度,允许公众查阅除机密信息外的所有的专家组、上诉机构的仲裁信息;美国同时强调,DSU的修订应当在程序和行政管理上有利于保护商业秘密。

    While emphasizing the relative amendments should benefit business confidential information protection in procedures and administrations , America ' proposals on DSU claims that DSM should allow the public to access to all ruling information of panels and appellate bodies .

  12. 此外,该部分还研究了仲裁机构或仲裁员在域外取证的问题。

    Furthermore , this part studies on the taking of evidence abroad by arbitration institutions and arbitrators .

  13. 教育仲裁制度主要包括仲裁机构、仲裁范围、仲裁程序、裁决执行等内容。

    The arbitration systemmainly consists of arbitration organization , arbitration areas , arbitration procedure , arbitration execution and arbitration lawsuit .

  14. 若协商、调解无效,可向当地人事或劳动仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    If no agreement is made , the two parties can appeal to the local personnel or labor dispute arbitration institution for arbitration ;

  15. 一些国家的仲裁立法或国际仲裁机构的仲裁规则中对合并仲裁问题做了专门规定,而中国的立法或仲裁机构规则有关合并仲裁的制度并不完善。

    Some countries or international arbitration associations have specific legislation or arbitration rules regarding consolidated arbitration , while China is lack of such rules .

  16. 文章第四部分探讨了仲裁机构对仲裁协议有效性的确认。在国际商事仲裁实践中,仲裁协议的有效性总是与仲裁管辖权的问题联系在一起的。

    In the Law of all countries , Institution has the right to make decision on the validity of Arbitration Agreement and its Jurisdiction .

  17. 仲裁应该使用自本协议签署之日起就生效的仲裁机构的仲裁条例。

    The arbitration tribunal shall apply the arbitration rules of the Arbitration Institute in effect on the date of the signing of this Agreement .

  18. 第二章介绍仲裁庭组成所包括的具体内容以及各国和各仲裁机构有关仲裁庭组成的制度规定和实践开展情况。

    Chapter 2 introduces the details of the constitution of arbitral tribunal and the current laws and arbitration practices in other countries and some arbitration institutions .

  19. 体育仲裁与其他普通仲裁机制相比在仲裁机构、仲裁范围、仲裁程序、仲裁效力上具有自己的独特性。

    When compared with other ordinary arbitration mechanism in the scope of arbitration , the arbitration , the arbitration procedures , effectiveness , sports arbitration has its own uniqueness .

  20. (四)裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。

    Or ( 4 ) the matters dealt with by the award fall outside the scope of the arbitration agreement or which the arbitral organ was not empowered to arbitrate .

  21. 当事人一方在规定的期限内不履行仲裁机构的仲裁决定的,另一方可以申请人民法院强制执行。

    Where a party does not perform the award of the arbitration agency within the prescribed time limit , the other party may apply to a people 's court for compulsory execution .

  22. 若协商调解无效,可向国家外国专家局设立的外国文教专家事务仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    If all attempts fail , the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign experts affairs in the State Administration of foreign experts affairs and ask for a final arbitration .

  23. 当事人不愿通过协商、调解解决或者协商、调解不成的,可以根据当事人各方的协议向仲裁机构申请仲裁;

    If the parties are not willing to do so , or if negotiation or mediation fails , they may apply to an arbitration institution for arbitration , as agreed upon between the parties ;

  24. 如果不能取得协议时,则在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会根据该仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。

    In case no settlement can be reached , the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration commission .

  25. 在三大要素中,仲裁协议是仲裁机构行使仲裁权的前提和基础,它连接着当事人与仲裁机构的关系,又进而为仲裁员依仲裁规则处理争端奠定合法性基础。

    Among them , the arbitration agreement is the premise and basis of executing arbitration rights . It connects the relationship between parties and arbitration organs , laying legal foundations for handling disputes between parties in accordance with arbitration regulations .

  26. 建立裁决组织裁决高考高招争议案件初探裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围或者仲裁机构无权仲裁的。

    Build up Deciding Organization : the Preliminary Study of Disputed Cases between College Entrance Examination and College Entrance Enrollment ; Where the matter to be arbitrated falls outside the scope of the arbitration agreement or the jurisdiction of the arbitration agency .

  27. 第四十九条著作权合同纠纷可以调解,也可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向著作权仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    Article 49 A dispute over a copyright contract may be settled by mediation . It may also , in accordance with the arbitration clause of contract , or a written arbitration agreement concluded after the contract has been signed , be submitted to a copyright arbitration body for arbitration .

  28. 仲裁机构是通过仲裁方式,解决双方民事争议,作出仲裁裁决的机构。

    Arbitration organizations are organizations to resolve civil disputes and make an arbitral through arbitration .

  29. 经济全球化条件下外国仲裁机构在中国仲裁及其影响

    Foreign Arbitration Institution 's Arbitration in China and Its Impact in the Environments of Economic Globalization

  30. 常设仲裁机构规定了仲裁手续,还备有仲裁人名簿。

    The standard arbitration institution stipulates the procedures of arbitration and keeps the name list of the arbitrator .