
lín shí zhònɡ cái
  • ad hoc arbitration
  1. 关于我国建立临时仲裁制度的法律思考

    Legal Research on the Establishing of Ad Hoc Arbitration System in China

  2. 国际民商事纠纷,绝大部分都是通过临时仲裁解决的。

    Most of the international civil disputes are solved through ad hoc arbitration .

  3. 从理念到实践:临时仲裁制度构建初探

    From Theory to Practice : Exploration of Ad Hoc Arbitration Establishment

  4. 临时仲裁,强调自然公正、自由和效率的兼顾。

    Ad Hoc arbitration focuses on nature justice , freedom and efficiency .

  5. 中国临时仲裁制度的具体设计

    On design of the ad hoc arbitration in China

  6. 医疗纠纷的替代性解决机制主要包括临时仲裁、调解、和解。

    The ADR of medical dispute mainly includes arbitration , mediation , and negotiation .

  7. 最好将仲裁案提交临时仲裁庭。

    It 's better to submit the case for arbitration to a temporary arbitration court .

  8. 临时仲裁制度的发展及其对我国的启示

    On the Ad Hoc Arbitration System

  9. 1976年《联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则》就是专为临时仲裁制定的统一的程序规范。

    The arbitration rules of UNCITRAL in 1976 is just the procedures standard specially for ad hoc arbitration .

  10. 临时仲裁不仅有其合理性,还有现实紧迫性和必要性。

    It is not only rational but also necessary and urgent for China to construct ad hoc arbitration .

  11. 临时仲裁有着悠久的历史,其在解决各种经济贸易纠纷中起着重要作用。

    Ad hoc arbitration plays a great role in settling international trade and economic disputes with a long history .

  12. 从古罗马时期起仲裁就已经被世人所推崇,不过那时的仲裁多属于临时仲裁。

    Ancient Rome arbitration has been respected by the world , but then the arbitration belongs to the temporary arbitration .

  13. 第三部分,临时仲裁在国际领域的发展现状及对我国的启示。

    The third part , is the temporary arbitration in the international field of development and the enlightenment to our country .

  14. 本文对中国竞技体育中临时仲裁的含义及法律性质进行了初步的分析,并将其与国际体育仲裁进行了比较。

    This paper analyzes the meaning and legal property of Chinese temporary arbitration in athletic sports and compares it with CAS .

  15. 多元化的社会需要多元化的争议解决方式,临时仲裁的阙如已给我国仲裁业的健康发展带来了巨大的阻碍。

    Multivariate society needs multivariate dispute settlement resolution , the absence of Ad hoc arbitration hinders the development of arbitration of China .

  16. 以组织产生和存在状态为标准,可以将仲裁分为两种形式:临时仲裁和机构仲裁。

    To organize production and existence as the standard , can be divided into two forms : the temporary arbitration and arbitration .

  17. 取消对争议当事人选择服务提供者的限制,确立临时仲裁制度;

    Any restriction on the disputing parties ' free choice of the service provider should be eradicated and ad hoc arbitration be recognized ;

  18. 在仲裁的历史发展过程中,临时仲裁制度在相当长的时间内是仲裁唯一的方式。

    As the original form of arbitration , the Ad hoc arbitration has been the only form of arbitration system for a long time .

  19. 我国现行仲裁法并未就临时仲裁作出规定,这是我国在立法制度上的缺憾。

    The present Arbitration Law in China doesn 't have any provision on ad hoc arbitration , which is a pity in the legislation .

  20. 在国际商事仲裁立法理论与实践上,仲裁机构不仅包括常设仲裁机构,而且也包括临时仲裁机构。

    In the international commercial arbitration theories and practices , arbitration institution refers to not only permanent arbitration institution , but also ad hoc arbitration .

  21. 作者在此部分中,通过对临时仲裁与机构仲裁的比较,揭示临时仲裁自主、经济、高效等独特优势。

    The author in this part , through to the temporary arbitration and arbitration comparison , reveal temporary arbitration autonomy , economic , efficient and other unique advantages .

  22. 奥运会临时仲裁机构的设立,为奥运会期间发生的体育纠纷提供了一个快捷有效的解决途径。

    The establishment of ad hoc arbitration institutions for Olympic Games provided a fast and effective solution model to deal with the sports disputes occurred during the Olympics .

  23. 国际商事仲裁以仲裁过程中是否存在常设的仲裁协助实体为标准,可以分为临时仲裁和机构仲裁两种。

    International commercial arbitration could be divided into ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration take the standard of whether there is standing arbitration assistance entity in the process of arbitration .

  24. 《仲裁法》的修改应本着尊重当事人自治的原则,取消对仲裁协议内容僵化的要求,确立临时仲裁的法律地位,尊重仲裁管辖。

    Revise to the Arbitration Law should take the principle of respecting the concerned persons , deleting the rigid contents of the agreement , deciding the legal status to the temporary arbitration and respecting the arbitration jurisdiction .

  25. 很抱歉,希拉克行生,我们不同意用法国的常设仲裁机械去处理,还是临时仲裁庭审理比较好。

    I 'm sorry , Mr Chirac . We don 't agree with you to submit it to a standing arbitration organization in France . It 's better to submit the case to a temporary arbitration tribunal .

  26. 本文对海事仲裁程序中的若干方面,包括仲裁庭的组成、仲裁员的资格、临时仲裁与机构仲裁、简易程序等作出了比较分析。

    This thesis analyzes some aspects with respect to the procedures of maritime arbitration including the constitution of arbitration court , the qualification of arbitrators , ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration , the simplicity procedure , and so on .

  27. 基于临时仲裁特有的灵活性、便捷性和普遍性,拟对临时仲裁制度的理论和实践进行考察,进而对临时仲裁制度在中国的发展前景提出一些设想和建议。

    This paper focuses on the theories and practice of the ad hoc arbitration by exploring the flexibility , convenience and popularity of the ad hoc arbitration , and then gives some proposals for future development of the ad hoc arbitration in china .

  28. 第一,以《国际商事仲裁示范法》为蓝本修订完善我国现行仲裁法;第二,引入临时仲裁制度;第三,赋予仲裁庭在法律适用方面更大的权力。

    Firstly , I modify the existing arbitration law modeled by " UNCITRAL Model Law on international Commercial Arbitration " . Secondly , I introduce the ad hoc arbitration system . Thirdly , I give the Arbitral tribunal more power in the application of laws .

  29. 需要时,我们可以讨论协商成立一个临时的仲裁机构。

    We may discuss to agree upon a temporary arbitral body when needed .

  30. 法院对仲裁的司法审查体现在仲裁协议效力的认定、仲裁员的指定、临时保全措施以及仲裁裁决中。

    Such judicial review is involved in the determination of the validity of arbitration agreement , appointment of arbitrators , interim measures and arbitral awards .