
  1. 从灰脚法庭到现代常设仲裁机构&追寻商事仲裁机构发展的足迹

    From the Court of Pie Poudre to Modern Standing Arbitration Institutions : Trace the Footprints of Commercial Arbitration Institutions Development

  2. 它的存在及其大量的实践为现代国际商事仲裁机构的发展提供了宝贵的历史经验,它是现代国际商事仲裁机构的一个重要的早期雏形。

    Its existence and a lot of practice provided a valuable historical experience to the development of modern international commercial arbitration institutions , and it is an important early embryo of the modern international commercial arbitration institutions .

  3. 第一节简要介绍了我国(国际)商事调解的四种主要形式,即:法院的商事调解、调解机构的商事调解、仲裁机构的商事调解和联合调解。

    Section one briefly introduces four main forms of our ( international ) commercial conciliation , that is , commercial conciliation in court , commercial conciliation in conciliation institution , commercial conciliation in arbitration institution and joint conciliation .