
lín shí yù suàn
  • provisional budget;extraordinary budget
  1. 最关键的是美国政府还没有提出恰当的预算案,需要临时的预算来保持政府运营。

    Quick recap on the background : The U.S. government does not have a budget in place . It needs one to keep running .

  2. 也许您能想到S适合用于统计,但您却认为它是专门的工具,只有在您要做一个年终报告或者有临时的预算需求时才会用到。

    Perhaps you can imagine that S is good for statistics , but you believe that that 's a specialized pursuit whose only application for you is a year-end report or occasional budget request .

  3. 他们忘了将临时开销计入预算中。并行计算降低计算密集型计算任务时间开销的有力途径。

    They forgot to figure in occasional expenses in a budget Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation-intense task .

  4. 预算编制时间太短,临时论证、临时立项;预算草案编制过粗,编制过程不透明;预算的内容不全面。

    Budget preparation time is too short , temporary demonstration and temporary project . The preparation of the draft budget is too thick , and preparation process is very opaque . The content of the budget is not comprehensive .