
jī huì chénɡ běn
  • opportunity cost
  1. 这种选择性的放弃就叫做机会成本

    The alternative forgone is called the opportunity cost .

  2. 考虑机会成本:由于应用程序未启用SOA支持而未加利用的潜能有哪些?

    Consider the opportunity cost : What is the untapped potential of the application due to not SOA-enabling it ?

  3. 因此,制定正确的碳价格将有效地使碳使用者支付的成本和使用碳的真实社会机会成本相一致。

    Setting   the   right   carbon   price   will   therefore   efficiently   align   the   costs   paid   by   carbon   users with   the   true   social   opportunity   cost   of   using   carbon .

  4. EVA是经过营业净利润扣除资本投入的机会成本后的部分。

    Business Opportunities EVA is different between return on an organization 's capital and cost of the capital .

  5. 在风险企业(项目)单位产出价格不变的前提下,投资者保持还是行使期权执行权力,取决于投资机会成本与净投资收益比较的高低;NET技术的解决方案。NET平台开发C/S的遗留应用程序。

    When the unit output price of items remains constant , whether to keep or to exert the options lies on the comparison between opportunity cost and net investment income .

  6. 然后重点就联合优化下的AGC机组进行了定价分析,特别针对其机会成本和滞留容量等问题进行了讨论,得到了一些有益的结论。

    Of particular interest is the modeling of lost opportunity cost and withhold capacity introduced by pricing analysis of co-optimization .

  7. 用战略-机会成本决策模型和层次分析法(AHP),对企业在供应链管理下进行物流自营或者外包决策提供定性和定量的方法。

    The aim of this paper is to show how AHP and strategy-opportunity cost decision model can assist in selecting of outsourcing logistics strategies for firms .

  8. EVA通过引入资本成本率,不仅体现了债务成本,还有反映了股东投入的机会成本,从而综合评价了资本的使用效率。

    EVA reflects the cost of debt , and reflects the opportunity cost of investment of shareholders , so it comprehensives assessment of capital efficiency .

  9. DIY可以节省律师费,但是DIY也可能会增加机会成本和情感成本。

    DIY can save attorney fees , however , it may increase the opportunity and emotional costs .

  10. 新加坡国立大学资深研究员凯利(DavidKelly)表示,如今离开乡下关乎机会成本。

    " There is now an opportunity cost attached to leaving the countryside ," says David Kelly , a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore .

  11. 在这种情况下,本文的研究主要就是运用CAPM模型来分析风险投资中资金的机会成本。

    Based upon these thoughts , this paper mainly discusses the CAPM to analyze the opportunity cost of capital for venture capitalists and entrepreneurs .

  12. 如果商业教育成为一种商品,商学院将不得不日益加大努力,证明攻读全职MBA的高价和机会成本是物有所值的。

    And if business education is becoming a commodity , schools will have to work increasingly hard to justify their high price tags and the opportunity cost of a full-time MBA .

  13. 整个工作基于现代边际机会成本(MarginalOpportunityCost,MOC)理论,应用绿色投入产出核算理论方法,建立与现实情况较吻合的存量流量型资源经济环境一体化绿色投入产出经济分析模型。

    On the basis of modem marginal opportunity cost theory , applying green input output accounting theory , the green input output economic analysis was conducted with the integration of resources , economy and environment .

  14. EVA公式中资本成本,尤其是股东投入资金的机会成本的测度可采用比CAPM更一般的定价模型,并加入物价变动因素。

    Capital cost in EVA formula could be measured with more general models ( APT , B-S model , GNP etc. ) than CAPM , and should consider general price level fluctuation factor .

  15. 不过,正如许多emba项目主管们所指出的那样,如果将机会成本计算在内,emba项目比传统的mba项目更便宜,因为emba可以在职攻读。

    But , as programme directors point out , programmes cost less than a traditional MBA when the opportunity cost is factored in EMBA students continue to work while studying .

  16. 提出应该在逐步考虑农业用水的环境外部性收益和机会成本的基础上,建立符合市场经济条件并与绿色GDP核算体系相适应的水价体系。

    It proposes that the pricing system should be established to accord with the conditions of market economy and the system of green GDP calculation , basing on gradually considering the profit from environment externality and opportunity cost of agricultural irrigation water .

  17. 技术创新人才作为重要的人力资本应该参与企业收益的分配,选择EVA方法进行计量的原因在于它理念上的先进性,其明确考虑和计算了项目投资的机会成本。

    Technology innovation talent as human capital should participate economic profit distribution in enterprises . The method chooses EVA as measurement for its advanced concept , because it clearly considers and calculates the opportunity cost of project investment .

  18. 欧洲和北美学员在攻读MBA之前的薪资水平类似,分别为7.1万美元和6.9万美元,北美的机会成本(12.3万美元)比欧洲(8.9万美元)高出38%。

    With similar pre-MBA salaries of $ 71000 in Europe and $ 69000 in North America , the opportunity cost is 38 per cent greater in North America than in Europe : $ 123000 compared with $ 89000 .

  19. 因此,经济增加值(EVA-EconomicValueAdded)指标应运而生,EVA指标克服了传统会计指标的缺陷,其最重要的特点是考虑了权益资本的机会成本,能够更加真实的反映企业的价值创造能力。

    Therefore , economic value added ( EVA ) emerge as the times require index , EVA index overcomes the defects of traditional accounting indexes , its most important characteristic is to consider the opportunity cost of equity capital , can more realistically reflect the ability of value creation .

  20. 传统的现金折现方法(DCF),由于未考虑项目现在投资和将来投资的不确定性,并且未忽视机会成本,所以容易产生错误的决策。

    The method of DCF does not consider the uncertainty of current or future investment , and it does not recognize the opportunity cost , so it may lead to wrong decision .

  21. 论文最后从市场角度出发对AGC机组调节过程中的固定成本、机会成本及热效率损失成本等几个方面进行了理论分析和模拟计算方法,为市场条件下AGC服务的成本定价问题提供依据。

    Finally , the basic analysis and calculation model of fixed costs , opportunity costs and costs due to loss of thermal efficiency are discussed , providing the basis for cost pricing of AGC service in the ancillary service market .

  22. 经济增加值(EVA)作为一种新的业绩评价指标,与传统财务指标相比,它强调了机会成本,关注了资本的有效运用和价值创造。

    Economic value added ( EVA ) is a new kind of index for performance evaluation . Compared with the traditional financial indicators , it emphasizes the opportunity cost and pays attention to the effective use of the capital and the ability of value creation .

  23. 进而分析随着工业化的不断推进,从生命周期理论的观点看,市场价格与机会成本之间差距变小,EPZ将趋向于消亡。

    However , as industrial development proceeds , considering the life & cycle of the EPZs , the gap between the market and opportunity costs of labor narrows and the interest in EPZs tends to disappear .

  24. 试论军人职业机会成本及其补偿

    The opportunity cost of the occupation of Armyman and its compensation

  25. 有时候,机会成本产生的利益冲突可能足以让人瘫痪。

    Sometimes opportunity costs may create enough conflict to produce paralysis .

  26. 投资机会成本量化的期权方法探讨

    The Quantification of the Opportunity Cost Using the Way of Option

  27. 关于应付账款机会成本的思考

    On the thoughts of opportunity cost in Account payable The Time Account

  28. 风险投资资本的机会成本分析

    The Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs

  29. 政府也为此付出了巨大的机会成本。

    The government also put in a huge chance cost .

  30. 赊购企业商业信用成本的优化选择:机会成本分析的一个实际应用

    Security of Smart Card The Optimized Choice for Enterprise Business Credit Cost