
jī qì yǔ yán
  • machine language;computer language
  1. BASIC程序与机器语言程序的混编调用方法

    Method of combining basic program and machine language program in PC-1500

  2. 程序编制采用PC&1500机器语言和BASIC语言的混合编程。

    Combined programing is performed in PC-1500 machine language and BASIC language .

  3. 它旨在解决具有简单语法并且已描述为代数机器语言(algebraicmachinelanguage)的问题。

    It was designed for solving problems with a simple syntax and has been described as an algebraic machine language .

  4. 接着对地感线圈测速器校准仪硬件分模块进行介绍,详细的记录了各模块的开发设计过程,机器语言用C语言编写。

    Further more , it introduces the loop sensor Calibration instrument hardware . It also records the development of the design process using C language .

  5. BIOS是一段8086/8088机器语言代码,调用BIOS是利用中断调用,只有汇编语言才能直接调用。

    BIOS is a 8086 / 8088 machine language code segment .

  6. 汇编语言用十每一个CPU家族。他们把一行代码转换成一个机器语言指令。

    Assembly languages are available for every CPU family , and they translate one line of code into one machine language instruction .

  7. 本文阐述了应用近代波形存储&微机系统,实现数据自功采集和实时处理的结果,并提出了机器语言与磁盘BASIC相结合的数据采集处理程序。

    This paper presents a sytem for data automatic collecting and real-time processing by means of up-to-date waveform storage-microcomputer system and gives a program of the DOS-BASIC language combined with mechine language for the data collecting and processing .

  8. 本文在分析了IBM&PC/XT微型计算机的显示缓冲区结构的基础上,提出一种实现屏幕图形快速移动的方法。作者用BASIC语言和8086机器语言实现了这一要求。

    On the basis of analyzing the structure of display buffer of microcomputer IBM-PC / XT , the author puts forward a methed for performing high-speed movement of sereen image by using both BASIC language and 8086 machine language .

  9. 机器语言软件的自动分析工具MSD

    An automatic tool for analysing machine language software : msd

  10. 在软件上,采用机器语言和BASIC语言相结合完成数据获取、中断处理、实时显示、数据存贮以及数据处理等功能,并且在实时测量的同时可进行数据处理。

    The software , adopting both the machine and BASIC languages , can complete the data acquisition , interrupt processing , real time display , data saving and processing , etc. The System can simultaneously carry out both the real time measuring and the data processing .

  11. 单步执行每个命令并观察寄存器和内存值如何受影响,这也是学习Intel机器语言命令基础知识的理想方法。

    Stepping through each command and watching how the register and memory values are affected is also a great way to learn the basics of the Intel machine language commands .

  12. P-code是一种机器语言,运行于虚拟机而不是实际硬件。

    P-code is a machine language that is executed in a virtual machine rather than in actual hardware .

  13. JAUS由于跟配方构造有关,所以定义了一种命令结构,跟微控制器的低级机器语言中的操作代码一样。

    As it relates to recipe constructs , JAUS defines a command structure that operates like opcodes in the low-level machine language of , say , a microcontroller .

  14. 在调试期间,将机器语言反译成助记符的翻译过程。

    The translation of machine language back into mnemonics during debugging .

  15. 程序设计人员可能用机器语言或汇编语言来工作。

    Programmers may work in machine language or in assembly languages .

  16. 机器语言的区别取决于制造商和计算机的型号。

    Machine languages differ depending on the manufacturer and model of computer .

  17. 反汇编程序是一种将机器语言翻译成汇编语言的程序。

    Disassembler is a program that translates machine language into assembly language .

  18. 机器语言的类型化及代码的安全检查

    Typing for Machine Language and Safety Checking for Machine Code

  19. 把它翻译成机器语言,也就是它等价的二进制。

    It is translated into machine language-that is , into a binary equivalent .

  20. 我们就要用汇编语言,甚至要用机器语言去编写程序。

    We would all be programming in assembly language or even machine language .

  21. 汇编语言与机器语言具有某些共同特征。

    Assembly languages share certain features with machine languages .

  22. 机器语言里,数据和指令都是用二进制形式表示。

    In machine language , data and instructions are represented in binary form .

  23. 用汇编程序产生机器语言的过程。

    Utilizing an assembler to produce a machine-language program .

  24. 而将这些复杂的东西翻译成机器语言,这就是我们需要实现的现代“登月计划”。

    And translating that complexity to machines is what makes them modern-day moonshots .

  25. 汇编程序把符号语言翻译成机器语言。

    The assembler translates symbolic language into machine language .

  26. 对于某些远程系统,将配置信息翻译成机器语言的过程。

    For some remote systems , the translation of configuration information into machine language .

  27. 机器语言是由计算机可以直接执行的原语操作组成的。

    A machine language consists of primitive operations that a computer can perform directly .

  28. ∏-演算在此作为一种底层的机器语言。

    - calculus serves as the machine language .

  29. 对机器语言进行检查保证移动代码安全

    Machine Code Checking for Security of Mobile Code

  30. 英汉语歧义比较与机器语言

    The comparison of ambiguity in the Chinese and English languages and the machine language understanding