
  • 网络Extreme Programming;Kent Beck;XP - Extreme Programming
  1. 极限编程(eXtremeProgramming)开发方法作为敏捷软件开发方法的代表,更是让人称道。

    Extreme Programming development methodology as a representative of agile software development methods is praised .

  2. 极限编程(XP)是敏捷软件开发方法的代表。

    Extreme Programming is the representative of Agile Software Developmental Method .

  3. 极限编程(XP)在工程质量监管系统中的应用

    Applying Extreme Programming for Information Systems of Engineering Quality Monitoring and Controlling

  4. 极限编程在PSP、TSP实施中的应用研究

    Study of XP application in PSP & TSP

  5. 轻量级方法包括敏捷过程,例如极限编程(XP)和Scrum。

    Lightweight methodologies include agile processes like extreme programming ( XP ) and Scrum .

  6. 文章首先对Rational统一过程以及敏捷方法中的Scrum和极限编程作了简要概述,基于能力成熟度模型集成进行了评估和比较;

    An overview of the Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) and agile methods including Scrum and XP is given first .

  7. 敏捷方法跟Scrum和极限编程一样都有这样的目录。

    Agile methods like Scrum and eXtreme Programming ( XP ) have such lists .

  8. 出现了Java技术、XML、XSLT、极限编程与持续构建、还有很多其他的新技术新思想。

    Enter Java technology , XML , XSLT , extreme programming with continuous build , and a host of other new technologies and ideas .

  9. 极限编程(XP)是最为流行的敏捷开发方法之一,能够很好的适应变化,保证质量。

    Extreme Programming ( XP ) is one of the most popular agile software development methods .

  10. 极限编程(ExtremeProgramming,XP)是一种轻量级敏捷方法,强调尽可能快地交付可正常工作且经过测试的代码。

    Extreme Programming ( XP ) is a lightweight , agile method that emphasizes the delivery of working , tested code as quickly as possible .

  11. 随着敏捷软件开发和极限编程研究和应用的广泛开展,测试驱动开发(Test-drivendevelopment)得到了越来越多人的关注。

    With the research and application of the agile software development and Extreme Programming being widely performed , Test-Driven Development attracts more and more people 's attention .

  12. KentBeck(即,极限编程的发明者)所写的一章中专门对用户案例作了介绍。

    There 's a chapter by Kent Beck , the inventor of Extreme Programming .

  13. 极限编程(ExtremeProgramming,XP)&XP是轻量级方法,避免了与“测试第一”方法相关的正式建模和分析。

    Extreme Programming ( XP ) & XP is a lightweight methodology that eschews formal modeling and analysis in favor of a " test first " approach .

  14. 比如在极限编程(XP)不断的重构实践中这个原理就会十分明显。

    This principle is manifested in practices such as the continual refactoring practice of eXtreme Programming ( XP ) .

  15. Scrum和极限编程是敏捷开发方法中两个使用最为广泛的方法。

    Scrum and eXtreme Programming ( XP ) are the two most widely used methods in agile development method .

  16. 好的架构师可能来自使用SDLC的多个小型迭代的极限编程(ExtremeProgramming,XP)方法的组织。

    A good architect can come from an organization that uses the Extreme Programming ( XP ) approach of multiple small iterations of the SDLC .

  17. 极限编程是由肯特大学工作期间,贝克的克莱斯勒综合补偿系统(体C3)工资项目。

    ExtremeProgramming was created by Kent Beck during his work on the ChryslerComprehensive Compensation System ( C3 ) payroll project .

  18. 我们观察Scrum,它跟讲究胜任的极限编程不一样。

    If we look at Scrum , it doesn 't really have the notions that Extreme Programming has of competence .

  19. 测试驱动开发(Test-drivendevelopment,简称TDD)是一种可预测的软件开发方法,它是敏捷思想的重要体现,是极限编程的技术核心。

    Test-driven development is a predictable method of software development . It is an important manifestation of agile thinking , and the core technology of Extreme Programming .

  20. Dave:回归极限编程的本质,这是软件工艺运动当前的潮流之一。

    Dave : One of the current themes in the software craftsmanship movement is getting back to the roots of Extreme Programming .

  21. 我已经读了关于极限编程(XP)的许多书和文章,但是还没有接触过使用过XP的任何人。

    I had read books and articles on Extreme Programming ( XP ) but had not been exposed to anyone who used it .

  22. 解析极限编程(ExtremeProgrammingExplained)(KentBack)是一本不错的极限编程(XP)入门书,它能够让你即使在从未了解过任何敏捷方法的情况下,也能够很好地进行阅读。

    Extreme Programming Explained ( Kent Beck ) is a good intro to XP , and even if you don 't subscribe to the everything-agile approach , it makes a good read .

  23. 当他们在小项目或子项目中用他们的方式灵活地工作时,一些开发人员选择应用极限编程(ExtremeProgramming,XP)1方法的理论。

    When they have the flexibility to do things their way in a small project or sub-project , some developers choose to apply elements of the Extreme Programming ( XP ) 1 approach .

  24. 他们应该考虑一些敏捷(Agile)开发方法,例如极限编程(XP),这种开发方法采用一种增量学习及开发方法。

    Instead , consider adopting some of the new Agile development methods , such as Extreme Programming ( XP ), that foster this kind of incremental learning and development .

  25. 事实上,作为完整的项目开发管理来说,软件开发方法和开发周期模型的标准也需要确定,这个是CMM不可能做到的,而极限编程正好起到了很好的实践指导作用。

    In fact , a whole of project management also need to define software exploration method and cycle model , which can 't be done by CMM .

  26. 这个观点也不完全是新的&KentBeck在1999年他出版的“白皮书”《解析极限编程》中就谈到过真实期权。

    The idea isn 't entirely new-Kent Beck wrote on Real Options in his1999 " white book "( Extreme Progamming Explained ) .

  27. 极限编程(ExtremeProgramming,或简称XP)是一套能快速开发高质量软件所需的价值观、原则和活动的集合,使软件能以尽可能快的速度开发出来并向客户提供最高的效益。

    Extreme Programming ( or XP ) is a set of values , principles and practices for rapidly developing high-quality software that provides the highest value for the customer in the fastest way possible .

  28. RonJeffries,一个著名的极限编程(XP)开发员,宣称XP实践在任何范围内都能很好的工作。

    Ron Jeffries , a well-known Extreme Programming ( XP ) practitioner , claims that XP practices work just fine at any scale .

  29. KentBeck在谈及极限编程的时候也说过,在真正实现敏捷之前,必须要超越XP的最佳实践。

    Kent Beck , talking of Extreme Programming , also said that XP best practices need to be transcended before one became truly Agile .

  30. 对于软件开发团队,也可以用极限编程的价值观来代替或补充说明Scrum价值观。

    You can also use Extreme Programming values in place of , or in addition to , the Scrum values if your team develops software .