
jí dì qì hòu
  • polar climates
  1. FGOALSg1.1极地气候模拟

    Polar climate simulation in FGOALS_g1.1

  2. 进一步证实高北纬极地气候可以通过西风带和蒙古、西伯利亚高压系统传输到东亚东亚季风区。

    Further , they verify that high-latitude climate can transfer to East Asia monsoon region via the westerly and Mongolia and Siberian high pressure system .

  3. 雅鲁藏布大峡谷中有很多从未受到人类活动影响的动、植物。峡谷内气候多样,从亚热带气候到极地气候一应俱全。

    The canyon is home to many animals and plants barely explored and affected by human influence , while its climate ranges from subtropical to Arctic .

  4. 但是由于受极地气候条件的限制,目前对极地海洋环境的调查活动主要集中在夏季,采用传统的船基调查方式开展,缺乏全年连续的监测数据。

    However , due to the polar climate conditions , the current investigation on polar marine environment is mainly in the summer , using the traditional manner in ship-based surveys , lacking of continuous monitoring data throughout the year .

  5. “海盾号”可在极地气候下工作,预计将在4月5日前到达搜索区域,这意味着搜救队只剩下两天时间在水深6500英尺至13000英尺(约合2000米至4000米)的海域定位黑匣子。

    Ocean Shield , a vessel built to operate in Antarctic weather , is expected to arrive in the search area by April 5-leaving teams as little as two days to locate the recorders in depths of some 6500 feet to 13000 feet ( 2000 meters to 4000 meters ) .

  6. 远东腾辉正积极地将抑制气候变化视为一个可持续促进经济增长的机遇,而非抑制经济发展的制约因素。

    Yuandong Tenghui is positively taking climate change control as an opportunity to sustainably promote the economic growth & it is not a restrictive element of economic development .

  7. 极地海冰变化对气候的影响

    The effects of the polar sea ice on climate

  8. 极地冰岩芯&气候和环境的记录

    Polar Ice Cores & Climatic and Environmental Records

  9. 本文为“极地海冰变化对气候的影响”专题研究工作的简单小结。

    This paper is a summary of the results obtained in the research work of the special topic " the effect of the Ploar sea LCE on climate " .

  10. 极地海冰作为全球气候系统的一个重要组成部分,通过影响大洋表面的辐射平衡、物质平衡、能量平衡以及大洋温、盐流的形成和循环而影响全球气候变化。

    As an important component of global climate system , the Polar sea ice impacts global climate by sea surface radiation balance , mass balance , energy balance , as well as the circulation of sea water temperature and salinity . Sea ice has been studied for a long time .