
  1. 人民群众是领导活动的根本动力;

    The masses are the basic drive of leader 's activities .

  2. 领导活动是人的一种特殊的实践活动。

    Leading activity is a kind of special human practice .

  3. 论领导活动的最高境界&基于无为而治的超级领导

    On the Highest-level of Leading Activity & Super-leadership Based on Governing Inactively

  4. 追随者是领导活动的重要因素之一。

    The followers are to be a significant factor in the leading activities .

  5. 藉由参加分会的相关领导活动,我的自信心增加。

    By taking on leadership activities within my club , my confidence has grown .

  6. 论领导活动的本质特征

    On the Intrinsic Characteristics of Leading Activity

  7. 追随是被领导者与领导者共有的行为,在领导活动中追随者的角色是可以互换的。

    The conduct of following is shared by leaders and followers whose role can be interchangeable in leading activities .

  8. 思维创新是领导活动发展和变革的先导,实践是领导思维创新的源泉。

    Intellectual innovation is a requisite of leading activity development and reform , and practice is the springhead of it .

  9. 领导活动中,领导者与上级之间发生矛盾、对立和斗争是难以避免的。

    It 's inevitable that there exists contradiction , opposition and conflict between the leaders and higher authorities during the leadership .

  10. 随着现代领导活动的日趋复杂,参谋辅助系统能否充分发挥其作用,直接影响着领导机关的效率与效益。

    Whether the system of advice and assistance can fully play its role directly affects the efficiency and benefit of leading bodies .

  11. 领导活动,从根本上说是一种不断解决新问题、追求新目标、开拓新世界的创新活动。

    The leaders ' activity is actually a kind of innovation in solving new problems , pursuing new targets and opening up the new world .

  12. 决策是领导活动的核心和关键环节,科学而正确的决策是领导活动完成及取得成功的重要前提条件。

    Decision-making is the core and key link of leadership activities . Scientific and correct decision-making is the important prerequisite for leaders to complete their activities successfully .

  13. 参谋辅助是秘书工作的基本职能,但在现代领导活动中,无论是秘书还是领导者都未能对这一职能予以充分的认识。

    Though advice and assistance is the basic function of secretary 's work , neither secretary nor leader can completely realize the function in modern leading activities .

  14. 目前地市台时政新闻报道模式僵化,尤其是对会议和领导活动的报道,陷入了固定的宣传模式之中。

    The news report mode of current political events in some district and city stations , especially the report on the meetings and activities of leaders have fallen into the regular propaganda mode .

  15. 在领导活动中,领导者的有效协调对于增长领导才能、交流决策信息、激发群体活力以及改善发展环境意义十分重要。

    In the leaders ' activity , the leaders ' coordination ability is of great importance to the exchange of information , enhancement of group vigor , and the improvement in the development environment .

  16. 追随者的性格特征、追随能力、价值观念、潜在权力以及与领导者建立的各种关系都会对领导者、领导活动和领导效率产生重要的影响与作用。

    The followers ' character traits , abilities to follow the leaders , value concept , potential power , and the various relationships with the leaders have great influence on the leaders , the leadership and the leading efficiency .

  17. 特别是客观方面部分,对于如何理解组织、领导活动,如何理解骗取财物以及本罪的立案标准和怎样构成情节严重问题进行了分析,并提出了一些立法建议。

    Especially in the objective aspect , it analyzes how to understand organization and leadership activities , how to understand diddling property as well as conviction criterion of this law and how to serious crime and puts forward some legislative suggestions .

  18. 领导活动只有不断适应各种变化,并根据形势及时做出对策性反应,深谋远虑、富有策略地控制势态发展,才能将现实中所有有利因素串联起来,整合成强大的动力获取新的发展成果。

    The leadership behaviors only constantly adapt to the changes , timely response to the situation and make full of strategies to control the developments , then it could get the favorable factors together , and integrate them into a powerful motivation to acquire new development results .

  19. 领导研发活动和与外部软件开发组织的合作

    Primary goal is leadership development and integration with external software development organizations

  20. 是病弱的伯父我们的领导是活动。

    Wan Uncle was still our leader this activity .

  21. 我们要求恰当地指示公民并领导各种活动。

    We ask that proper instructions be given to citizens and direct their movements .

  22. 第五部分对组织、领导传销活动罪刑罚的适用进行了研究。

    The fifth part studies the penalty application of organizing , leading pyramid selling activities .

  23. 因此,对组织、领导传销活动罪进行系统详细的论述十分必要地。

    Accordingly , to organize , lead MLM activities systematic detailed discussion sin is necessary .

  24. 国有媒体《环球时报》在上周一篇社论中对年轻人领导抗议活动的危险性发出了警告。

    The state-run Global Times newspaper warned about the dangers of youth-led protests in an editorial last week .

  25. 考察发现,领导教育活动是古今世界各国普遍存在的一项人类教育活动。

    It is found by investigation that leadership education activity is of a common humanity in the ancient world .

  26. 《刑法修正案(七)》中组织、领导传销活动罪的设立,标志着传销犯罪的单独入罪。

    The organization , leadership pyramid selling in Criminal Law Amendment ⅶ marks a separate crime conviction pyramid schemes .

  27. 这部分先后细致地分析了组织、领导传销活动罪的犯罪客体、犯罪客观方面、犯罪主体和主观方面。

    This part analyzes objective aspect , subject of crime and subjective aspect of organizing and leading pyramid selling activity crime orderly .

  28. 最后,分析了组织、领导传销活动罪的犯罪形态,包括完成形态、共犯形态和罪数形态。

    Last , the paper analyzes the criminal patterns including complete criminal pattern of intentional crime , complicity and quantity of crime .

  29. 第二,组织、领导传销活动罪与其他相关罪名的区别,主要是与集资诈骗罪、非法经营罪的区别。

    Second , the differences between organization , leadership pyramid selling and other crimes , mainly with fund-raising fraud and illegal business .

  30. 那么,在该修正案通过施行后,对传销行为触犯刑法如何正确适用组织、领导传销活动罪的问题摆在了司法机关的面前。

    After that , the judicial organs have to handle the problem of judicial application on Crime of Organizing and Leading Pyramid Selling .