
shānɡ biāo quán
  • trademark rights/privileges/interests
  1. WTO规则与中国商标权的法律保护

    The WTO Regulations and Legal Protection of Trademark Right in China

  2. 商标权证券化浅析&以Guess?Inc为例

    Trademark Rights Securitization Brief Analysis & Making Guess ? Inc as an Example

  3. 我国在加入WTO后,随着国内市场逐步放开,商标权产品平行进口的出现亦不可避免。

    After joining WTO , with the domestic market unlocking progressively , we can not avoided the problem to the parallel import of trade mark in China .

  4. 另外,应促进C2C平台提供商和商标权人的有力协作。

    In addition , C2C platform provider and trademark owner must be strengthen their cooperation .

  5. 已被巴西签署的国际公约如《巴黎公约》、《TRIPS》也被认为是商标权保护的法律依据。

    Several international treaties such as the Convention Union of Paris and TRIPS , both valid in Brazil , also support trademark law .

  6. 随着我国加入WTO,商标权作为知识产权的重要组成部分,在现代经济领域越来越受到人们的关注。

    As our country joins the WTO , trade mark right regarded as the important component of the intellectual property right , paid more and more attention by people in the modern economic fields .

  7. 美国耐克公司在中国享有NIKE商标权,核定使用商品是运动衣。

    Nike the United States in China enjoy " NIKE " trademarks , the use of approved goods is sportswear .

  8. 在西班牙国内,西班牙FLORABERTRANDMARA公司也享有NIKE商标权,注册类别为运动服装。

    In Spain , Spain FLORA BERTRAND MARA companies also enjoy " NIKE " trademark registered for the type of sport clothing .

  9. 此后,唯冠提出不同解释,深圳一家法院最近判定苹果公司在中国不拥有iPad商标权。

    Proview has since claimed to the contrary , and a Shenzhen court recently agreed that Apple does not own the rights to the name within China .

  10. 2012年,苹果在法院拒绝其商标权后,被迫向一家当地公司支付6000万美元,后者抢先注册了iPad名称。

    Apple was forced in 2012 to pay $ 60m to a local company that had registered the iPad name after a court rejected its right to the trademark .

  11. 本文最后一章通过与TRIPS协定的比较,对我国有关知识产权执法措施的法律制度进行了评述,指出临时禁令制度不应仅限于著作权、商标权、专利权的范围。

    Compared with TRIPS , the author comments on the law system about IP executive measures and points out that preliminary injunction should not just limit to copyright , trademark right and patent right .

  12. 9个月后,苹果与深圳唯冠的姊妹公司达成协议,并据此宣布已取得iPad在中国的商标权。

    Apple closed a deal nine months later with a sister group of Proview Shenzhen , under which the US company   claims   to   have   acquired the China trademark .

  13. 俗话说,说句“谢谢”没什么损失,可花旗集团(Citigroup)不这么想。这家美国银行正因为这个词起诉AT&T,理由是后者使用这个词等于是侵犯了该行的商标权。

    Saying thanks costs nothing , as the adage goes . But not according to Citigroup , the US bank , which is suing AT & T on the grounds that its use of the term amounts to a trademark infringement .

  14. 然而,起草者并没有排除另一个类似财产的清单,如,现在的专利权、版权和商标权的国际买卖受CISG调整。

    However , the drafters did not exclude a long list of other similar assets , such as patent rights , copyrights , and trademarks , whose international sale is now governed by CISG .

  15. 结果,大品牌所有者在设法确保icann具备在猛烈袭击开始时会保护他们权力的程序例如,将侵犯商标权的网站快速关闭的办法。

    As a result , big brand owners are trying to ensure that ICANN has procedures that will protect their rights when the onslaught begins ways to get trademark-infringing sites taken down quickly , for example .

  16. 在区域生态认证体系中,REC标志使用权具有“似商标权”的经济学属性,其经济价值在于能带来额外利润。

    In the system of Region Ecosystem Certification , the right to use the eco-label " REC " has the economic attributes of " similar trademark right ", and its economic value is to make supplementary profits .

  17. 商标权人必须向提供商提供侵权事实存在的有力证据,但是庞大的侵权数量使商标权人一一发现、一一取证困难且成本巨大,故C2C平台上的商标侵权行为更为猖獗。

    The owner of trademark must provide strong evidences , but the large number of infringement makes it difficult and expensive for the owner of trademark to find and obtain them one by one , so that trademark infringement is more and more rampant on C2C platform .

  18. 论商标权的网络生存

    On the Protection of the Trademark Right in the Internet Age

  19. 商标权是商标权人依照法律的规定对其商标所享有的一系列权利的总称。商标权保护范围也就是法律保护商标权的范围。

    Trademarks are enjoyed legally by trademark owners according to the law .

  20. 域名领域商标权区别保护的原因探析

    On the Reasons of the Distinct Protect on Trademarks in Domain field

  21. 商标权与企业名称权的法律冲突以及解决方案

    Conflicts and Settlement of Law between Trademark Authority and Trade Name Authority

  22. 域名与商标权的冲突及对策研究

    A Research on Conflicts between Domain Name and Trademark Rights and Solutions

  23. 须有商标权存在;

    ( 2 ) it should have the existence of trademark right ;

  24. 试论商标权冲突的裁量

    On the Judgment of the Conflict of the Trademark Rights On Quantity

  25. 第二部分关于商标权保护的行政规章清单

    Part II List of Administrative Rules Regarding Protection of Trademark

  26. 提供在中国境内使用的专利权、专有技术、商标权、著作权等而取得的使用费;

    Rentals on property leased to and used by lessees in China ;

  27. 第三部分,域名与商标权的冲突问题。

    The third part , Domain name and trade mark privileges question .

  28. 商标权与著作权的权利冲突探析

    Analysis of the Conflicts of Trademark Right with Copy right

  29. 试论商标权合理使用制度的建构

    On Construction of Fair Use System of Trademark Right

  30. 试析商标权和企业名称权的冲突

    The Analysis of the Conflict of Trademark Right and Name Right of Enterprises