
  • 网络category rights
  1. 我国应在理论研究基础上,积极结合中国的法律实践,借我国制定《民法典》的时机,对各类别的期待权制度进行完善,以利于市场经济的深入发展。

    Based on the theoretical researches and referring to the legal practices in our country , in order to make a deep development of our market economy , we should perfect the expectant right of all kinds in the background of the drawing up of the code of civil law .

  2. 电影人可以推荐影片进入其想要进入的类别,但委员会保留参选类别的最终决定权。

    The filmmaker is welcome to suggest which category he or she would like to enter but the Committee retains the right of final decision on category selection .