
  • 网络Similar services;like service
  1. 我把另外两家提供类似服务的公司的宣传资料发给你。

    I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service

  2. 由于主动描述信息的抽象性,它在提供类似服务的Web服务中可以是相同的,因此无法具备区分具体服务能力,只能在服务发现过程中的Web服务发现阶段发挥作用。

    Active description can not provide useful information to distinguish concrete services because Web services providing similar services can use the same active description .

  3. 宗教慈善组织美国志愿军(VolunteersofAmerica)让潜在的社会改良家根据兴趣搜索志愿服务岗位,一些城市机构也提供类似服务。

    Volunteers of America lets would-be do-gooders search positions by interest , and some municipalities provide similar services .

  4. 此外,YouTube目前并没有在美国以外的地区提供类似服务的计划。

    There were no plans for a similar service outside the US .

  5. 澳大利亚一家网络营销公司目前正在向Facebook用户出售“好友”和“粉丝”。之前该公司曾向Twitter用户提供过类似服务。

    An Australian online marketing company is selling friends and fans to Facebook members after offering a similar service to Twitter users .

  6. 如果真这样的话,谷歌和亚马逊(Amazon)几乎如出一辙,后者早在今年初就启动了一项类似服务,不过现在仍未取得音乐厂商们的许可。

    If so , the move echoes Amazon , which launched a similar music service also sans industry approval earlier this year .

  7. 谷歌的安卓系统也提供类似服务,名为谷歌钱包(GoogleWallet),而苹果前不久也推出了一项可存储忠诚卡信息和购物券的服务。

    Google 's Android also has a similar service , Google Wallet , and Apple recently introduced a service to store loyalty-card information and coupons .

  8. 他估计全球有大约2000万消费者在使用VPN或类似服务,以便获取300余种受区域限制的频道。

    Globally , he figures , perhaps 20 million consumers use VPNs and similar services to reach more than 300 channels that are geographically blocked in some way .

  9. EC2以及类似服务的魅力在于它们非常简单,并且可以被立刻触发。

    The beauty of EC2 and similar services is that they are simple and can be fired up at a moment 's notice .

  10. 就像IBM公司最近宣布要“向外扩展”存储产品,让大公司无需巨额投资也能升级存储能力一样,SpliceMachine也瞄准了大型数据库提供类似服务。

    Much the way IBM recently announced a " scale out " storage offering that allows large companies to scale capabilities without massive investments , so Splice Machine aims to do the same thing for large databases .

  11. 以这种方式交流无论是在twitter上还是在为企业提供类似服务的yammer上还会有一个好处。

    To communicate this way either on Twitter or on yammer , which is a similar service aimed at companies would have another advantage .

  12. 目前尚不清楚Airbnb是否会采用类似服务,说服中国人向游客敞开大门。

    It is unclear whether Airbnb will take up similar services to persuade Chinese to open their doors to visitors .

  13. 亚洲投资者已经开始接纳其它新生事物,比如提供类似服务、但相对落后的电子交叉网络(ECN)。

    Asian investors have already started to embrace other developments such as electronic crossing networks that offer similar but less developed services .

  14. 就像IBM公司最近宣布要向外扩展存储产品,让大公司无需巨额投资也能升级存储能力一样,SpliceMachine也瞄准了大型数据库提供类似服务。

    Much the way IBM recently announced a scale out storage offering that allows large companies to scale capabilities without massive investments , so Splice Machine aims to do the same thing for large databases . ' The best of both worlds '

  15. 巴克莱(Barclays)数据显示,在美国,非体育类有线台每年从有线和卫星电视运营商那里收到的转播费高达170亿美元,视频点播及类似服务实现75亿美元的收入,在2013年增长20%。

    In the US , non-sports cable networks receive $ 17bn a year in fees from cable and satellite operators ; video-on-demand and similar services gain another $ 7.5bn , growing by 20 per cent in 2013 , according to Barclays .

  16. 第一步是调用一个在更新UCA处理程序中使用的类似服务,但这一次,该服务将搜索一个已为进行流程上的业务数据搜索而公开的客户标识符。

    The first step is a call to a similar service to that used in the update UCA handler , but this time the service searches on a customer identifier which has also been exposed for business data search on the process .

  17. 世界上许多医院都有类似服务。

    Many hospitals the world over offer similar services .

  18. 我一直以为,所有会计师事务所都提供类似服务。

    Last time I looked , all the accountancy firms offered a parallel service .

  19. 阿里巴巴、百度与腾讯正成为互联网综合企业,提供成套类似服务。

    Alibaba , Baidu and Tencent are becoming internet conglomerates offering similar sets of services .

  20. 服务名可以使用通配符,从而可以轻松地将类似服务的组分配到相同的事务类。

    The service name can be wildcarded , which allows groups of similar services to be easily assigned to the same transaction class .

  21. 不只是脸书,苹果公司也为其员工提供了类似服务。

    Facebook is not alone in this uncommon movement , either . Apple has also announced a similar program for it 's employees .

  22. 腾讯现在打算推出一项类似服务,同样利用用户的社交与财务记录来评估他们的信用风险。

    Tencent now aims to launch a similar service , which likewise accounts for users " social and financial histories to assess their credit risk .

  23. 预期中国电信将以英国的这项业务为平台,在欧洲其它国家(如法国和德国)推出类似服务。

    China Telecom is expected to use the UK operations as the platform to launch similar services in other European countries such as France and Germany .

  24. 根据一项特别法律,日本已在为印度洋上的美国舰船提供类似服务,该项法律正要进行年度修订。

    Japan already operates a similar service for American ships in the Indian Ocean under a special law that has just come up for annual revision .

  25. 一些商业街上的药房已开始有偿提供类似服务,但英国孕期谘询服务处的服务首次免费。

    Some high street pharmacies already offer a similar service for a fee but the BPAS service is understood to be the first not to charge .

  26. 服务调用方法必须足够灵活以处理一些事件,比如经常在类似服务的外部提供者之间切换,而不需要更改应用程序。

    The service invocation approach must be flexible enough to cope with events such as switching frequently between external providers of a similar service without requiring changes to the application .

  27. 目前大型连锁超市在中国各地的增长势头仍然十分迅速,如果哪些超市能把眼光瞄准那些移动互联网用户,并推出类似服务,那么他们与依赖传通营销方式的超市相比,将拥有重大的竞争优势。

    Big-box chains are still growing aggressively across the China and those who targeting this growing mass of mobile Internet users will have a critical advantage over retailers who rely only upon traditional marketing .

  28. 本周新发表支持的一项学术研究显示,使用过类似服务后,近一半的商家都表示不会再使用第二次。

    The growing backlash against daily-deals services got some fresh support this week from an academic study finding that fewer than half of the companies that use such services once are unlikely to do so a second time .

  29. 类似服务,是指在服务的目的、内容、方式、对象等方面相同,或者相关公众一般认为存在特定联系、容易造成混淆的服务。

    " Similar service " refers to the services that are identical with each other in purpose , content , way of serving and target consumers ; or services that are likely to lead the relevant public into thinking they are associated with each other and cause confusion .

  30. 例如,其中一个主意是让通过优步或其他类似服务叫车的乘客在被接上之前至少等待5分钟,即使可提供服务的司机就在附近。这种障碍除了激起乘客的愤怒什么作用也没有。

    For example , one idea is to make riders wait at least five minutes before being picked up after hailing a ride through Uber or another similar service , even if there is an available driver close by , an obstruction that will provide nothing but irritation for passengers .