
miǎn fèi fú wù
  • free service
  1. 简介:Google地图是一种免费服务,可通过Internet提供基于浏览器的方位向导以及特定位置的地图。

    Summary : Google Maps is a free service that provides browser-based directions as well as maps of particular locations through the Internet .

  2. 目前,Lemon提供免费服务以及两个等级的付费使用服务。

    Currently , lemon offers a free service as well as two levels of paid subscriptions .

  3. 但其他iPhone用户却无权获得这一免费服务。

    However , users of other iPhones are not eligible for the complimentary service .

  4. 假如GoogleVoice马上向公众公开其免费服务,贾戈尔再想销售包月计划难度将大得多。

    If Google Voice opens up its free service to the general public soon , it will get a lot tougher for Jagoe to sell monthly plans .

  5. giveaway应该有赠送、分发的意思吧,所以givethingsaway=freeservices,给予网上服务,进而希望广告收入得以实现的想法,对享受免费服务的消费者而言无疑是具有吸引力的。

    The idea that you can give things away online , and hope that advertising revenue will somehow materialise later on , undoubtedly appeals to users , who enjoy free services as a result .

  6. XHTML验证器,一个检验HTML和XHTML等档案是否符合W3C委员会建议规范或其他标准的免费服务。

    XHTML Validator . A free service that checks documents like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards .

  7. 然而,这一认识带来的愤怒——要求谷歌(Google)、Facebook等免费服务提供商审查并过滤新闻——是对现实的错误诊断。

    However , the outrage that has followed this realisation - with free services such as Google and Facebook being urged to censor and filter the news - misdiagnoses the situation .

  8. 购买新款iPad、iPhone、笔记本电脑或台式机的用户可以享受AppleTV+一年的免费服务。

    Users who buy any Apple products including new iPads , iPhones , laptops , or desktops are eligible to enjoy one year of free subscription to Apple TV + .

  9. JAP带有若干免费服务供应商的预设置并且还支持付费服务。

    JAP comes pre-configured with several free service providers and also supports pay services .

  10. 但得注意即使你只想用最基本的免费服务,还是得提供用户的基本数据,包含姓名、地址、email、电话与信用卡号码,以供认证。

    Note that even if you opt for just the free service , you 'll have to provide your name , address , email , phone number , and credit card number for identification purposes .

  11. 这家公司提供一项免费服务以及与公司同名的iPhone通讯录应用程序,该应用可以将其注册用户与你通讯录上的人进行匹配,关联上之后,一旦他们的信息变动,你的通讯录就会自动更新。

    The company is offering a free service and contacts app of the same name for the iPhone that matches people in each others ' address books , and then automatically updates their information when changes occur .

  12. 可供选择的还有Skype,这项免费服务允许人们通过智能手机和其他设备与世界各地的亲朋好友进行视频聊天。

    There 's also Skype , which is free and allows video chatting via smartphones and other devices with friends and family anywhere in the world at no cost .

  13. 这些免费服务将使用LICP的大约5%的资源。

    These free services will use about five per cent of LICP 's resources .

  14. 这其中包括Spotify。目前Spotify已成为流媒体方面的市场领袖,拥有1500万付费订阅用户,还有4500万使用其免费服务的用户。

    That includes Spotify , which has bec ¬ ome market leader in streaming , with 15m paying subscribers and 45m people using its free service .

  15. 否则,一旦无法履行提供服务可用性的承诺,您就必须根据服务水平协议(SLA)条款向用户提供信用、补偿以及数月的免费服务。

    If you do not , you must give users credits , refunds , or free months of service according to the terms of Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) for failure to provide service availability guarantees .

  16. 在Zana的帮助下,一切准入障碍都不复存在,因为这是一种按需分配的免费服务。

    With Zana , there aren 't any real barriers to entry , as it 's free and available on demand .

  17. 这家公司仍然在销售CSA软件,同时也提供了免费服务,让农场知道什么时候需要雇佣更多人手,让仓库知道要打包什么货物,让司机知道要运送什么包裹。

    While the company continues to sell its CSA software , it also now has free offerings that help its farms know when to hire , its warehouses know what to pack , and its drivers know what to deliver .

  18. 研究发现,大多数互联网用户继续通过免费服务获取在线新闻。这些免费服务包括英国广播公司新闻网站(BBCNews)、每日邮报信托集团(DailyMailandGeneralTrust)的MailOnline,以及BuzzFeed和Upworthy等创立时间更短的网站。

    But the research found that the majority of web users continues to seek online news from free services , such as the BBC News website and Daily Mail and General Trust 's MailOnline - as well as newer sites such as BuzzFeed and Upworthy .

  19. 我特别测试了两种新的免费服务谷歌(google)上月发布的“凭邀请使用”的测试版googlevoice,以及最近推出的任何人都可使用的公开测试版voxox2。

    In particular , I have been checking out two of the new free services google voice , launched as an " invitation only " beta or trial version last month , and voxox 2 , which launched this week as an open beta available to everyone .

  20. Spotify利用免费服务,吸引潜在用户转为订阅用户,但许多音乐行业人士并不喜欢Spotify,其中泰勒•斯威夫特去年还突然撤下了其在Spotify上的所有歌曲。

    Spotify uses the free service to draw potential customers to its subscription service but many in the music industry - including Taylor Swift , who yanked her catalogue from the service last year - do not like it .

  21. 我们对顾客提供免费服务电话。

    520 We have a toll-free number for customers to call .

  22. 他建议给免费服务设置几个月的时限。

    He suggests limiting the free service to a few months .

  23. 论免费服务不能免责的民法基础

    On the Civil Law Foundation of Service-free but Out of Liability

  24. 他们乐于提供免费服务。

    They 're happy to give their services free of charge .

  25. 这决定了图书馆收费不能以市场为原则,要坚持免费服务原则。

    Therefore the libraries should maintain the principle of free service .

  26. 这是否意味着免费服务将在经济低迷时期逐渐消亡?

    Does this mean that Free will retreat in a down economy ?

  27. 但这并不表示提供免费服务就足够了,免费的同时必须有收费。

    But it does mean that Free is not enough .

  28. 他可以保留那玩意,而我们就享受免费服务。

    He gets to keep it and we have our free service .

  29. 免费服务:火车票、机票免费预定服务,免费提供口译服务。

    Services : Airline ticket and train ticket reservation , free interpretation service .

  30. 文章对免费服务给予了热烈赞颂。

    The free services are acclaimed in this article .