
  • 网络Free sample;giveaways
  1. 他们在赠送免费样品。

    They are giving away free samples .

  2. 其实,当美国德州仪器公司(texasinstruments)后来推出一个内置这个模型的畅销计算器时,这家电子集团甚至拒绝给这些学者提供一些免费样品。

    Indeed , when Texas Instruments , the electronics group , subsequently launched a best-selling calculator that incorporated the model , it even refused to provide free samples to the academics .

  3. 对不起!我们不能提供免费样品。

    I 'm sorry we can 't give out free samples .

  4. 内附厂方敬赠的免费样品。

    A free sample is enclosed with the compliments of the manufacturer .

  5. 目前,做广告的人不仅提供免费样品。

    These days , advertisers not only offer free samples .

  6. 有能拿走的免费样品吗?

    Are there any free samples that I can have ?

  7. 魔鬼什么时候送过免费样品

    Since when does the devil give out free samples ?

  8. 现已有数千人给我们来信索要免费样品。

    Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample .

  9. 很多展馆还会为游客提供免费样品和食品。

    Many of the participating pavilions offer free samples and treats for the visitors .

  10. 我方寄给您一些免费样品。

    We are sending you some free samples .

  11. 你必须制定一个计划,宣传你即将发行的产品或服务的免费样品。

    You should plan to give away free samples of your products or services .

  12. 随后,该公司向这些“影响者”邮寄了免费样品和优惠券,供他们送给家人和朋友。

    These " influencers " were then mailed free samples and coupons to pass on to family and friends .

  13. 凯斯特公司很高兴为您处理一份免费样品,您只需支付运费。

    Kester will be happy to process a no charge sample , we just ask that you pay the freight .

  14. 贝蒂:要是那个产品的话,你们就需要下100件或100件以上的订单,才能获得免费样品。

    Betty : For that item , you would need to place an order of a hundred pieces or more to make it a free sample .

  15. 她弓着腰,不满地四处张望,拿走商场里每个摊位上的免费样品,未经请求就主动给一个年轻妈妈大讲育儿之道。

    Hunched and peering about disapprovingly , she takes free samples from every stall at a marketplace and , unsolicited , lectures a young mother on how to feed her baby .

  16. 在广告时间,荧幕下方会出现一块用于向观众推销的遮挡区。观众点击一个按钮就可以中请获得一份免费的样品或订购一本产品目录。

    During commercials , an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen , prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue .

  17. 米契:我想我们应该多准备一些免费的样品。

    Mitch : I think we should prepare more free samples .

  18. 与此同时,我们提供免费周刊样品。

    Meanwhile , we offer a free sample every week .

  19. 他常常能拿到免费的样品。

    He got used to taking home free samples .

  20. 你需要一个免费的样品吗?

    Shall I send you a free sample ?

  21. 正午的长影子就是一个免费的样品。

    Long shadows at midday are a giveaway .

  22. 在新的地方,就没有空间来储存所有的那些免费药物样品。

    In the new place , there was no room to store all those samples .

  23. 你可以免费得到样品。

    You can get the sample gratis .

  24. 有可免费提供样品的意思吗?

    Sample can be made available ?

  25. 免费提供样品。

    Samples are presented free .

  26. 免费的样品.来拿吧,免费的样品.告诉你朋友们

    Here , look . Free sample , help yourself , okay ? Free sample.Tell yourt friend .

  27. 法规还规定禁止烟草制造商赞助体育活动和免费赠送样品。

    The legislation would also prevent tobacco manufacturers from sponsoring sporting events and from giving away free samples .

  28. 提供免费的样品来吸引更多的人让他们更加了解产品也是很重要的。

    It is also important to offer free samples to attract more people and let them know more about the product .

  29. “免费的样品药很费钱,”它指出道,因为只有最昂贵的药品才被这样促销。

    " 'Free'drug samples cost you money ," it says , because they are promoted only for the most expensive drugs .

  30. 在法案下,免费药品样品的提供或临床实验的财政可能不会公开。

    Under the bill , the provision of free drug samples and financing for clinical trials would not have to be disclosed .