
  • 网络critical price
  1. 提出临界价格的概念,推导出临界价格的计算公式或应满足的条件。

    Moreover , the concept of critical price is primarily put forward here , and the calculating formula or some necessary requirements for critical price are deduced and ascertained .

  2. 引入临界价格概念建立了开放系统博弈价格模型,得出了使企业保持相对较高利润水平又对新投资者没有吸引力的价格。

    In addition , the paper introduces the concept of critical price , puts forward the pricing model of game in open market , and calculated the price that could maintain high profit for existing firms but has no attraction for new investors .

  3. 通过模型的一组模拟数值解发现当未来有不利事件发生时,企业进入市场和退出市场的临界价格均随该事件的平均发生率的增加而增加;

    Through the numerical solutions of the model , when the unexpected events have the negative effect on the price , the optimal entry and exit threshold will increase with the rise of the average rates of events happen .

  4. 本文利用灰色系统理论,讨论了灰色盈亏平衡的临界产量和临界价格,为处理经济系统中的不确定因素进行了尝试。

    Abstract : In this paper , we have discussed the critical output and critical price of grey profit and loss by grey system theory , It is significant to deal with the uncertainly . factors in economic system .

  5. 提出煤焦临界置换比、增益临界富氧量、临界富氧气体价格等概念,并给出了相应的计算公式。

    Some conceptions , such as critical coal-to-coke replacement ratio , benefit-rising critical oxygen enrichment rate and critical economic oxygen price , as well as the corresponding calculating formulae are given in the paper .