
  • 网络joint promotion;joint sales promotion;Tie-ins
  1. 实施联合促销,奖励客户推荐式促销。

    The implementation of joint promotion , reward customers recommend the promotion .

  2. 论联合促销在旅游营销中的应用

    Discussion on the appliance of joint promotion in tourism industry

  3. 旅游地形象联合促销行为的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of the United Image Promotion Action in Tourist Destinations

  4. 纵向联合促销的微分对策分析及其商务政策制定

    The Differential Game Analysis of Vertical Cooperative-Promotions and the Design of Business Policy

  5. 联合促销:挡不住的营销新趋势

    Joint Sales Promotion : New Marketing Tendency that can 't be Kept Off

  6. 然后重点对纵向联合促销双赢的内在机制进行分析。

    Secondly , analyses emphatically the win-win intrinsic mechanism of the cooperative promotion .

  7. 零售商主导下的制造商竞争与营销渠道联合促销研究

    Study on Manufacture Competition and Marketing Channel Cooperative Promotion When Retailer Is the Leader

  8. 你们早期的品牌意识宣传活动还应该包括联合促销活动。

    Lauren : Your initial brand awareness campaign should also include joint promotional events .

  9. 进一步抓好旅游地形象塑造和旅游联合促销,打造国际海滨度假城市形象;

    Setting up city image of international seashore by creating image of tourist destination and promoting marketing ;

  10. 联合促销作为一种商战中的双赢行为,逐渐被企业普遍接受并广泛采用。

    Be a win-win behavior in the commercial contention , cooperative promotion is being adopted widely and accepted generally .

  11. 采取多种促销手段,以广告宣传、联合促销、对经销商促销等方式进行市场推广。

    Carry on marketing with many marketing tools , such as advertising , jointly promotes , promoting to the distributor , etc.

  12. 热点问题研究的综述主要涉及大旅游的发展理念、旅游联合促销、区域旅游联合发展的空间组织形式的有关研究。

    The summary of discussion on hot issues involved the study of macro tourism concepts , tourism joint promotion , and spatial organic forms of regional tourism joint development .

  13. 原因在于很好的抓住了市场消费者的需求。联合促销方面我们将尽最大的努力调动消费者的热情,以丰富多彩的活动来使消费者获得年轻,激情,时尚的感受。

    In another aspect of the union promotion , we will spare no efforts to stimulate the consumer 's enthusiasm , as well as keeping the pace on the modern lifestyle .

  14. 提出要提高我国加油站在未来经营中的竞争优势应建立客户关系管理系统,加强企业文化建设,拓展终端零售网络,加快IC卡的推广,增加非油品业务,采取服务营销策略与联合促销策略。

    It 's recommended that establishment of customer relationship management system , building of enterprise culture , promotion of IC card , expansion of non-oil business , and integrated service and marketing be introduced to improve the competitiveness .

  15. 论文对厂商与经销商之间的纵向联合促销双赢的内在机制进行具体的分析,并从实践角度探讨企业如何制定合理的商务政策以保障联合促销的成功实施。

    The paper analyses concretely the win-win intrinsic mechanism of the cooperative promotion between the manufacturer and the dealer , and discusses practically how the corporation sets down reasonable business policy in order to ensure the successful implement of cooperative promotion practically .

  16. 通过分析联合促销的类型,联合促销在旅游营销中应用的可行性,阐述了旅游联合促销的基本条件,提出了旅游联合营销的模式和应注意的问题。

    In this article , the type of joint promotion and its feasibility in tourism marketing are analyzed . The essential forms of joint promotion are set forth . Some problems in joint promotion , which should be paid much attention to , are put forward .

  17. 通过构建单独促销与联合促销两个微分对策模型,并从模型的求解及均衡比较中得出:在这两种情况下联合促销时的渠道收益都大于单独促销。

    Through of constructing two model of differential game of non-cooperative promotion and cooperative promotion , calculating the model of differential games and comparing the equilibrium results , we conclude the whole channel profit of cooperative promotion is greater than that of non-cooperative promotion in these two situations .

  18. 从旅游管理、旅游开发、旅游产品促销等角度来看,陕西省旅游业应采取地方政府主导型的管理体制、三优转换的产品开发策略、区域联合的产品促销模式。

    In view of the problems of tourism management , exploitation and product promotion , Shaanxi tourism should adopt the management system of local government leading , the developing strategy of " three excellent conversions " and the product promotion of area consociation .