
  • 网络joint consumption
  1. 联合利华消费市场调查高级副总裁理查德戴维斯(richarddavis)回想起了日本的一个案例。

    Richard Davies , senior vice-president of consumer market insights at Unilever , recalls an example from Japan .

  2. 宝洁没有销售食品,但750多亿的销售额还是让联合利华在消费品行业排名表上屈居第二。

    And P & G does not sell food , but sales of more than $ 75 billion put Unilever firmly into second place in the consumer-goods league table .

  3. 亚马逊已咨询顾问,欲推出自有品牌,与联合利华等老牌消费品公司的产品一起在其在线商店销售。

    It has worked with consultants to create brands that it will sell on its online store alongside items from established consumer goods companies , such as Unilever .

  4. 玉米和小麦这样的粮食产品的需求仍然很高,联合国预计今年消费的谷物比产量高,这意味着市场必须使用储备物资。

    Demand remains high for food commodities like maize Demand remains high for food commodities like maize and wheat . The U.N. estimates that more crops will be consumed this year than will be produced . That means markets will have to use some of the supplies that have been kept in reserve .