
shì dù xiāo fèi
  • Moderate consumption;rational consumption
  1. 第三部分:适度消费:循环经济的消费伦理意义。

    3rd part : circular economy and consumption ethics : rational consumption .

  2. 为了可持续发展,应倡导适度消费、理性消费。

    We should call for suitable and rational consumption for sustainable development .

  3. 倡导和实行适度消费和科学、文明、健康的生活方式;

    Initiating and implementing moderate consuming and scientific , civilized and healthy life style ;

  4. 解决我国粮食问题的新思路:适度消费与粮食替代战略

    New Thoughts on Solving China 's Grain Problems

  5. 可持续消费的主要实现形式是适度消费和绿色消费。

    The moderate consumption and green consumption is the main form of sustainable consumption .

  6. 华东东部地区中强地震概率背景及其发震估计论适度消费的伦理维度

    Estimation of moderate-strong earthquake probability and its occurrence in the east part of East China

  7. 但我们必须对家装有清醒认识,正确、适度消费。

    But we must correctly deal with it and advocate a moderate consumption of it .

  8. 生态消费本质上是合理的适度消费、合宜的绿色消费和合道的文明消费。

    The essence attribute of ecological consumption is moderate consumption , green consumption and civilized consumption .

  9. 现代社会普遍认同的强调适度消费的节俭观,实质是一种中庸之俭。

    In modern society , moderate consumption is actually a kind of mediocre way of frugality .

  10. 大学生要树立以“适度消费”为原则的消费伦理观念,养成勤俭节约的消费习惯。

    College students should establish a proper consumption idea and form a consuming habit with frugality .

  11. 当然,节约是一种美德,适度消费是它的重要的体现!

    Of course , Economy is a kinds of virtue , Moderate consumption is the most important embodiment !

  12. 目前由于过度消费引发的严峻的生态、社会等问题,引起了人们对适度消费的重视。

    The spendthrift consumption causes severe ecological and social issues , and the human pay more attention to the moderate consumption .

  13. 构建生态消费经济观&兼评我国适度消费理论

    To Form an Economic Outlook of Ecological Consumption : Also Comment on Theory of Consumption in Reasonable Degree of Our Country

  14. 生态学马克思主义消费观体系由生态学马克思主义的适度消费理念、循环消费思想和均衡消费理想三个有机部分构成。

    It is including the Marxist view of consumption concept of moderate consumption , recycling consumer spending ideas and equilibrium consumption ideas .

  15. 生态消费不同于绿色消费和适度消费,它是可持续消费的重要内容。

    The ecological consumption is different with the green consumption and the moderate consumption it is one important part of the sustainable consumption .

  16. 灾难片告诉人们要倡导生态文明,保护自然环境,压缩人类欲望,适度消费,以及合理发展科学技术。

    Disaster film tell human beings to protect the natural environment , compress human desires , moderate consumption , and develop science and technology rationally .

  17. 要倡导适度消费和低碳生活方式,减少不必要的消费,减少资源浪费,提高资源利用效率。

    We should advocate moderate consumption and low carbon lifestyle , to reduce unnecessary consumption , to reduce the waste of resources , to improve resource utilization efficiency .

  18. 使人类的社会实践活动有利于资源的持续利用和环境保护,倡导过一种适度消费的文明生活。

    We initiate to live a civilized life of appropriate consumption and make the social practice and activities of human being benefit to sustainable use of the natural resources .

  19. 我国未来的发展战略必须走一条低度消耗资源和适度消费的道路,而保护土地与环境是土地利用的基本战略。

    The future development strategy of China must be one with low consumption of resources , while the protection of land and environment is the basic strategy of land utilization .

  20. 物价涨幅适度消费需求增强&2007年上半年经济运行状况分析物价不断上涨,但因涨幅很小而不为人注意。

    Enhanced Effect of Consumption Demand and Reasonable Rise in Price & Analysis of Economic Operation in the Half Year of 2007 ; The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices .

  21. 至今,日本在循环经济领域已取得了巨大的成就,建立起了最佳生产、适度消费、最少废弃的可持续的经济发展模式。

    So far , the Japanese economy in the cycle has made great achievements to establish a " best production , moderate consumption , minimum waste ," the sustainable economic development .

  22. 提出系统调节,实现系统可持续发展的途径,包括控制人口增长,适度消费;调整复合系统生产链的数量结构和比例关系;

    It provided the way of system sustainable development : controlling the population and keeping suitable consumption , adjusting the quantity structure and ratio of product chain , building harmonious net relations between product sectors and constructing circulation society .

  23. 人类要生存下去就离不开消费,人类对消费的认识从人类初期的勤俭节约,到近现代的消费主义,再到当代的适度消费,人类的消费思想的演变经历了一个漫长的过程。

    The human cannot survive without consumption . The cognition on the consumption is changed from the initial diligent and thrifty to modern consumerism , and to present moderate consumption . The evolution of the consumption thought underwent a long process .

  24. 当前,在消费主义盛行、破坏环境的消费日益突出以及绿色消费、适度消费和慈善消费等有责任消费兴起的背景下,消费者社会责任问题日益受到人们的关注。

    Nowadays , with the prevailing of consumerism , the highlighting of environmental problems aroused by consumption , and the rising of accountable consumption such as moderate consumption and charity consumption , the social responsibility of consumers is gaining increasingly attention by people .

  25. 论文还进一步阐述了实施适度消费和绿色消费的意义及对策。最后,论文分析了坚持可持续消费应该处理好的两个关系,一是消费与幸福的关系,一是消费与社会发展的关系。

    Papers also expounded on the significance and countermeasures of the implementation of moderate consumption and green consumption in a further distance . Finally , this paper analyzes the relations between the consumption and happiness and relations between the consumption and social development .

  26. 本文主要论述了大学生可持续消费观念培养的意义,对可持续消费观念进行了界定:可持续消费观念即指主体适度消费、绿色消费和注重精神消费相统一的观念。

    This dissertation mainly discusses the meaning of cultivating concept of sustainable consumption in college students , defines the concept of sustainable consumption : a concept of consumption which focuses more on spiritual and cultural consumption , combined with moderate consumption and green consumption .

  27. 其原则主要是勤俭节约和适度消费相统一、消费自由和消费责任相统一、物质消费和精神消费相统一的伦理原则,规范并保证着我们消费生活的伦理可能性。

    It norms and ensure our consumption of ethical possibility of life with its five main principles : the unity of practice economy and moderate consumption ; the unity of consumer freedom and responsibility ; and the unity of material and the spirit consumption .

  28. 同时,必须改革国内财政管理体制,构建公务接待相关的法规体系,倡导适度消费的伦理观念与行政文化,并健全公务接待的监督机制。

    Meanwhile , it requires reforming the domestic financial management system , constructing the relevant legal system of reception for public affairs , popularizing the ethic idea and administrative culture of " Proper Consumption ", and perfecting the superintendence regime of reception for public affairs .

  29. 对于个人来说,关键是要反对已经走向大众化的物质主义、消费主义,树立负责地消费的新型消费伦理,学会适度消费、自主消费,重视非物质消费,实行绿色消费、公正消费。

    For individuals , the key is to oppose the Materialism and Consumerism which have become popularization , and establish a new consumer ethics : Responsible Consumption . We must consumer moderately and autonomously , pay attention to non-material consumption , implement green consumption and fair consumption .

  30. 为提高农村居民生活质量,必须有农村经济的进一步发展为之奠定坚实的基础,更有赖于通过消费教育引导农村居民确立科学的消费观念、消费方式,鼓励农村居民适度消费。

    The improvement of the life quality of rural residents must be firmly based on the further development of rural economy , the consumption education that helps rural residents to develop correct and reasonable consumption concept and mode and encourage them to have consumption at a moderate degree .