
  • 网络Survival of the fittest;The Survival Technique
  1. 运用适者生存法对我国医药产业的必要资本量进行计算。

    The level of capital requirements in Chinese pharmaceutical industry was calculated by the method of the survival of the fittest .

  2. 本文运用指标分析、适者生存法等比较分析的方法对中国的民航产业进行了实证分析。

    In this paper , we analyzed the situation of Chinese airline companies by using the comparative methods of Index Analysis and Exit Competition Analysis .

  3. 按照规模经济的定义对电力产业的规模经济性进行了分析,提出改进的“适者生存法”来确定电力产业的最优经济规模,并运用纵向经济的观点解释“厂网分开”;

    Analyzing economy of scales for electricity industry on the terms of its definition coming up with an improved " survival of the fittest " method to find optimum economic scale and explaining " separation of power plant from electric network " with the view of vertical economy ;