
  • 网络Joint restructuring;merger and reorganization
  1. 化疗联合重组Endostatin对小鼠种植瘤的治疗作用

    The Therapeutic Effect of Chemotherapy Combined with Recombinant Endostatin on Mice Transplanted Tumors

  2. 两组复发率比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论用CO2激光去除CA疣体后,联合重组人干扰素α2b间断持续给药可有效降低CA的复发率。

    Conclusion After the removal of CA by CO 2 laser , intermittent continuing administration of recombination interferon α - 2b can effectively reduce the recurrent of CA.

  3. tk基因/GCV系统联合重组人肿瘤坏死因子-α衍生物治疗鼠脑胶质瘤

    Combined retrovirus-mediated tk gene / GCV system and derivative of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor - α therapy for rat glioma

  4. 禽网状内皮组织增殖症病毒和禽痘病毒间基因天然重组的研究贝伐单抗联合重组人p53腺病毒治疗骨肉瘤

    Research about Genome Integration Naturally between Reticuloendotheliosis Virus and Fowlpox Virus ; Inhibitory Effect of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Antibody Bevacizumab Combined with rAd5 / p53 on Osteosarcoma in Nude Mice

  5. 结论:激光联合重组人干扰素-α1b治疗比单一激光治疗效果好。

    Conclusion : Combining laser with recombined human interferon α - 1b is more effective than laser along in the treatment of condyloma acuminate .

  6. 目的探讨早期肠内营养(EEN)联合重组人生长激素(rhGH)对严重烫伤大鼠肠道的保护作用。

    Aim To investigate the protective effect of early enternal nutrition ( EEN ) together with recombinant human growth hormone ( rhGH ) on the intestinal tract in severely scalded rats .

  7. 结论临床应用正大捷普联合重组干扰素a-2b滴眼液治疗单纯疱疹性角膜炎能提高疗效,降低复发率,具有较好的治疗和抗复发效果,降低了致盲率。

    Conclusion Aciclovir eye drops combined with recombinant human interferon a-2b eye drops for the treatment of HSK can improve efficacy , decrease relapse and blindness .

  8. 涂料行业联合重组的思考

    Thinking on the allied re-organization of the coatings industry

  9. 拉米夫定联合重组乙肝疫苗治疗慢性乙型肝炎疗效观察

    Combination of Lamivudine and Recombined Hepatitis B Vaccine in Treatment with Chronic Hepatitis

  10. 企业的联合重组与组织结构调整

    Study on the regulating and reforming of the structure of coil mining production

  11. 氯吡格雷联合重组链激酶溶栓治疗急性心肌梗死的临床研究

    The Clinical Observation of Recombinant Streptokinase Joint Clopidogrel for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

  12. 推进公平竞争防止和反对垄断《民用航空企业机场联合重组改制管理规定》出台

    Administrative Regulations on Merger , Reorganization or Transformation of Civil Aviation Enterprises and Airports Issued

  13. 联合重组后山西昆明烟草有限责任公司竞争战略研究

    Study of Shanxi Kunming Tobacco Co. , LTD Competitive Strategy after It 's Uniting and Restructure

  14. 第三部分介绍联合重组前太原卷烟厂所面临的困境及发展出路。

    The third part introduces difficulties faced by Taiyuan cigarette factory before the joint and reorganization .

  15. 内皮抑素基因联合重组干扰素-α蛋白对卵巢癌抑制作用的研究

    Study on Inhibitory Effect of Endostatin Gene Combined with Recombinant IFN - α Protein on Ovarian Cancer

  16. 新世纪世界石油石化业兼并联合重组态势

    Situation of Merger , Combination , and Reorganization in World Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries in New Century

  17. 主业联合重组的对偶问题是非主业产业的资本运营问题。

    Union and reorganization of principal industry directly results in the question of non-principal industrys capital operation .

  18. 肠内营养联合重组人生长激素治疗腹主动脉瘤术后疲劳综合征

    Post Operation Fatigue Syndrome Treated by Nutritional Support with Recombinant Growth Hormone Therapy in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Patients

  19. 为了应对不断变化的市场环境,国内卷烟制造企业正进行大规模的联合重组。

    In order to deal with the changes of the market , Chinese cigarette factories are recombining on a large scale .

  20. 近年来,钢铁企业联合重组取得新进展,钢铁企业经济运行质量和效益明显提高。

    In recent years , the joint reorganization of iron and steel enterprises has made new progress , economic operation quality and efficiency markedly improved .

  21. 微波联合重组人干扰素α-2b凝胶预防阴道尖锐湿疣复发的疗效观察

    The effect of Microwave in conjunction with Recombinant Human Interferon α - 2b Gel in preventing the relapse of Condyloma Acuminatum ( CA ) in vagina

  22. 在全国烟草行业深化改革、应对国际竞争的大背景下,2004年,原郴州卷烟厂与长沙卷烟厂进行了联合重组,成为了长沙卷烟厂郴州卷烟分厂。

    Chenzhou Cigarette Factory was united with Changsha Cigarette Factory on the background of the Tobacco Trades deepening reform and replying the international competition in 2004 .

  23. 规模经济状况虽仍相对落后,但企业间的联合重组在政府的推动下不断进行。

    Situation , though still relatively backward economies of scale , but under the impetus of the government , the consolidation and reorganization among enterprises are ongoing .

  24. 民航业也正在这第五次并购浪潮中,通过联合重组、扩大规模、加强整体实力,应对激烈竞争。

    In the fifth wave , the civil aviation industry tries to get the competition advantages by M & A to expand scale and enhance the overall strength .

  25. 吉林银行是在吉林省2家城市商业银行、5家城市信用社的基础上通过联合重组成立的区域性股份制商业银行。

    The Bank of JiLin is based on two city commercial banks and five urban credit cooperatives , regrouping many small banks into a joint regional joint-stock commercial banks .

  26. 在此基础上,研究分析了联合重组企业文化融合的三个主要原则以及注入式、隔离式、互渗式三种具体整合模式。

    On this basis , the study analyzed the integration and reorganization of Culture , as well as the three main principles of injection , isolated , Infiltration-type specific integration of the three models .

  27. 同时,民航业信息化的迅速发展和企业联合重组的不断推进,使得企业内部出现众多异构的网络环境、软硬件平台和业务应用系统。

    And at the same time , the rapid informationization in civil aviation industry and the development of enterprise merge made so many heterogeneous networks , software / hardware platform and business application system .

  28. 此外,联合重组有助于提升钢铁产业整体获利能力,也是解决我国钢铁行业产业低集中度现状的出路。

    In addition , reorganization is the way to take in order to improve the present situation of low industrial concentration , and also helps promote overall profitability of the iron and steel industry .

  29. 与此同时,要继续规范和发展股份制商业银行,支持其按市场原则进行联合重组,鼓励外国资本向中国现有股份制商业银行入股。

    Meanwhile , continuous efforts will be made to regulate and develop shareholding commercial banks , support their association and reorganization in line with the market principle , and encourage foreign capital to join china 's existing shareholding commercial banks .

  30. 治疗B组8只,脊髓损伤,联合应用重组人红细胞生成素和β-七叶皂甙钠。

    Eight rats in medication B group were treated with rhEPO and β - aeacine sodium .