
  • 网络joint property;joint tenancy
  1. 分析了我国企业劳动关系不和谐的原因,探讨了联合产权制度与实现企业和谐劳动的相互关系。

    Labor relations in China analyze the reasons of discord , of the joint property system and to achieve a harmonious working relationship between companies .

  2. 根据服务业跨国公司的产权演进路径,当今服务业跨国公司应该构建要素产权和集体产权相结合的联合产权制度,尤其要注重人力资本产权的完整性。

    According to the service MNCs ' property evolution path , nowadays the service MNCs should construct the joint property system which is combination of elements property and collective property , especially pay attention to the integrity of the human capital property .

  3. 国有的成都联合产权交易所(ChengduUnitedAssetsandEquityExchange)举行了揭牌仪式,该交易所总经理秦仕魁表示:农民们对建立这个平台非常激动。

    Qin Shikui , head of the state-owned Chengdu United Assets and Equity Exchange , which opened the exchange , said : The peasants are very excited about this platform being set up .

  4. 劳动产权与联合产权制度

    The Property Rights of Labor and the United Property Rights Institution

  5. 企业的这种联合产权制度是社会主义公有制多样化的体现。

    This nature is the embodiment of socialist public ownership diversification .

  6. 论企业的联合产权制度性质

    On the Nature of Firm of United Property Rights Institution

  7. 联合产权是指要素产权和劳动产权的联合。

    Firm is a united property rights institution .

  8. 论联合产权与效率

    A Discussion in United-propery Rights and Efficiency

  9. 重庆联合产权交易所

    Chongqing United Assets and equity exchange

  10. 企业组织的演变&联合产权制度阶段演化论下的分析

    The Evolution of Firm Organization & The analysis based on the stage evolution theory of the union property right institution

  11. 联合产权制度是现代企业制度的普遍形式,也是现代企业制度的根本性质。

    The institution of united property rights is the pervasive form and the foundational character of modern institution of firm .

  12. 联合产权主张企业内所有成员及企业集体都参与合作剩余分配。

    The Union Property Right theory advocates that all members and the enterprise collective need to distribute the Cooperative surplus .

  13. 联合产权制度有利于劳动主体和谐,有利于劳动体生产力的充分发挥。

    Combined Property and conducive to a harmonious working unity , the unity in favor of labor productivity into full play .

  14. 企业联合产权制度中的各种产权制度安排形式不是事先给定的,而是随着企业的不断成长而相应演进的。

    All kinds of arrangements of the united property rights institution evolutes with the growth of the firm rather than predefined .

  15. 边际生产率理论、社会比较理论、组织政治学理论及分配偏好理论也证实了组织收入分配政策中的公平因素的重要性,联合产权更是从产权角度奠定企业内公平收入的产权基础。

    Marginal productivity theory , social comparative theory , institutional politics theory and bias distribution theory also prove the import of fairness in institutional distribution .

  16. 本文以上海联合产权交易所数据为例,借助多种统计方法构造了产权交易综合指数。

    This paper is a try to construct property exchange index , using data from Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange and some statistical methods .

  17. 不同制约因素下的企业成长要求有相应的联合产权制度与之匹配,以使企业净合作剩余最大化;

    The growth of the firm , under different restrictive elements , requires corresponding the united property rights institution to maximize the net cooperative surplus .

  18. 企业成长理论&一个基于联合产权制度的企业成长解析框架

    The Theory of the Growth of the Firm & A Analytical Framework of the Growth of the Firm Based on the United Property Rights Institution

  19. 同样,在资源约束严酷的条件下,联合产权制度是民营企业劳动关系治理的理性选择。

    Similarly , in the harsh conditions of resource constraints , the united ownership of private enterprise labor relations system is the rational choice of treatment .

  20. 论公有制为主导的两种联合产权制&在企业改革中构建公有制为主的要素资产者联合与劳动者联合相结合的联合体

    Two Combining Title Systems Dominated by Public Ownership & constracting the complex linking the combination of factor capital owners with the combination of laborers in enterprises ' reform

  21. 同时也是处于这样的考虑,文章选择联合产权制度的阶段演化论这样一个分析框架来展开论述。

    In such consideration at the same time , the article choose the stage evolution of union property rights institution as a framework to begin with our analyses .

  22. 从历史过程和这三个条件的发展趋势来看,企业产权制度演进的趋势必然是以人力资本为主导的联合产权制度。

    Giving a forecast on the history and the developments of the three variables , the trend of the ownership institution must be the human capital dominated joint - ownership institution .

  23. 企业是一种联合产权制度,企业这种联合产权制度要解决的关键问题是净合作剩余的控制权与索取权的有效配置,以使企业创造的净合作剩余最大化。

    The key problem of united property rights institution is effective disposition of net cooperative residual rights of reclaim and residual rights of control , so that the net cooperative surplus is maximized .

  24. 本文从企业成长的角度对企业内收入分配制度的演进进行探讨,并通过联合产权制度为纽带,将两者有机的结合在一起。

    This paper analyses the evolution on the institutions of income distribution from the aspect of the growth of firm . And both of them are closed together with united institutions of property rights .

  25. 提出联合产权制度这种新型的公司治理结构,使企业成为包含按有效贡献力形成的物质资本股、人力资本股的联合经济利益共同体,有效地防治内部人控制问题。

    United property rights institution can make enterprise become economic benefit union contain physical capital stock and human capital stock by their effective contribution powers , thus can prevent the problem of " insiders control " .

  26. 对于不断演进的企业联合产权制度而言,最优的成长模式也不会对应于企业联合产权制度演进的全过程,它只能使用于企业联合产权制度演进过程中的某一特定阶段或多阶段。

    Cornering to the united property rights institution , the optimum growth model only adapts to one ( or several ) special stage ( s ) rather than the full process of the evolution of the united property rights institution .

  27. 本文在对单一要素产权制度下企业家收入情况的批判和借鉴基础之上,对联合产权制度下企业家公平收入的实现机制进行设计。

    This article animadverts the entrepreneur receives in the situation to the sole factor property system and use the experience of it for reference , to design the realizable mechanism of the entrepreneur fair income under the union property right system .

  28. 单一劳动联合体产权下的企业内分配表现为平均主义分配,也是不公平合理的,同样阻碍着技术创新效率的提升。

    The income distribution system under single joint property rights of labors represents egalitarian distribution unfairly too , which prevents the enhancement of technological innovation efficiency in enterprises .

  29. 职工持股导致企业职工经济地位的二重性,即职工从过去单纯的雇佣劳动者转变为兼有劳动者与财产所有者的双重身份,从而使企业形成一种联合的产权制度。

    The workers ' economic status has changed in the ESOP enterprises in the developed countries in the West , that is , from pure employed laborers in the past to employees plus owners at present .

  30. 现代经济的飞速发展推动了公司之间的纵向和横向的联合,以产权为纽带的企业集团已经成为现代经济的一大特色。

    With the union among the companies pushed by the rapid development of modern economy , the corporate group that is connected by equity becomes one characteristics of modern economy .