
  • 网络collective property right;communal property
  1. 农村集体产权制度改革中的地籍测绘模式研究

    Investigation for the Mode of Cadastral Surveying and Mapping in Rural Area Collective Property Rights System reform

  2. 集体产权变迁中的国家、集体与农民

    The Relationship among the Nation , the Collectivity and the Farmer during the Change of Collective Property Rights

  3. 第二,集体产权主体虚位。

    Second , the main part of collective property right is vacant .

  4. 农村集体产权的实现方式研究

    Study on realizable ways of rural collective property right

  5. 产权怎样界定&一份集体产权私化的社会文本

    Defining the Property Rights in the Context of Township and Village Collective Enterprises

  6. 农村土地集体产权代理制研究

    Research on Agency System of Country Collective Property Right

  7. 可以说,中国农村集体产权制度遇到了前所未有的挑战。

    Therefore , China 's rural collective property institution has met the unprecedented challenge .

  8. 目前农村集体产权制度的缺陷,造成了一系列严重的问题。

    The defects of the rural collective property rights institution of China have brought a series of serious problems .

  9. 在转型时期,由于市场的不完善,集体产权和基本经济政治制度安排的存在使得股份合作制企业将在相当长的一段时期内存在。

    The CSC firm will exist in a long time for the being of immature market , community share and basic political system .

  10. 第一个部分主要是集体产权制度和土地征收制度的发展历程和理论基础。

    The first part is the system of collective property rights and land acquisition system and the theoretical basis for the development process .

  11. 本市所辖国有、集体产权的交易,应当在产权交易市场进行。

    The transaction of state-owned and collective-owned property rights under the jurisdiction of this Municipality shall be made in the property rights trading market .

  12. 由此可见,在企业技术能力形成机制中,集体产权制度保障了技术能力这种螺旋式的成长过程。

    Thus , the collective ownership system ensures this process of spiral growth of the technological capability in the formation mechanism of technological capability .

  13. 可以说,集体产权问题是城乡结合部诸多问题的症结所在。

    We can say , the collective property right question is the very crux of a great deal of questions in the fringe area .

  14. 集体产权不是一个主流经济学的产权概念,它只在中国才有财产和法律上的双重意义。

    Collective property is not a concept of mainstream economics ; only in China does it have a dual significance in law and property rights .

  15. 部分学者借用结构主义文学理论、批评个人主义作者观,为民间文学的集体产权观铺路。

    Some scholars pave the way for the collective property right on folk literature by borrowing the structuralist literature theory and criticizing the individualist authorship notion .

  16. 通过在集体产权实现方式层面进行制度创新设计,来解决农村集体产权制度现存的主要问题。

    And the use of realizing way aspect and designing system innovation in the collective property right to solve the main problems in rural collective property relations .

  17. 第四部分主要是对我国集体产权下土地征收中存在的几个人问题进行研究,探求问题的根源。

    The fourth part is the collective ownership of our land under the existing number of people to undertake a study to explore the root of the problem .

  18. 集体产权是指劳动者集体对其集体生产力所创造的价值所享有的使用权、收益权以及控制权。

    Collective property rights is the rights of use , earning and control of the value created by collective productivity , and the rights is enjoyed by laborer collective .

  19. 因此,需要在服务业跨国公司内部构建集体产权以有效激励劳动者集体协作,从而促进服务业跨国公司的内生成长。

    Therefore , it needs to construct collective property rights in service multinational enterprises to incentive collective cooperation , so as to promote the endogenous growth of service multinational enterprises .

  20. 社区型股份合作制是我国集体产权制度改革与创新的一大成果,兼具股份制和合作制的特点。

    The community joint-stock system is the reform and innovation of the collective property right system in China , and it has the characteristics of joint-stock system and cooperation system .

  21. 荣成海洋渔业案例表明:海洋渔业实行集体产权制度有利于实现规模经济,而私有产权制度有利于成本控制,择优选择的根本目的在于降低交易成本。

    The comparative advantage of collective ownership is scale of economy , while that of private ownership is cost minimization . And , the basic key issue is to reduce transaction costs .

  22. 与市场经济发展的内在要求相比,我国农村的土地集体产权制度体现着一种不清晰、不平等、不完整的法权关系。

    Compared with the internal requirements from the development of market economy , the collective land property right in China 's countryside is a kind of unclear , unequal and incomplete legal right .

  23. 基于历史变迁的轨迹和现有农地集体产权制度,农地使用权物权化及其立法完善是现实路径。

    It is realistic paths to have agricultural land tenure right in rem and perfect by legislation based on the track of the history change and the existing collective property relations on agricultural land .

  24. 本文首先从理论上剖析了农村集体产权以及集体产权制度的内涵。同时应用制度变迁理论中需求&供给分析以及博弈分析方法,对农村集体产权制度变迁进行研究。

    Firstly , the author studied the origin and transformation of the rural property rights institution of China through using the analyses ways of " demand-supply " in the system transformation theory and game analysis .

  25. 制度阻力主要表现在户籍与选举、人身损害赔偿、教育、社会保障、农村集体产权、住房保障、计划生育和劳动就业等制度有着千丝万缕的联系。

    The system resistance involving election , compensation for personal injury , education , social security , rural collective ownership , housing support , family planning , and labor and employment systems are inextricably linked .

  26. 随着政治、经济等环境的不断变化,社区集体产权公平与效率之间的矛盾同益明显,集体土地和集体企业逐渐朝私有化的方向发展;

    With the changes of political and economical environment , the contradiction of rural community property rights between fair and efficiency become more and more serious . Collective lands and collective enterprises advance to privatization gradually .

  27. 农村集体产权制度,阻碍了宅基地置换的开展,政府主导的前提下,确保农民利益,是宅基地置换的重点。

    Rural collective property rights system , obstruct the homestead replacement , the launch of the government under the premise of leading , to ensure that the interests of farmers , is the focus of house-site replacement .

  28. 如何创新农村集体产权制度,从而建立归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅的现代产权制度,是今后农村经济体制改革的重要课题。

    It is an important topic that how to innovate the institution and set up the nowadays ' property rights institution of " property rights clear , rights and responsibility definitude , protection strict , and transferring smooth " .

  29. 一方面集体产权要参与服务业跨国公司剩余分配,另一方面要创建合理的治理模式保障集体产权的运用。

    On the one hand the collective property rights should participate in the surplus distribution of service multinational enterprises , on the other hand service multinational enterprises need to create reasonable governance modes to protect the use of collective property rights .

  30. 在企业劳动者集体产权制度下,企业所有员工共同享有企业合作剩余,这就直接激励了企业员工的工作积极性,使得员工集体的协作程度更高。

    Under the collective property of workers in the enterprise system , all the employees in enterprises share the cooperative surplus , which directly inspires the enthusiasm of employees for work , making the employees a higher degree of collective collaboration .