
  • 网络duty-free shopping;TAX-FREE SHOPPING
  1. 据免税购物公司GlobalRefund统计,在法国,占游客总数不到2%的中国游客消费了15%的奢侈品。

    According to Global Refund , a company specializing in tax-free shopping for tourists , the Chinese account for 15 % of all luxury items purchased in France but less than 2 % of its visitors .

  2. 免税购物专营商环球蓝联的英国区经理戈登•克拉克(GordonClark)表示:今年,将有超过1亿名中国居民出国旅行,同时购买高端奢侈品牌。

    This year , more than 100m Chinese residents will travel abroad seeking high-end luxury brands , says Gordon Clark , UK manager for Global Blue , tax-free shopping specialists .

  3. 一些客户可能会将这件工艺品视为时尚宣言,另一些人则可能觉察出,它其实是暗指该公司具有传奇色彩的创始人、英国免税购物业亿万富翁&鲍勃•米勒(BobMiller)。

    It is an objet d'art that some clients may regard as a fashion statement , while others may detect a hidden reference to the larger-than-life founder of the firm - Bob Miller , the British duty-free shopping billionaire .

  4. 海南的免税购物政策已经永久生效了。

    Hainan 's duty-free shopping policy has permanently come into force .

  5. 在海南,您可享受到退税政策和免税购物优惠。

    You can enjoy tax-refund polices and duty-free shopping in Hainan .

  6. 对于免税购物的限制有所放宽,进口关税也下降了。

    Restrictions on duty free shopping have been loosened , and import tariffs reduced .

  7. 2012年,中国内地游客出境旅游目的地排行榜上,澳大利亚排在第16位,距中国内地更近的国家和地区(比如免税购物天堂香港和澳门)在排行榜上占据主导地位。

    Australia ranked 16th among outbound destinations for mainland Chinese in 2012 while much nearer locations such as the duty-free shopping havens of Hong Kong and Macau dominated the rankings .

  8. 根据免税购物咨询公司全球蓝联的统计,中国消费者今年全球海外消费最高平均每人每次交易额达到了1367磅。

    Global Blue , a tax-free shopping consultancy , said that Chinese shoppers were set to be the biggest overseas spenders this year , with each customer spending an average of 1,367 per transaction .

  9. 在分析离岛免税购物制度时通过对国际其他地区的离岛免税购物制度作出梳理,指出其对海南建设国际旅游岛离岛免税购物制度的可借鉴之处。

    Islands tax-free shopping system through other areas of the international Islands tax-free shopping system to make the comb , and learn from that duty-free shopping system for international tourism in Hainan Island , Islands .

  10. 中国政府正努力发展国内的免税购物区,例如南方的海南岛,鼓励消费者在国内支出。

    The government in Beijing is trying to encourage shoppers to spend at home rather than abroad , through the development of domestic duty-free shopping zones , such as on Hainan island in the south .

  11. 然而,在免税购物方面,他们仍然是最大的全国性组织,根据中国奢华旅游(2013)报告,平均每趟支出875欧元(1139美元),比上年增长8%,比全球平均水平高出70%。

    However , they were still the biggest national group in terms of tax-free shopping , according to The Chinese Luxury Traveler ( 2013 ) report , spending an average of 875 euros ( US $ 1139 ) per trip , an increase of 8 percent from the year before and 70 percent higher than the global average .

  12. 陈红没有啊,我正好利用这个时间去免税店购物。

    No.I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops .

  13. 等到你所在州的免税日来购物。

    Wait until your state 's tax-free days to shop .