
  • 网络content consumption
  1. 现在,通过直通消费者模式,谷歌希望凭借自家媒体商店GooglePlay,在内容消费市场分得一杯羹。

    With a direct-to-consumers model , Google wants a piece of the content consumption market via its own media store , Google play .

  2. 由于5G网络和AI技术的推出势头强劲,尚利建议传统媒体与科技公司合作,以适应新闻内容消费的变化。

    As the roll-out of 5G networks and AI technology gains momentum , Shanlely suggests traditional media team up with tech firms to adapt to the changes in the consumption of news content .

  3. 内容提要消费函数是西方经济学理论体系中最重要的概念之一。

    The consumption function theory is a most important theory in the western economics .

  4. 第二部分是企业员工福利的内容及其消费现状。

    The second part is about the content and the current consumption situation of the welfare of employees .

  5. 通过问卷调查详细了解了广州市民参与健身活动的意识、内容、消费等方面的情况。

    Consciousness , contents and consumption of citizens ' physical activities in Guangzhou city were investigated by questionnaire .

  6. 因为人们的消费需求、消费方式、消费内容和消费模式等不仅受经济条件的制约,还受社会道德风尚、传统习惯、以及消费者本人消费伦理观的影响。

    Because the consumption requirement , style , content and pattern are not only constrained by the economic condition , but also effected by social moral concept , traditional custom and the consumer ethics .

  7. 顾客关系价值是关系营销理论的重要研究内容,消费品市场的顾客关系价值影响因素研究多数以交易营销范式从顾客满意、品牌忠诚等层面展开。

    Customer relationship value is the important concept in relationship marketing theory , whose factors was got around customer satisfaction , brand loyalty and so on in consume market by paradigm of transaction marketing .

  8. 因此有线电视系统经营者更需要在迈入宽频产业之际,灵活整合资源,以创造优势竞争力的有线电视产业,并走向一个宽频、三C(通讯、内容产业、消费电子)大整合的新时代。

    Therefore , the cable TV manager has to learn how to combine the resources in order to take advantage in the coming 3C ( communication , contents and consumption ) wide band era .

  9. 知识型文化消费的主要内容为教育消费和职业培训。

    Consumption for education and job training are the subject of the knowledge type cultural consumption .

  10. 有关融合的背景,没有无源之水,也没有无根之木,美国独特的经济、政治、文化背景是互联网内容生产与消费融合得以实现的土壤。

    Its unique background of economy , politics and culture of USA has nourished the integration of internet content production and consumption .

  11. 这部分主要内容包括生活消费的内涵和外延的界定,通过适当的标准来判断生活消费以及将金融消费作为生活消费的主要原因及其现实性和合理性。

    The main contents include consumption of the connotation and extension of the discussion , to judge by the appropriate standard of living .

  12. 体育消费已成为知识分子生活消费中重要的消费内容,体育消费支出的比例呈现出一定的规律;

    Sports consumption has become an important part in the intellectuals ' living expenses and the percentage of sports expenditure presents a certain regularity ;

  13. 作为消费者行为研究的主要内容,家庭消费行为随着经济的发展,与市场的结合变得越来越紧密。

    As the main part of consumer behavior study , family consumption behavior is getting closer with the market with the development of the economy .

  14. 作为消费社会化的重要内容之一,消费信用的发展对于国家的经济繁荣有着至关重要的意义。

    As one of the most important content of consumer socialization , the development of consumer credit is extremely important for the national economic prosperity .

  15. 内容提要居民消费水平和生产者投入水平低是中国服务业发展不足的两大结构性动因。

    There are two structural causes for the low development in Chinese service industry , which are low consumption level of consumer and low input level of producer .

  16. 但孝义木偶戏的发展轨迹既不是形式上纯审美化的,也不是内容上纯消费性的,是两者之间的完美制衡点。

    But the development track of Xiaoyi puppet show is neither pure aesthetic in form , nor pure consumer on contents , but the perfect balance point between the two .

  17. 美国互联网内容生产与消费的融合不仅在美国具有蓬勃的生命力,在中国同样具有发展的潜力,互联网内容生产与消费融合将成为互联网未来的大趋势。

    The Integration not only has exuberant vitality in USA , also has potentiality to develop in China . The Integration of internet content production and consumption will become the development trend of the internet in the future .

  18. 梳理国内网络视频媒体的发展历程和特性,总结Web2.0环境中网络视频媒体内容模式和视频消费方面的基本特性。

    Secondly , it reviews the development and features of Chinese network video media and summarizes the content modes of network video media and the basic characteristic of the video consumption .

  19. 利用消费经济学研究框架,界定会计信息消费的涵义,提出了会计信息消费有效三因素,按照消费内容将会计信息消费体系分为会计信息消费水平、会计信息消费者结构和会计信息消费者行为。

    I explain this conception from accounting information consumption level , the component of accounting information consumer , the behavior of accounting information consumer .

  20. 太阳能利用是各国可持续发展战略的重要内容、改善能源消费结构的主要技术手段。

    Solar energy utilization is the important contents of sustainable development and the mainly technology means of improving energy consumption structure in many countries .

  21. 农村生活循环经济的主要内容是农村可持续消费、农村生活污水处理和农村生活垃圾处理。

    Main contents of circular economy of rural life are rural sustainable consumption , disposal of rural life sewage and usage of rural life garbage .

  22. 商业街功能选择是商业街规划的核心内容,其与消费需求的一致性是商业街成功的关键因素。

    The functional selection of urban commercial street is the core of commercial street planning , and its correspondence with consumption demand is key successful factor .

  23. 随着中国改革开放和社会主义市场经济的深入发展,大众文化已成为中国人民文化消费的主要内容,这种文化消费模式改变着人们的工作、生活和思维方式,表现出强大的意识形态功能。

    With the reform and opening of China and the further development of socialist market economy , popular culture has become the main content of Chinese cultural consumption .

  24. 第一章从个人消费信贷业务的种类和内容,以及个人消费的特点归纳了我国商业银行消费信贷业务的情况;

    Chapter 1 is from the category and content of the credit loan business and the characteristics of personal consumption to induce the credit consumption business in our commercial bank ;

  25. 我国学者对大学生体育消费研究的内容包括大学生体育消费水平、消费结构、消费项目的研究状况等。

    The study of sport consumption by university students in China contains the definition and classification of sport consumption notion , the students ' sport consumption level , structure , items and others .

  26. 节能减排已经成为了我国的能源政策的主导内容,作为能源消费终端的家用燃气具行业也正在以高效燃气具为目标进行产品创新研发。

    " Emission reduction " has become dominant content of Chinese energy policy . Domestic gas appliances industry as the terminal energy consumption also innovated and targeted at the goal of " efficient gas appliances " .

  27. 这款设备屏幕变大了,并配备了可选键盘(其他一些平板设备,如微软的Surface已具备这一功能),变得更有利于内容生成,而不是单一的内容消费。

    With a larger screen and optional keyboard ( a feature already found in other tablet devices , like the Microsoft Surface ) , it becomes a device that 's more useful for the creation of content rather than simply the consumption of content .