
  • 网络internal reporting system
  1. 今年,这家公司开始进行改革,包括完善内部费用报告制度,在总部周围增加更多建筑地图等。

    This year , Google has begun implementing changes , which range from improving their internal expense report system to adding more maps of buildings around their campuses .

  2. 重点从完善母子公司治理结构、明确定位集团财务控制目标、强化预算控制、集中控制集团资金、将监督与激励有机结合、完善内部信息报告制度等六个方面加以改进。

    Improvements should focus on six aspects , such as perfecting corporate governance , making the objective of financial control of the group clear , strengthening budget control , centralized control over funds , combination between encouragement and supervision , perfecting system of internal report .

  3. 提出了构建银行内部帐户与报告制度,外部法律与检察制度相配合的反洗钱体系的设想。

    The paper provides on coordination of the internal and external system of commercial banks .

  4. 第五章结论、建议、和研究局限性:根据实证结果总结对假设的验证情况,对公司、政府相关部门、注册会计师就内部控制鉴证报告制度等相关方面提出建议,提出本文研究局限性。

    According to the results of the analysis , suggestions of internal control attestation reports disclosure were put forward to the company , government departments , CPA . This thesis puts forward the study limitations .

  5. 研究成果有助于政府及相关部门了解上市公司披露内部控制鉴证报告的动机,设计完善内部控制鉴证报告披露制度。

    This research helps the related departments to set policy about the listed company internal control attestation report disclosure , and then design perfect internal control attestation report system .