
pínɡ jūn xiāo fèi qīnɡ xiànɡ
  • average propensity to consume
  1. 平均消费倾向和边际消费倾向。

    It has two forms : average propensity to consume and marginal propensity to consume .

  2. 我国整体居民的平均消费倾向均在逐渐下降,东部地区尤为明显。

    2 , The average propensity to consume were gradually decreased , especially in the eastern region .

  3. 调整收入分配提高居民平均消费倾向

    Adjusting the Distribution of People 's Income , Enhancing Household 's Average Propensity Consumption

  4. 第四,不同家庭规模中,4-6人家庭规模农村居民的平均消费倾向高,在许多消费品上表现出较高的消费水平;

    The average propensity to consumer of 4-6-person size families is higher among other size families ;

  5. 进一步的分析表明居民平均消费倾向下降是居民消费率下降的主因。

    Further analysis shows that the declining tendency of residents average consumption is the main cause for decline of domestic consumption .

  6. 在中西部省份或经济欠发达省份,城镇居民劳动性收入占可支配收入比例与居民当期平均消费倾向之间存在正向相关关系。

    In the central and western provinces or the less-developed provinces , the percentage of labor income in the disposable income is positively related to the average propensity to consume .

  7. 以历年城镇居民的基尼系数和全社会平均消费倾向为变量,运用计量模型进行回归分析,以论证这一假设命题。

    The calendar year Gini coefficient of urban residents and the average propensity to consume is as the variables . Used of econometric models for regression analysis to justify the assumption that proposition .

  8. 目前江苏省现存的二元经济结构中非收入因素对消费倾向的作用已经显著超过收入因素的作用,致使江苏省农业居民的平均消费倾向大幅度的低于城镇非农业居民的平均消费。

    At present non-income factor has already exceeded notably income factor in Jiangsu ' duel economic income structure . This causes average consumption in rural area to be lower than that of urban residents .

  9. 本文以平均消费倾向构建的总消费模型为基础,探讨了城乡收入差距对消费需求的影响。

    In this paper , it builds a total consumption model based on the average propensity of consumption , and then discusses the effect of the gap between urban and rural incomes on demand .

  10. 这些研究成果更多的是从单一的收入角度,通过建立消费函数,将两者进行对比,比较其边际消费倾向以及平均消费倾向等相关指标来具体分析城乡居民消费存在的差异。

    These research results compare the marginal propensity to consume and average propensity to consume and related indicators to concrete analysis of urban and rural residents ' consumption differences through the establishment of consumption function .

  11. 本文运用因子分解法找出了决定居民消费率的两个基本因素:居民总收入占国内生产总值的比重和居民平均消费倾向。

    Two fundamental factors of residents ' consumption rate variation have been found by means of factorization , e. g. , the proportion of residents ' total income in GDP and the tendency of average consumption by the residents .

  12. 但是自20世纪90年代以来我国居民消费支出增长幅度明显下降,我国居民的平均消费倾向,即总居民消费占国内生产总值的比重一直在减少,导致了我国居民消费率长期偏低。

    The increasing degree of consumption expenditure of residents had obviously dropped since 1990s in China . The average propensity to consume of residents , namely the proportion of taking gross domestic product of total consumption of residents keeps reducing in China .

  13. 其现状是:农村居民的最终消费率偏低且呈下降趋势;平均消费倾向下降,边际消费倾向变化剧烈;农村消费品市场疲软,供求矛盾突出。

    The situation is : consumption rate of rural residents is low and declining ; average propensity to consume is declining and marginal propensity to consume has dramatic changes ; rural consumer market is sluggish , supply and demand has large contradiction .

  14. 在非收入因素分析中,除价格预期能很好解释农村居民消费外,名义利率、农村人口比重均不具有较好的解释力,且三个因素基本上对平均消费倾向没有影响。

    In the non-income factors , unless the price is expected to be well explained , the nominal interest rate and the proportion of rural population are not better explanatory power , and the three factors have little effect on the average propensity to consume .

  15. 20世纪90年代以来,福建城乡居民平均消费倾向不断下降,农村居民的平均消费倾向下降得更为迅速,1990年农村居民的平均消费倾向为0.85,到2005年这一数值下降到了0.74。

    Since the 1990s , Fujian urban and rural residents consume an average decline of rural residents , the average propensity to consume declined more rapidly and in 1990 the rural population to consume an average of 0.85 , by 2005 the value dropped to 0.74 .