
pínɡ hénɡ xiànɡ mù
  • balance item
  1. 因此,合理的特许期能平衡项目现金流,保障投资各方获得相应的投资收益。(4)私营企业努力水平与控制权配置的关系研究。

    Therefore , reasonable concession period can balance project cash flow , and secure the corresponding investment income of all investment parties . ( 4 ) The link between effort level of private enterprise and control rights allocation .

  2. 知识作为企业资源,成为企业构成的重要部分和企业创立发展的一份平衡项目,拥有了影响企业发展决策的能力。

    The word of knowledge regards as corporation resource , and makes up of the main parts of the corporation structure and a balance standard of the corporation developing and has effect on the decision making capacities of the corporation development .

  3. 能够有效地控制高区分度项目的曝光率,增加低区分度项目的曝光率,平衡项目的应用,提高测验效率,降低测验成本等等。

    A STR and BAS can effectively control the exposure rate of high discriminating items , increase the exposure rate of low discriminating items , balance the item usage , improve the testing efficiency and decrease the cost of testing management .

  4. 平衡木项目下一位上场的是沙漠魔鬼队的七号选手!

    Up next on the high beam is number seven of team Desert Devils !

  5. 这些投资组合过程帮助将项目和策略结合起来并平衡不同项目投资的风险和回报。

    These portfolio processes help align projects with strategy and balance risk and return of different project investments .

  6. 这家德国学院拥有性别比例最平衡的项目之一,女性占学员总数的49%。

    The German school has one of the most gender-balanced programmes , with women accounting for 49 per cent of students .

  7. 在亚马逊河流域地区,沃尔福威茨将考察一些致力于实现环境保护和经济发展之间的平衡的项目。

    And in the Amazon area , Wolfowitz will go to various projects seeking a balance between environmental conservation and economic development .

  8. 我个人也在平衡木项目上拿到了金牌。不过给我最大满足感的还是要数自己在高杠上完成的动作。

    I was also personally awarded the gold medal for my balance beam routine , but nothing was more rewarding than what I had accomplished on the high bar .

  9. 围绕项目进度管理的基本框架,平衡工程项目资源冲突,将工序安全时间集中管理,设置缓冲区,制定工期较短的项目进度计划。

    Around the framework of the project progress management , it balance resource conflicts , will process safety time focusing on management , set buffer , formulate period shorter project schedule .

  10. 随着技术的不断发展、评分规则的不断更新,平衡木项目的动作类型越来越多种多样。

    As technology continues to develop , score rules constantly updated , the balance beam type of action items gradually from simple to complex , from the form of a single variety of development types .

  11. 水平衡在建设项目环境影响评价中的作用

    Function of Water Balance in Environment Effect Assessment of Construction Projects

  12. 硫平衡是炼油项目环境影响评价中重要的平衡之一。

    Sulfur balance is one of the important balances in the environmental impact assessment of refinery projects .

  13. 寻求在这些相互冲突的目标间的平衡已成为项目经理们的强烈愿望。

    The quest to enhance the balance between these conflicting objectives has inadvertently become a morbid desire for project managers .

  14. 最后,结合某银行个人理财中心实施平衡计分卡项目进行了实证研究。

    Finally , a combination of Bank of Personal Financial Center , the Balanced Scorecard implementation of the projects carried out empirical research .

  15. 在保证工程质量的前提下,如何寻找三者的平衡点是项目管理的关键。

    In ensuring the quality of the project under the premise of how to find the balance of the three is the key to project management .

  16. 建议建立管道管理流程,以控制管道项目入口,平衡管道内项目资源,保证研发管道项目输出质量。

    It is recommended to establish pipeline management processes to control entrance of the pipeline , balanced pipeline project resources to ensure output quality of R & D project .

  17. 介绍笔者在现金流分析的基础上,独创的用于项目经济性分析和实施过程资金平衡管理的项目现金流分析工具&单方现金流量比较法。

    Third , introduce authors on the basis of cash flow statement analysis , original creation is used in project economy and analyze and implement " comparative law of the flow of average folk prescription " of managing balance of the course fund .

  18. 本文对改善国际收支平衡,资本项目的管理、外汇储备的管理等方面提出一些建议,以增强外汇储备在稳定经济和增强我国货币政策独立性中的作用。

    This paper puts forward some Suggestions on improving the international balance of payments , capital account management and foreign exchange reserves management in order to enhance the role of foreign exchange reserves as stabilizing the economy and increasing the independence of monetary policy in our country .

  19. 总体来说,本项目还是可以按照贷款条件偿还长期借款的;生存能力分析结果表明,本项目运营期内能实现自身的资金平衡,保持项目财务持续生存能力。

    Overall , the project is still in accordance with the loan terms repay long-term loans ; viability analysis results show that the period of the operation of the project is to achieve a balance of funds , to maintain the continu-ing viability of the project financial .

  20. 总结出FDI对国际收支结构的影响机制,主要是通过贸易流动和资本流动渠道影响国际收支平衡表中经常项目和资本与金融项目。

    Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .

  21. 不平衡报价在措施项目报价中的运用;

    Unbalanced method in bid ding of overall items .

  22. 盈亏平衡分析在火电项目经济评价中的应用

    Application of Profit and Loss Balance Analysis in Economic Evaluation of Thermal Power Projects

  23. 模糊环境下带有平衡条件的投资项目评估与选择数学模型

    A Decision Model for Evaluation and Selection of Projects with Equilibrium Conditions under Fuzzy Environments

  24. 制定企业范围内的资金平衡预算,含项目开发、合作、融资等重大决策;

    Budgeting the fund balancing within the enterprise , including major decisions such as project development , cooperation and financing ;

  25. 为了适应员工级别和工作量的平衡的浮动,项目和组织的领导形式必须随之发生改变。

    To accommodate these fluctuations in staff levels and workload balance , the project and organizational leadership styles must change as well .

  26. 项目重点阐述了组培空间布局和内部设施要求,对固定资产670万元和流动资金178万元的投资估算详实,并进行了产量的盈亏平衡点分析和项目敏感性分析。

    The project explication will centre on layout and installation of tissue culture room , investment budget of fixed assets and circulating assets .

  27. 通过盈亏平衡分析可知,项目达产后第一年盈亏平衡点38.82%。

    According to the break even analysis , the first year of the break-even point is 38.82 % after the project reached designed capacity .

  28. 盈亏平衡分析可以对项目的风险情况及项目对各个因素不确定性的承受能力进行科学地判断,为投资决策提供依据。

    Break - even analysis can provide a scientific judgment according to the risk condition of project and endurance capability of uncertain factors , and gives the evidence for the investment decision .

  29. 进度计划是项目管理的核心,进度计划系统通过对项目的分解,网络计划的排定,进行资源和成本平衡优化来生成项目的计划安排。

    Schedule planning is the core of project management , through the breakdown and making network planning , schedule planning system balance the resource and costs to optimize and generate the project plan .

  30. 盈亏平衡分析是确定项目投资风险的重要方法之一,也是企业进行保本分析的一种方法。

    The balance analysis of profit and loss is one of the important methods to determine the investment risk of a project and it is also a method for enterprises to make a break-even analysis .