
miǎn shuì
  • duty-free;tax-free;free of duty;exemption from duty;zero rates of duty
免税 [miǎn shuì]
  • [tax-free;duty-free] 免缴税款

免税[miǎn shuì]
  1. 你可以携带120瓶免税通过海关。

    You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs

  2. 海关总署允许免税进口几种外国货。

    The customs bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty .

  3. 我们在机场买了许多免税商品。

    We bought a load of duty-frees at the airport .

  4. 这笔钱的利息免税。

    The interest on the money is exempt from tax .

  5. 个人免税额的多少取决于年龄和婚姻状况。

    The personal allowance depends on your age and marital status .

  6. 非会员不具备通常会员才有的免税资格。

    Non-members do not qualify for the tax waiver normally applied to members .

  7. 人们正密切关注降低个人收入免税额度一事。

    Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances .

  8. 总统提议对那些给员工放假的企业实行免税优惠。

    The president proposed to provide tax credits to businesses that allow workers time off .

  9. 她的费用开支是免税的。

    Her expenses were allowable deductions .

  10. 船上有录像厅、一个酒吧间和一家小型免税商店。

    On the ship there are video lounges , a bar and a small duty-free shop .

  11. 只有在消费总额超过总收入的7%时才可免税。

    Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income .

  12. 这货物免税。

    This article is free of duties .

  13. 海关准许携带酒类的最大免税限量是多少?

    What 's the maximum amount of wine you 're allowed to take through customs duty-free ?

  14. 这些货物可以免税。

    These goods are subject to exemption from tax .

  15. 斩获头奖的“爆买”成为近来日本媒体上的高频词,形容大批中国游客乘巴士抵达东京购物区免税店、狂买电饭锅和高科技马桶盖等商品的行为。

    The top winning phrase , " Bakugai , " frequently appears on Japanese media in recent days , after busloads of Chinese travelers arrived at duty-free stores in Tokyo 's shopping districts , purchasing items including rice cookers and high-tech2 toilet seats .

  16. 银行在C甲板,在轮船办公室和免税商店中间。

    You can find a bank on C deck , between the ship 's office and the duty free shop .

  17. 投资研究机构晨星公司(Morningstar)评选的最佳市政债券共同基金包括富达中级市政收入基金(FidelityIntermediateMunicipalIncome)和富兰克林联邦免税收入基金(FranklinFederalTax-FreeIncome)等。

    Investment research firm Morningstar 's top muni-bond mutual-fund picks include Fidelity Intermediate Municipal Income and Franklin Federal Tax-Free Income .

  18. 约三分之一的英国人负责任地将钱存在免税个人储蓄账户(Isa)中。

    About one third of the UK population has responsibly tucked money away in tax-free individual savings accounts ( Isas ) .

  19. 乘客也可以从身着HelloKitty图案围裙的空姐那里购买限量版的免税产品,例如HelloKitty形状的面食。

    Passengers can also purchase limited edition duty-free products , such as Hello Kitty-shaped pasta , from flight attendants wearing Hello Kitty aprons .

  20. 比如,100毫升的巴宝莉情缘香水在寰宇免税集团的机场免税店里卖42.80英镑。而香水销售网站FragranceDirect的价格只有其一半,是24.75英镑。

    A 100ml bottle of Burberry Touch for example is £ 24.75 at Fragrance Direct , half the £ 42.80 for which it is sold at airports by World Duty Free .

  21. 这项法案将对年营收不足100万美元的零售商实行免税,这类企业涵盖了eBay的多数商户。

    The bill would exempt retailers with less than $ 1 million in annual revenue , which would include most eBay merchants .

  22. 身为会计师,你是不是发现晚餐的谈话不可避免地转向你朋友的新款iPad平板电脑或百慕大之旅可以免税的话题?

    The accountant who finds that the dinner conversation inevitably turns to whether or not your friend 's new iPad or trip to Bermuda is tax-deductible ?

  23. 据免税购物公司GlobalRefund统计,在法国,占游客总数不到2%的中国游客消费了15%的奢侈品。

    According to Global Refund , a company specializing in tax-free shopping for tourists , the Chinese account for 15 % of all luxury items purchased in France but less than 2 % of its visitors .

  24. 免税购物专营商环球蓝联的英国区经理戈登•克拉克(GordonClark)表示:今年,将有超过1亿名中国居民出国旅行,同时购买高端奢侈品牌。

    This year , more than 100m Chinese residents will travel abroad seeking high-end luxury brands , says Gordon Clark , UK manager for Global Blue , tax-free shopping specialists .

  25. 一些客户可能会将这件工艺品视为时尚宣言,另一些人则可能觉察出,它其实是暗指该公司具有传奇色彩的创始人、英国免税购物业亿万富翁&鲍勃•米勒(BobMiller)。

    It is an objet d'art that some clients may regard as a fashion statement , while others may detect a hidden reference to the larger-than-life founder of the firm - Bob Miller , the British duty-free shopping billionaire .

  26. 但欧亚基金会和世界自然基金会都表示,即便是那些未被列入名单的NGO也不会因这项改革蒙受最严重打击,因为和赠与不同,慈善捐款可以免税。

    But both the Eurasia Foundation and WWF said even NGOs left off the list could escape the worst impact of the change since charitable donations , as opposed to grants , were exempt from tax .

  27. 据印度英文日报TheHindu此前报道称,这位部长表示,为了吸引更多的勘探公司竞标印度油气勘探区块,他领导的印度石油天然气部正在为超深海勘探谋求十年免税优惠政策。

    The Secretary said that to attract more explorers to bid for acreages in India , his ministry is seeking 10 years tax holiday for ultra deep water exploration , according to a report by the Hindu .

  28. 英国财政部的简化税收办公室(OTS)由是奥斯本去年组建的一个机构,OTS宣布将47项减免税项目中的43项废除。

    The Treasury will scrap 43 of the 47 tax reliefs identified as ripe for abolition by the Office for Tax Simplification ( OTS ) , a body set up by Mr Osborne last year .

  29. 例如,近期的政治辩论暴露出了一些漏洞,这些漏洞让少数人得以利用免税的个人退休账户(ira)积攒数千万美元资金,而几乎所有其他人都受到2000美元缴款上限的约束。

    Recent political debates , for example , have highlighted loopholes that permit a few to accumulate tens of millions of dollars in a tax-free individual retirement account ( IRA ) when almost everyone else is constrained by a $ 2000 contribution limit .

  30. 作为一非赢利组织,你们可以申请免税。

    As a non-profit-make organization , you can claim tax exemption .