
  • 网络Workers' rights;Rights of Laborers
  1. 中国重视劳动者权利的保障。

    China attaches great importance to protection of workers ' rights .

  2. 指出了欧盟法对劳动者权利的限制与保障;

    Bring forward constraints and security of workers ' rights in EU Law ;

  3. 权利规范取向,还应该是劳动者权利规范取向。

    Orientation of right standards also should be the orientation of labor rights standards .

  4. 派遣劳动者权利保护问题研究

    Research on Rights Protection of Workers Dispatched

  5. 在建立社会主义和谐社会的过程中,我国工会维护劳动者权利的重点是维护其获得劳动报酬权利。

    In the process of building socialist harmonious society , trade unions in China should lay stress on protecting workers right to labor remuneration .

  6. 因此,劳动争议诉讼制度对于快速处理劳动争议,保护劳动者权利,构建和谐劳资关系有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the system of labor dispute lawsuit plays a vital role in handling labor dispute , protecting labors ' rights , establishing harmonious labor relations .

  7. 世界各国,包括中国法国,确定五月一日是公众假日,纪念争取更多劳动者权利进行的斗争。

    Many countries across the world , from France to China , have a public holiday on May1 , often to commemorate the fight for more workers'rights .

  8. 在现代社会,自由选择工作的权利即择业权,逐渐成为受到宪法保障的一种劳动者权利。

    In modern society , the right to free choice of work that the choice of employment and gradually become a workers ' rights guaranteed in our constitution .

  9. 本文试图探讨知识分子过劳死的法律性质,并以此为契机进一步探讨劳动法的完善,为全面保护我国知识分子劳动者权利提供参考。

    The thesis tries to make a study of legal nature of intelligentsias death from overwork and tries to probe into perfecting labor law in order to protect intelligentsias rights .

  10. 她已指示对劳动者权利进行调查,以确保这些处于零工经济中的人受益于灵活性和创新性,同时不会从裂缝中掉入18世纪的零工经济世界。

    She has ordered a review into workers " rights to make sure those in the gig economy benefit from flexibility and innovation and do not fall through the cracks into an 18th-century world .

  11. 解雇权限制问题,作为企业利益与劳动者权利互生的交集,本身体现出社会法对劳动者权利保护的思想。

    The right to dismiss the constraints of the problem , as the protection of laborers ' rights and interests of enterprises alternate intersection , demonstrate social law to laborer party inclined protection thought .

  12. 沃尔玛常德店工会主席黄兴国参与了此次纠纷,这激励了劳动者权利团体,它们表示,这是中国工人运动发展中的一个重大事件。

    The involvement of the union head , Huang Xingguo , in the Changde dispute excited worker rights groups , who said it was a significant event in the development of China 's labour movement .

  13. 文章在指出传统媒体对劳动者权利实现起到舆论支撑作用的同时,更提出网络对劳动者权利实现的积极作用。

    The article pointed out that the traditional media in the realization of rights of workers play a supporting role , also offered a network media on the rights of workers to achieve a positive role .

  14. 但我国现行立法在对公司分立中的股东利益和债权人利益保护的同时,对劳动者权利却关注不够,存在许多制度性缺陷,亟待加以充实与完善。

    But when protecting the benefits of the shareholder and the creditor , the present legislation in our country gives its attention to laborer ' rights inadequately , and has a lot of system defects to be substantiated and perfected urgently .

  15. 劳动者权利,又称劳工权利或劳动者权益,劳动者权利作为劳动法中一个非常重要的命题,它与劳动者的义务相辅相成,共同构成了劳动法律关系的核心。

    The rights of labor , also known as labor rights or labor rights . Workers ' rights as the labor law a very important proposition , its obligations and workers complement each other and together constitute the core of the labor legal relations .

  16. 正是由于这一系列的复杂原因,导致试用期逐渐成为劳动关系争议产生的敏感期,而围绕试用期内劳动者权利这一问题所产生的纠纷,也呈现出不断增加、日益复杂的情形。

    It is for these series of complex reasons , resulting in the probation period has become a " sensitive period " which produced labor relations disputes . And the disputes of employees ' rights which in probation period , showing a growing , increasing complex situation .

  17. 推动国际劳工标准的实现和保护劳动者的权利可以由ILO等其他国际组织协助各国政府、各国企业共同进行。

    ILO can well accomplish the task to cooperate with national governments and enterprises to enforce international labour standards and protect labour rights .

  18. 劳动者的权利得到了最大程度的实现。

    The rights of workers have been realized to the full .

  19. 企业劳动者的权利必须得以正视。

    Enterprises must be able to address the rights of workers .

  20. 加强劳动立法,依法保护劳动者就业权利。

    The stressing of the labor legislation and protecting of the labor right .

  21. 这种趋势的出现引发了我们对当代中国劳动关系的反思:为什么跨国资本愿意主动采取措施来保护中国劳动者的权利?

    Why does multinational capital take the initiative to protect the rights of Chinese workers ?

  22. 在拉丁美洲,由于实行新自由主义的结构改革和经济全球化的推进,劳动者的权利受到很大冲击,一些权利受到削弱,一些权利名存实亡。

    Because of the neoliberal economic reforms and globalization , Latin American workers ' rights have been greatly affected .

  23. 解雇保护是指国家对用人单位自主用工权的一种限制,其目的在于保护劳动者的权利。

    Dismissal protection is a limitation of employment right by the law , which wants to protection the right of laborer .

  24. 或许,新法的可圈可点之处在于它保护了底层劳动者的权利。

    Perhaps the best aspect of the new law is that it provides protection for people on the bottom rung of the ladder .

  25. 如今,资本约束性的劳动力机制逐步得到改善,国家正在通过政策倾向采取措施进一步保障劳动者的权利。

    Nowadays , the labor system of capital binding is being changed as the country is guaranteeing the rights of employee through policy orientation .

  26. 外国投资者关注的焦点是劳动合同法(草案),该草案可能使劳动者的权利和用人单位的义务出现重大变化。

    For foreign investors , the focus of attention is the draft employment contract law , which is likely to lead to major changes in employee rights and employer obligations .

  27. 第三章,主要介绍了在我国国有经济产权制度变迁过程中几种有影响的理论观点,并分析了它们对劳动者经济权利的影响;

    Chapter three , has mainly introduced several influential theory views about our country 's state-owned economy property institutional changes , and have analyzed their impact on labourer 's economical right ;

  28. 我们现在的经济建设不仅需要改善农民的收入和生存状况,更需要实现每一个劳动者的权利和义务的平等。

    Our present economic construction not merely needs to improve peasants ' incomes and existence states , and all the more to realize the equality of every labourer 's right and obligation .

  29. 采取有效措施保护雇员免受不公正解雇,确保被解雇者获得合理补偿,是保护劳动者工作权利的重要内容。

    There are two important elements for safeguarding the job rights to workers : to adopt effective measures to prevent employees from unfair dismissal , and to ensure the fired persons to get reasonable compensation .

  30. 蓝色贸易壁垒是继技术贸易壁垒和绿色贸易壁垒等非关税贸易壁垒的一种新型的贸易壁垒,它是以保护劳动者生存权利和劳动环境为借口采取的一种贸易保护措施。

    The blue trade barrier is one of the various forms of new non-tariff trade barriers , it is a trade measure which is taken on the pretext of protecting the labor right and work environment .