
  • 网络Labor Statistics
  1. 关于劳动统计的国际建议

    International recommendation on labor statistics

  2. 根据劳动统计局调查显示,一般人每天要花4.09小时用来娱乐。

    The average person spends 4.09 hours on leisure activities per day according to a survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  3. 目前我国有两种劳动统计。

    China currently has two types of employment statistics .

  4. 我国现行劳动统计的问题

    Problems of Current Employment Statistics in China

  5. 本文从劳动统计、就业体制和社会保障等方面为隐性就业的显性化提出了几点建议。

    The paper puts forward some suggestions forthe transparence of recessive employment from labor statistics , employment system and social insurance perspectives .

  6. 你可以从网上搜索资料,同时可以用《劳动统计局职业前景手册》之类的政府出版物做为辅助。

    You can start your research online , with government publications such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics ' Occupational Outlook Handbook .

  7. 劳动统计局受权执行定期搜集和报告劳动力统计数字的重要任务。

    The Bureau of Labour Statistics is empowered with the important task of regularly collecting and reporting statistics on the labor force .

  8. 根据劳动统计局的数据,事实上,在成年人生中,人们往往会至少换十份工作。

    In fact , workers tend to changes jobs at least ten times during their adult life , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  9. 本文通过讨论两种劳动统计在统计方法上的差异来揭示它们在统计结果上出现差异的原因,目的是对在经济分析中正确使用劳动统计提供帮助。

    This paper investigates important differences between the two statistics in statistical coverage and survey methodology and their likely consequences in economic analysis using these statistics .

  10. 对人事劳动统计数据处理的科学性和合理性也是关系到新型体制运作成效的核心问题。

    Personnel and Labor Statistics for data processing of scientific rationality is the core issue which is related to the effective operation of the new system .

  11. 此外,美国劳动统计局还预测,生物工程领域的就业机会将会激增61.7%,跟其他榜上有名的专业相比,这一增幅亦位列第一。

    Moreover , the BLS projects a whopping 61.7 % growth of job opportunities in the field & the most of any other major on the list .

  12. 这些时间都用来干嘛了?根据劳动统计局调查显示,一般人每天要花4.09小时用来娱乐。

    Where could it possibly go ? The average person spends 4.09 hours on leisure activities per day according to a survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  13. 根据劳动统计局的数据,自2005年第一季度以来,美国制造业的单位劳动力成本增加不到4%。

    In American manufacturing , unit labour costs have risen by less than 4 % since the first quarter of 2005 , according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics .

  14. 根据美国劳动统计局的材料,如果你有会计学士学位证书的话,年收入可达$63180。

    Armed with a bachelor 's degree in accounting , you could make an average annual salary of $ 63,180 , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( BLS ) .

  15. 医师助理学位的另一项优势是:据劳动统计局的数据称,到2020年为止,其就业机会有望增加30%(从2010年的就业数字来看)。

    Another advantage of a physician assistant degree : Employment opportunities are expected to grow 30 % by 2020 ( from the 2010 employment numbers ), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  16. 随着军队人员的不断增加,军队数据处理信息化的不断提高,人事劳动统计数据处理系统化也渐渐受到了军队的关注。

    With the increase of military personnel , military data processing information technology continues to improve , a systematic statistical data processing personnel and labor has gradually been the concern of the military .

  17. 根据劳动统计局提供的数据,自经济大萧条结束至接下来经济复苏阶段的34个月,政府提供的工作岗位明显增多了,平均每月增长5.9%。

    Government payrolls typically swell in economic recoveries , by 5.9 % on average during the first 34 months after a recession has ended , according to data from the Bureau of labour statistics .

  18. 文章应用中国历年劳动统计年鉴和2000年人口普查数据,对中国产业职业别隔离状况进行检验与分析,重点对平方根指数进行测度,得出相关的结论。

    Based on the Yearbooks of Labor Statistics and Census Data of 2000 of China , the extents of sectoral / occupational gender segregation are examined , mainly by emphasizing on the measure of Square Root Index .

  19. 本文将会从一些文献中选取一些失业率的估计方法进行整合,并对《中国统计年鉴》和《中国劳动统计年鉴》中的数据进行细细地研究,找到一个最佳的估计方法。

    From some of the literature , this article will select some of the unemployment rate estimation methods to integrate , make a research on the data from China Statistical Yearbook and China Labor Statistical Yearbook , and find a best estimate .

  20. 根据最新的劳动部门统计显示少数民族没有得到公平的发展机会。

    According to the latest Department of Labor Statistics minorities are not fairly represented .

  21. 据劳动部门统计,年末城镇登记失业率为1.18%,处于调控指标以内;

    According to the statistics from labor department , the urban unemployment rate through unemployment registration was 1.18 percent , within the controlling range .

  22. 根据劳动局统计数字表明,有五分之一的人一周要工作49个小时或者更多;

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , one out of five of us put in 49 or more hours a week on the job ;

  23. 据劳动部门统计,1994年收缴养老保险基金707.4亿元,1995年收缴950亿元,到2000年达到3253亿元。

    According to the statistics of the labor department , the endowment insurance fund was $ 70,740,000,000 in 1994 , $ 95,000,000,000 in 1995 and reached $ 325,300,000,000 in 2000 .

  24. 本文采用历年中国劳动保障统计年鉴、江苏统计年鉴、江苏省从业人口生命表中的有关数据,用改进后的年龄分组方法建立了制度内人口模型,主要用于标定测算基期的人口状态;

    The use of Chinese labor Statistics yearbook , Jiangsu Statistical Yearbook , Jiangsu Province Practitioners life-sheet on the table data using improved methods of the age group system established population models , mainly for the demarcation of the state 's population estimates base period ;

  25. 此系统的启用,淘汰了传统的人工磅秤、数包计量方式,大大减轻了人员劳动强度,统计效率高,速度快。

    The system can replace the traditional method in measuring the material by balance or " counting sacks ", greatly decreasing labour intensity and raising efficiency .

  26. 为了减轻林业技术人员的劳动强度,保证统计资料正确无误,采用EXCEL办公软件,通过建立重点公益林小班因子一览表完成重点公益林的区划、界定及统计工作。

    In order to lighten the labor intensity of technical personnel in forestry and to ensure the correct statistic data acquisition , the EXCEL software is adopted to set up a table of subcompartment factors to achieve the management , boundary definition and statistics of prior non-commercial forest .