
  1. 缺乏体育劳务消费的场所是制约大学生体育劳务消费的最主要因素。

    The insufficient place of sports service expense is the principal factor that restricts college students'sports service expense .

  2. 消费结构按消费品本身存在的形式可分为实物消费品与劳务消费品。

    The structure of consumption can be divided into the consumption of goods and the consumption of service according to the form of its existence .

  3. 体育消费是指人们在参与体育活动方面的个人劳务消费支出,在现实生活中是不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Sports consumption refers to the individual labor people in sports activities in consumer spending , it is an indispensable important part of real life .

  4. 体育消费水平是指按人口平均的体育实物消费资料和劳务消费资料的数量。

    The level of spoors consumption refers to the consumption of sports machines in average of people in addition to the consumption of the service .

  5. 体育实物消费和体育劳务消费是大学生最主要的消费形式,大学生体育劳务消费水平较低;

    Sports object expense and sports service expense are the main forms of college students'sports expense , in which , the level of students'sports service expense is relatively low .

  6. 学生的实物消费水平明显高于劳务消费水平,男、女大学生的劳务消费水平无明显差别,但体育消费动机存在明显差别。

    In the respect of service consume level , there is no obvious difference between male and female students , but in the motive of sports consume , there is obvious .

  7. 辽宁省大学生对体育劳务消费的态度总体上是积极的,但女生的态度明显比男生更积极;

    The attitude of the consumption on sports of the college students in Liaoning province is good , but female students ' attitude is obviously much more positive than that of the male ;

  8. 学生年生活费用水平、性别是影响学生体育信息消费的主要客观因素;学生来源是影响学生体育劳务消费的主要客观因素。

    The student annual living cost and gender are the main objective determinant factors of sport information consumption , and the place where student come from is the main objective factor which determinate service consumption .

  9. 政府在体育产业中的职能定位存在偏差,职能转变缓慢,体育消费市场的实物消费远远大于体育劳务消费,则是我国体育产业发展的主观阻力。

    The function location of government in the sports industry existed deviation and the function transfer was slow . It is a subjective resistance in the development of sports industry of China that the substance consumption in the sports consumption market is much more than the sports labor consumption .

  10. 失业者不得不缩减商品和劳务的消费。

    People who become unemployed have to reduce their consumption of goods and services .

  11. 体育物质产品消费大于体育信息产品消费,体育劳务产品消费最低;

    Sports substance consuming goods are bigger than sports information consumption . Sports service consuming is the lowest in the all .

  12. 一个国家的生活水平是指该国居民对社会产品和劳务的消费程度。

    The " standard of living " of any country means the average person 's share of the goods and services which the country produces .

  13. 位置消费使人们追求效用极大化的行为从单纯的商品和劳务的消费变成自己消费和别人消费的比较,从独立消费变为不独立的消费比较。

    Then , in pursuing the maximum of utility , human being change the pure consumption of goods and services to comparison of his own consumption with that of others , from the independent consumption to comparison of dependent consumption .

  14. 因为此时他们正处于对体育有特定偏好的年龄段,是体育实物和服务、劳务、产品消费的主要群体。

    During this time , they have particular interest in some exercises and they are the main consuming group on the sports products , labors , and services .

  15. 其次,从消费活动所涉及的消费主体(消费者)、客体(消费品和劳务)、消费环境三大基本因素的角度,阐述了目前我国居民消费的主要制约因素。

    Secondly , on the basis of the analysis of three basic aspects : consume subject ( consumer ), consume object ( consume products and services ) and consumer environment , the thesis sets forth the current main restricting factors of domestic household consumption .

  16. 最笼统的说,这包括保护财产的规则,规范资本、劳务、金融和消费市场的规章以及鼓励措施。

    These include , most generally , rules that protect property and the regulations and incentives that structure capital , labor , and financial and consumer markets .