
láo dònɡ hé tonɡ jiū fēn
  • labor contract dispute;dispute over a labor contract
  1. 论农民工劳动合同纠纷解决的法律机制构建

    Establishment of Legal Mechanism to Settle Contract Dispute between Peasant Workers

  2. 目前在我国日益增多的涉外劳动合同纠纷中,法律适用问题成为人们关注的焦点。

    Application of law becomes an important issue with the increasing labor disputes .

  3. 在转会过程中,职业足球运动员与俱乐部之间因为劳动合同的纠纷也随之增多。

    In the process of transfer , the dispute on labor contract between the professional football players and the club also increase .

  4. 我国多年不断推行和完善、加强书面劳动合同制度,非但没有减少和杜绝劳动纠纷,反而导致与劳动合同有关的纠纷逐年大量增加。

    We are implementing , improving and stressing the written labor contract system in many years , but only bring abort more and more disputes yearly .