
  1. 实际情形属于法律规定的“客观情况发生重大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行”条件。

    The actual situation belongs to the condition of " labor contract is unable to be fulfilled for objective conditions have changed significantly " stipulated by law .

  2. 实际履行原则是指注重以劳动合同实际履行的内容作为法律调整的劳动合同双方的权利义务的法律原则。

    The actual performance principle is a legal principle stressing the actual performance , which takes the contents of the actual performance as the rights and obligations of labor contracts .

  3. 在劳动合同的实际履行中,劳动合同变更是一种常见的现象。

    In the actual performance of the labor contract , changes in the contract is a common phenomenon .

  4. 劳动争议由劳动合同履行地或者用人单位所在地的劳动争议仲裁委员会管辖。

    A labor dispute arbitration commission at the place of performance of a labor contract or at the place of residence of an employer shall have jurisdiction of a labor dispute .

  5. 其次要在劳动合同的订立、履行、变更、解除、终止、争议和诉讼等环节确立相应的应对策略和措施。

    And then in the labor contract to enter into , cany out , change , disarmament , termination , disputes and litigation and other aspects of the establishment of the corresponding strategies and measures to deal with .

  6. 如果劳动者不要求继续履行劳动合同或者劳动合同已经不能继续履行的,应支付经济补偿金。

    If employees are not required to continue to carry out labor contracts or labor contracts can not continue to be carried out , employers should pay compensation .

  7. 诚信原则贯穿劳动合同法的始终,在劳动合同的订立、履行、解除等各阶段都得到了充分的运用。

    The good faith principle has been carried on throughout all stages from formation , fulfillment to cancellation of the labor contract law .

  8. 劳动合同签订时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使原劳动合同无法履行,应变更劳动合同。

    The labor contract should be changed if the objective conditions on which the labor contract is based change so significantly that the original labor contract can not be carried out .

  9. 经济性裁员是指劳动合同订立时所依据的客观经济情况发生重大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,或者在经营中遇到严重困难,用人单位需要裁减比例众多成员的情形。

    The institution of economic layoffs is such a circumstance that the labor contract can not be effected or is in trouble because the objective circumstance of the labor contract has changed so much , which leads to economic layoffs of large proportion .

  10. 和谐劳动关系是和谐社会的重要组成部分。在构建和谐劳动关系的过程中,工会应监督劳动合同履行情况,指导职工与企业协商签订劳动合同;

    Harmonious industrial relations are one important constitution of harmonious society .

  11. 然后,对劳动关系协调法进行经济分析,分析了劳动合同不完全性、附合性、劳动合同的订立、履行和解除及其法律规制,分析了集体合同的正、负面效应;

    Then , gives economic analysis of the law of moderating labor relations , of the incompletion , the conformability , the conclusion , the fulfilling and the canceling of labor contract and their legal adjustments , of positive and negative effects of collective contract law .