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fǎ shù
  • magic arts;theurgy;magic
法术 [fǎ shù]
  • [theurgy;magic arts] 泛指方术之士所采用的画符、念咒等迷信手段。亦指神仙和道人呼风唤雨、驱邪除病等手段

法术[fǎ shù]
  1. 以美刺释比兴的阐释模式也是原始法术思维模式积淀的结果。

    And lastly , the mode to explain " Bi / Xing " from beauty and satire may result from the thinking mode by primitive magic arts .

  2. 人类的思维经历了动作思维法术思维语言思维三个阶段,艺术和诗是在思维的演变中产生的。

    Human thinking model has been gone through three stages , from movement thinking model to magic arts thinking model , and then to the thinking model of languages . Arts and poems are produced with the development of thinking model .

  3. 敌法师用守护魔法来抵御负面法术的攻击。

    Magina channels a powerful warding magic damping the negative effects of spells .

  4. 正是这一思绪的变化让奇异博士分了心,导致法术没有按预期施展,轰的一声,顷刻间平行宇宙乱套了。

    Those second thoughts distract Doctor Strange enough that the spell doesn 't cast as intended and boom : instant multiverse madness .

  5. 找到魔法或灵能陷阱的DC等于25+制造此陷阱法术的法术等级。

    Finding a magic or psionic trap has a DC of25 + the level of the spell or power used to create it .

  6. 结果:本法术后24h内大鼠死亡率为11.82%;

    Result : Rat mortality was 11.82 % in 24 hours after operation .

  7. 两种吻合法术后吻合通畅率在术后24小时及术后7天时无统计学差异(P0.05);

    There were no significant differences of patency rate between the two methods at the 24-hour and the 7-day after operation .

  8. 魔法免疫(Su):收割傀儡免疫任何允许被抵抗的法术或类法术能力。

    Immunity to Magic ( Su ): A harvest golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance .

  9. 每当他们施放一个奥术法术的时候,UI会向太阳靠近,并且增加他们的自然伤害;

    Whenever they cast an Arcane spell , it will move the UI closer to the sun , and buff their Nature damage .

  10. 传奇法术等级:传奇法术没有明确的等级。

    Epic Spell Levels : Epic spells have no fixed level .

  11. 无动于衷,像他,我倾听你的法术。

    Unhurt , like him , your Charms I 'll hear .

  12. 这段话只有说法师不能施放法术在近战中的部队。

    Wizards cannot cast spell at units engaged in close combat .

  13. 这些效果包括两类:类法术和超自然。

    These effects come in two types : spell-like and supernatural .

  14. 类法术能力才是本书所关注的。

    Only spell-like abilities are important for purposes of this book .

  15. 部分提供法术能量加成的单手武器现在仅能主手使用。

    Some one-hand spell power weapons are now main hand only .

  16. 你研究的法术一点好处也没有。

    Nothing good came of your studies into the magical arts .

  17. 迷惑效果只有这个法术造成了伤害后才会发动。

    The disorient effect will only occur if damage is dealt .

  18. 魔石权力:该天赋现在有一个独特的法术效果。

    Demonic Empowerment : This talent now has a unique spell effect .

  19. 它的效果将等同于一个10级术士所施展的弱能法术。

    This is identical with the enervation spell cast by a10th-level sorcerer .

  20. 风暴打击-20%伤害又改回只增加自然法术伤害。

    Stormstrike-20 % damage increase now only effects Nature spells .

  21. 法术也不能解放你的百姓。

    No magician 's trick will set your people free .

  22. 套装:使你的法术伤害提高,其数值相当于你当前智力值的7%。

    Increases spell damage by up to7 % of your total Intellect .

  23. 这些法术依照术士/师的法术列表。

    These spells are drawn from the sorcerer / wizard spell list .

  24. GB/T4470-1998火焰发射、原子吸收和原子荧光光谱分析法术语

    " Analytical spectroscopic methods-Flame emission , atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence-Vocabulary "

  25. 断没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。

    There is no sorcery against Jacob , no divination against Israel .

  26. 主人的召唤现在有一个新的法术效果。

    Master 's Call now has a new spell effect .

  27. 玩家使用该物品所必须学会的法术。

    Player must know this spell to use the item .

  28. 法术被认为有魔力的举动或话语。

    An action or formula thought to have magical power .

  29. 乱射:这个法术也将被范围伤害上限作用。

    Volley : This spell is now affected by area damage caps .

  30. 又是女巫的法术那一套?

    Elena : Is the whole witch mojo thing again ?