- Legal codification;codification of law

Except for inherited laws compiling habit and legal methodology of Tang dynasty and Five dynasties period , codification in Song dynasty appears some new characteristics .
In the legal compilation form , Song dynasty and the Tangut had their own characteristics , they were concerning with Politics , economy , and culture .
Secondly , introduces the state responsibility for trans-boundary environmental damage , the concept of state responsibility constitution important document as well as the system of state responsibility for trans-boundary environmental damage in the treaty practice .
Compiled from the law in the comparison of the form , we can see the law in legislation compiled more colorful , this was the result of the Chinese legal system development regularity and diversity .
Laws compiling form in song dynasty is unceasingly rich , flexible development , the Tangut have a degree of reference and heritage about it and with his nation and the needs of the regime . So , laws compiling form of the Tangut has his own start-up and characteristics .
It still belongs to the codification of laws forms , rather than simply legislation .
During Song Dynasty , Juristic Record Codification made great progress .
Achievements in compiling law history in the Tang Dynasty
On Achievements of Juristic Record Codification in Song Dynasty The Definition of Document : a New Viewpoint
From the law itself , the characteristics of the compilation of the legal form was concerned with Legal development rule .
In this part focuses on the state responsibility for trans-boundary environmental damage liability in solving the problem of international legal documents , expounds the legal codification of state responsibility .