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  1. 经过数学推理,导出裂步Fourier法真振幅偏移和Fourier有限差分法真振幅偏移的算子方程,并给出其具体的实现过程。

    Moreover , the Split Step Fourier ( SSF ) and Fourier Finite Difference ( FFD ) migration operators with true amplitude are derived by mathematical inference and specific steps are given .

  2. 那种新的药物治疗法真的使我目瞪口呆。

    That new medication really knocked me for a loop .

  3. 首先,这法真的实用么?

    First of all , is the law really practical ?

  4. 但是这种排毒法真的能够清除体内毒素吗?

    But can such detox regimens really flush out toxins from our bodies ?

  5. 你没法真的保密。

    You can 't really keep it quiet .

  6. 结果法真的过时了吗&英语写作教学结果法与过程法的比较研究

    Is Product Approach Outdated ? & A Comparative Study on the Product and Process Approach in EFL College English Context in China

  7. 再经过一系列数学变换,推导出裂步傅里叶法真振幅偏移和傅里叶有限差分法真振幅偏移的波场外推方程。

    After a series of mathematical transformation , the paper deduced the wave fields extrapolation equations used for split-step Fourier true amplitude migration and Fourier finite-difference true amplitude migration .

  8. 张先生的译法真是“道地到廿四分”的直译,每个前置词,他都译了过来,然而他这篇译文是没人看得懂的。

    Zhang 's translation is an " one hundred percent " literary translation , omitting not even a single preposition . however , no one could understand this translation .

  9. 如果拉法真的离去,我有一种感觉,我们认识的利物浦将渐渐死去。

    If Rafa leaving us does come to pass , I have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end of Liverpool FC as we know it .

  10. 电脉冲介导基因转移法在真核细胞表达CD4和CD(19)抗原

    Electroporation transfer of human leukocyte differentiation antigenes CD_4 , CD_ ( 19 ) genes into mammalian cells

  11. 溶胶凝胶法对真丝绸的固色及负离子效应

    Fixing and Negative Air Ion Effect on Silk by Sol-Gel Process

  12. 想看到感动,但是没法得到真的感动。

    Want to see touched , but can not get really touched .

  13. 散射参考光法制作真彩色全息图

    True colour hologram making with a scattering reference light

  14. 用于日文输入法的真嵌入式转换

    True inline conversion for Japanese IME

  15. 当我发现中国的小学老师教孩子读英文单词不使用基础语音教学法时真是感到惊愕。

    I was amazed to find that primary-school teachers in China do not use phonics in teaching children how to read .

  16. 本文主要研究服装热舒适性特征的描述方法,小气候状态参数的测定法及真丝绸服装的热舒适性特征。

    The paper studies the thermal Comfort characteristic of the silk fabric and the comfort , The method of expressing the misscroclimate parameters .

  17. 但是关于头脑风暴法是否真的有效,研究者们众说纷纭,并没有一个一致的结论。

    But if brainstorming is really effective , researchers have different opinions on it . There is no evidence to support unified conclusion .

  18. 自然批评论是以自然哲学和人生哲学作为背景,以天道论人道,用自然眼光去广泛考察人生处世方式和态度,主张自然、自由、朴素的人生理想,要求法天贵真。

    The critical idea of nature takes the natural philosophy and life philosophy as background using the natural rule to compare with human life .

  19. 本论文介绍了公式蕴含的几种证法:真值表法、等价演算法、直接证法、间接证法等,灵活应用公式蕴含的证明方法,有利于逻辑推理的顺利进行。

    The paper introduces several methods of proof about formula implication : truth table method ; equivalent performing mathematical calculations method ; direct method ;

  20. 诉讼当事人之间的协议,合意假定某种事实或者法为真或者相关。

    Stipulation-An agreement between the parties involved in a suit , agreeing that a certain fact or law will be assumed to be true or relevant .

  21. 尊贵的儿子,如果法不是真的,它就不能被叫做真的真实。

    Noble son , if the Dharma is not true , then it cannot be called the'real Truth ' . Noble son , the real Truth is devoid of cognitive distortions .

  22. 这种方法滑板厚方向未作任何有关应力和位移的人为假设,而是采用状态空间法给出真解,所以可通用于薄、厚板及强厚板的动力计算问题。

    By giving up any assumption of displacements and stresses in thick direction , the exact solution in the direction of thickness is derived by the state space control method , so it can be employed for the transient analysis of both thin and thick plates .

  23. 根据母子相亲机制和V形调控模型,以及回文规则,我们设计出了一种尾随片段搜索筛选法,预测真核生物基因的互控关系。

    According to MSAF , V GRM and the palindrome rule , We designed a tail segment searching filtration method , predicting gene regulation relationships of eukaryotes .

  24. 接着采用Yamamoto检验法确定了真突变年份;

    Secondly , ascertained the real jump years by the means of Yamamoto checking ;

  25. 均测定空腹IRI(RIA法)和真胰岛素(ELISA法)水平,计算胰岛β细胞功能指数和胰岛素抵抗指数,进行各组间的对比分析。

    Fasting IRI and true insulin ( TI ) were determined with radioimmunoassay and ELISA respectively , and the pancreatic β cell function index ( Homa β ) and insulin resistance index ( Homa IR ) were calculated , then the results were compared and analyzed among the groups .

  26. 手术台游戏没法应付心碎真说明问题

    Can 't handle a broken heart . How very telling .

  27. 氦气替换法测定煤真相对密度的原理与测试

    Discussion on the principle and measurement of helium replacement method for testing true relative density

  28. 在此基础上,提出了利用空间&时间(滤波)叠加法实现向真动校正叠加的逼近。

    On that bases , the paper presented using space-time ( filtering ) stack approach to realize approaching to true NMO stack .

  29. 本文论述了铁路上常用的太阳高度法测定天体真方位角各类误差的影响。

    In this paper , all kinds of error 's influence was expounded of the sun altitude method often used on the railway upon determining heavenly body azimuth .

  30. 介绍了冷轧堆法练白真丝绸的原理,堆置时间和助剂浓度对练减率的影响。

    It is introduced the principle of silk degumming and bleaching with cold pad batch and the effects of batching up time and additive concentration on degumming loss percentage .