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  1. 审视常家庄园这个典型的中国古代北方民居建筑,可以有很多不同的视角。

    There are many view angle to scan the mansion of the Changs , which was the typical archaic building in north of Chinese .

  2. 把中国传统的和文化、四合院结构元素,与现代建筑设计理念相结合,用于中国北方民居小区设计。

    It also combined the Chinese traditional culture , structural elements of courtyard houses and modern architectural design ideas together to use them on design of folk house subdistricts in northern China .

  3. 同时,丁村民居作为我国北方民居的典型标本,其宅院空间组织、细部装饰和技术处理等都有独到之处。

    Furthermore , as the representative in the north part of China , the traditional dwelling of Ding Village has the unique character on the spatial organization , the detailed decoration and the technical treatment .

  4. 首先,论文详细介绍了石雕构件的发展源流、形制、题材、功能、民间习俗、与当地庙宇的关系,并将通海石雕与北京为代表的北方民居石雕艺术进行比较。

    First , the paper introduces the development headstream , shapes , themes , functions and folk customs of the of stone carvings , and makes a comparison between the local temple and the Beijing resident stone carvings , as a representative of the northern .

  5. 生态规划理念在我国北方传统民居的应用

    Application of Concept of Ecological Planning in Traditional Houses of North China

  6. 中国北方传统民居装饰艺术与特征

    Decorative art in northern traditional folk house and its characteristics

  7. 从而揭示中国北方传统民居中文化的丰富内涵以及潜藏于其中的伦理道德。

    By doing this , we try to reveal the rich cultural connotation of the traditional vernacular dwellings in northern China as well as the ethics and morals hiding in it .

  8. 北京四合院是中国北方四合式民居建筑的代表,在住宅方位确定、院落布局、建筑工艺、庭院美化、油饰彩绘等方面都体现出独特的建筑风格。

    The Quadrangle Dwellings of Beijing , which showed its particular architectural style in orientation , overall arrangement , architectural technique , prettification , are the representative of common quadrangle dwellings in North China .