
  • 网络Beidi;Nortek;Northern Di;nouth-barbarous;northern barbarians
北狄 [běi dí]
  • [Di nationality] 古代北方少数民族的统称

  • 唯北狄(此指北魏)野心,掘(同倔)强(jiàng)沙塞之间。-- 南朝齐. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  1. 论隋至清北狄裔族的地位及其历史贡献

    On the Status and Historical Contribution of the Northern Minorities from Sui to Qing Dynasty

  2. 北狄是先秦时期重要的一支部族,分为赤狄、白狄二支。

    Beidi , as an important tribe in the pre-Qin period , is split into Chidi and Baidi .

  3. 北方草原重要古文化区氏族的经济形态&兼论北狄与西戎何时成为游牧部落

    Economic Formation of the Clans in the Important Cultural Region of the Northern Grassland : A Concurrent Analysis on the Time of Bei Di and Xi Rong Became the Nomadic Tribe