
  • 网络Streets in Beijing
  1. 在进行交通管制的4天中,北京街道上减少了130万辆机动车。

    During four days of traffic restrictions , 1.3m fewer cars were on city streets .

  2. 马晗在《蚂蚁的计划》中,将北京街道交通实景的照片组合。

    Play of Ants by Ma Han is a montage of images of the streets of Beijing .

  3. 宁夏地区的渠道衬砌明代北京街道沟渠的管理

    On irrigation ditch building in Ningxia The Management of Beijing City Streets and Drainage System in Ming Dynasty

  4. 北京街道沿线的餐馆、理发店,以及商店的老板每人都领到了一个红袖章,而且都自豪地戴着。

    Restaurant owners , barbers and shopkeepers along Beijing 's streets were all given a red armband and everybody is wearing them with pride .

  5. 作者利用1998年北京街道一级调查数据进行城市社会区分析。

    Using data from a 1998 survey and other sources in Beijing at the subdistrict level , this research found that differentiations of social areas were taking place in Beijing .

  6. 也许这只是一辆奔驰在北京街道上的豪车,但却成为中央财经大学的热门话题。

    It may just be another expensive car shuttling about the streets of Beijing , but it 's become the talk of the town at the Beijing-based Central University of Finance and Economics ( CUFE ) .

  7. 从古至今,秩序井然、形状规整的北京街道本应是控制力的体现。数十年来,这里的街道已经被划分成了主路和辅路,主路上跑的是数量相对较少的汽车,辅路则是为成群的自行车准备的。

    Since ancient times the roads of the capital were meant to be an orderly , geometric reflection of control , and for decades the roads have been divided between main roads for the few cars and side lanes intended for the river of bicycles .

  8. 与中国的其他城市相比,北京的街道并不是最混乱的。

    Beijing 's streets are not the most anarchic in China .

  9. 基于中心地理论的北京城市街道活力研究

    Research on the Vitality of Urban Streets Based on Central Place Theory

  10. 北京市街道1990年汽车污染予测

    Prediction of Automobile Pollution on Beijing Streets in 1990

  11. 北京的街道上呈现着迷人的过去与现在融合的景象。

    Beijing 's streets provide a fascinating mix of the past and the present .

  12. 北京市街道空气中一氧化碳污染规律的研究

    An Investigation of the Law of Carbon Monoxide Pollution in the Air of Beijing Streets

  13. 北京的街道上站满了成千上万的人,大家一起庆祝这个城市的成功。

    Beijing 's streets were crowed with thousands of people celebrating the city 's success .

  14. 北京的街道上有很多简陋的小饭馆,各个都有自己的特色。

    The streets are filled with thousands of hole-in-the-wall restaurants , each with its own specialties .

  15. 紧急状态下的国家动员与社区行动&以非典时期的北京某街道为例

    The Roles of State and Community Organizations in Emergencies : A Case Study of Communities ( Beijing ) in the Challenge of SARS

  16. 我赞成。马拉松比赛将穿过北京的街道。到时候全城将有数千人观看。

    A.I agree . And the race goes all through the streets of Beijing . There will be thousands watch-ing it throughout the city .

  17. 文章选取了成府路作为当代北京城市街道的典型案例,重点探讨其开放空间整合度的问题。

    In the thesis , Chengfu Road is chosen as a typical example of streets in Beijing , and integration degree of street open space will be discussed .

  18. 在北京的街道之外,她只是穿梭于全球各地、有事业心的众多专业人士中的一员,他们在发达市场和新兴市场之间进行着双向交流。

    Beyond the streets of Beijing , she is just one member of a vast army of career-minded professionals criss-crossing the world in a two-way exchange between developed and emerging markets .

  19. 北京暴风雨过后街道塌陷。

    Sink holes in Beijing streets after rainstorm .

  20. 金国民从1981年开始就在北京大栅栏街道的西河沿胡同经营着一家清真餐馆。

    Jin Guomin has been running a Halal restaurant in the Xi He Yan Hutong in Beijing 's Dashilanr sub-district since 1981 .

  21. 最尖锐的批评来自午夜时分新浪微博上的一系列图片。这些图片把北京积水的街道跟其他知名首都的排水系统做了一番对照,包括东京大规模的地下神殿防洪系统。

    Among the sharpest criticisms came in the form of a series of photos , posted to Sina Weibo around midnight , contrasting Beijing 's flooded streets with images of sewer systems in other famous capitals , including Tokyo 's massive ' Underground Temple ' flood prevention system .

  22. 前门大街历史悠久,是北京古老的商业街道。

    Time-honored Qianmen Dajie is an ancient business street of Beijing .

  23. 北京的人在街道中戴面具吗?每个人都要照顾好自己哦!

    Do people in beijing wear masks in the street ? everybody takes care of yourself !

  24. 在北京城北,每条街道上都正在兴建摩天办公大楼与豪华饭店。

    To the north in Beijing , every block has its own office tower and luxury hotel under construction .

  25. 分析了北京市海淀区街道平房区垃圾管理存在的问题,并提出相应的管理对策。

    Existing problems of waste management in street cottage areas of Haidian district , Beijing were analyzed , and corresponding management countermeasures were put forward .

  26. 网友在新浪微博上发布了一系列照片,对比北京陷入汪洋的街道和世界上其它首都城市的排水系统,这意味着如果北京有更好的排水系统,本可以阻止这场大规模洪灾的发生。

    The chides included a series of photos on Sina Weibo contrasting Beijing 's flooded streets with images of sewer systems in other famous capitals , suggesting that a better sewer system could have prevented the massive flooding .