
  • 网络Legal environment
  1. 完善的社会主义市场经济必须要有一个良好的法治环境。

    The improved socialist market economy needs a good legal environment .

  2. 优化非公有制经济发展的政策与法治环境

    Optimizing the Policy and Legal Environment of Non-public Economy Development

  3. 泸州市法治环境分析

    Talking about the environment of Rule by Law in Luzhou city

  4. 通过建立健全行政法律制度来优化法治环境;

    Through establish the administrative rule to optimize the law environment ;

  5. 西部地区生态文明建设与法治环境的建构

    Construction of the Western Region Ecological Civilization and Rule of Law Environment

  6. 发展生物经济及其法治环境的营造

    On developing the biological economy and building relevant surroundings governed by law

  7. 社会缺乏外部法治环境。

    We have no external environment of rule by law .

  8. 构建西部开发的良好法治环境

    To Build Good Legal System Environment of Western Wide Development

  9. 营造贵阳市西部大开发良好的法治环境

    Create a Favorable Law Environment for the Western Development in Guiyang City

  10. 关图觳榭知识产权战略;中部地区;法治环境。

    Intellectual property rights strategy ; Middle area ; Government by law environment .

  11. 为各国在华企业创造公平经营的法治环境

    To create a fair legal environment for foreign firms doing business in China

  12. 西部开发法治环境研究

    Study Environment of Rule by Law in Exploration and Development of West Region

  13. 我国教育法治环境的构建

    The Construction of Legal Educational Environment in China

  14. 良好的法治环境能保证奥运会的成功举办,成功的奥运会呼唤法治环境的支撑和保护。

    The good legal environment can guarantee the successful holding of the Olympic Games .

  15. 文明法治环境由文明法治的思想观念体系、行为模式体系和制度结构体系构成。

    Civilized legal environment consists of legal ideology , conduct patterns and system structure .

  16. 创造良好的法治环境;

    Creating sound environment governing by law ;

  17. 创建文明法治环境的初步构想

    Preliminary Conception on Establishing Civilized Legal Environment

  18. 实施《行政许可法》进一步优化法治环境

    Implementing the Administrative Licensing Law to Further Optimizing the Environment for the Rule of Law

  19. 西部大开发需要法律保障和推进,营造一个良好的法治环境,增强法治意识。

    The great development of Western China needs legal guarantee , law environment and law consciousness .

  20. 而法治环境的进一步改善为非犯罪化提供了良好的外部条件。

    The rule of law to further improve the environment of non-crime provides a good external conditions .

  21. 试论检察机关在为西部大开发营造良好法治环境方面的作用

    Discussion on the Procuratorate 's Function of Building an Appropriate Legal Environment for the Great Western Development

  22. 造成这种缺失的原因,从根本上说在于经济基础、法治环境和民众基础的缺乏。

    The reason , fundamentally , is the economic base , legal environment and lack of popular base .

  23. 法律修辞学符合中国的法治环境和法治要求。

    Legal rhetoric accords with the Chinese environment and the requirement of ruling by law rule of law .

  24. 构建诚信政府要有良好的法治环境,必须依靠制度和法律予以保障。

    The construction of an honest society needs favorable rule-of-law settings and needs systems and laws to ensure .

  25. 这些不良现象对法律权威构成威胁和破坏,影响社会法治环境,严重制约法治进程。程序法运行障碍重重有其一般性、共同性原因。

    These phenomena threaten and breach the authority of law , hence seriously impede the construction of legal state .

  26. 修改和完善相关的法律法规,营造良好的农村法治环境。

    Mend and improves the correlation statue laws and regulations , Build the well countryside rule by law environment .

  27. 经济基础、法治环境和信用环境等环境对提高县域金融运行效率起着极其重要的作用。

    Economic base , legal environment and credit environment play vital role to improve the efficiency of County Finance .

  28. 中关村科技园区法治环境的建设需要正确界定政府与市场之间的关系。

    Building the legal system of Zhongguancun Science Park requires handling correctly the relationship between the government and the market .

  29. 文明法治环境是指人们的法治观念、法治行为和法制制度等法治因素的总和。

    Civilized legal environment means the public legal awareness , legal conduct , legal system and other legal factors in general .

  30. 没有良好的法治环境,民族地区社会的稳定、经济的繁荣便无从谈起。

    Without the Favorable legal environment , ethnic autonomous areas ' social stability , economic prosperity will be out of the question .